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Help reg. xternal EEPROM

Started by deepak in MSP43021 years ago 14 replies

Hi, I am looking for a 16 bit flash mcu with JTAG support and an eeprom for non volatile data. I want to now whether an external EEPROM...

Hi, I am looking for a 16 bit flash mcu with JTAG support and an eeprom for non volatile data. I want to now whether an external EEPROM can be interfaced with MSP430f149. Please help regards Deepak Kukreja


Started by blas...@hotmail.com in MSP43014 years ago

Hello, I'm currently trying to interface my MSP430F248 with a CAT25256 EEPROM. Right now I'm attempting set the WEL (Write enable) bit on the...

Hello, I'm currently trying to interface my MSP430F248 with a CAT25256 EEPROM. Right now I'm attempting set the WEL (Write enable) bit on the EEPROM by sending the appropriate command. I load the command onto UCA0TXBUF and set the CS bit to start the transfer. According to the EEPROM datasheet, the MISO pin should be at high impedance while WEL is being set. I'm assuming since I'm not receivin...

I2C - EEPROM repeated start problem

Started by embedded2k in MSP43015 years ago 12 replies

I have an EEPROM chipset (AT24C1024B) interfaced with MSP430F248 through I2C UCB1 module. I'm able to write data to EEPROM but I'm not able to...

I have an EEPROM chipset (AT24C1024B) interfaced with MSP430F248 through I2C UCB1 module. I'm able to write data to EEPROM but I'm not able to read back from it. First, I write the offset address to EEPROM before reading from it. After transmitting the last byte, I disable the TX UCB1TXIE, clear UCB1TXIFG flag, change to I2C receiver ~UCTR, enable RX UCB1RXIE, then I issue a repeated start ...

EEPROM Corruption during Power Down

Started by shabidali in MSP43018 years ago 2 replies

Hello, We are working with MSP430fg4616 & 2.5V Microchip I2C Serial EEPROM. Need to store critical data at the time of Power Down. Using a...

Hello, We are working with MSP430fg4616 & 2.5V Microchip I2C Serial EEPROM. Need to store critical data at the time of Power Down. Using a Reset Chip also. Randomly sometimes after power down random data of EEPROM is found corrupted. Any pointers please.

MSP430F5438A eeprom isr works ONLY with extra print statements??

Started by mrai...@hofferflow.com in MSP43011 years ago 5 replies

Hi Folks, I am attempting to write/read a Microchip 24FC1025 eeprom using the intrinsic i2c on a Texas Instruments MSP430F5438A chip. This...

Hi Folks, I am attempting to write/read a Microchip 24FC1025 eeprom using the intrinsic i2c on a Texas Instruments MSP430F5438A chip. This may be a mistake because I got no hits when searching the Microchip forum for msp430 or F5438. Has anyone done this successfully and, if so, what are the pitfalls to watch out for? It is my understanding that this eeprom has two slave addresses...

msp430 i2c eeprom

Started by Alonso in MSP43018 years ago 2 replies

Hello, I bought the Olimex EasyWeb2 Development board to learn the msp430 and I'm just trying to get every peripheral on the board to work one...

Hello, I bought the Olimex EasyWeb2 Development board to learn the msp430 and I'm just trying to get every peripheral on the board to work one at a time. I finally got to the eeprom, but am having many problems. I have looked at the Olimex documentation and code examples for this board but it has not been very helpful for operating the eeprom using I2C. I found TI to have documentati...

MSP430 to emulate a SPI EEPROM

Started by John Speth in MSP43018 years ago 15 replies

Hi Group- I'm hoping to tap into your various experiences regarding a specific application I am being asked to consider: We would like to...

Hi Group- I'm hoping to tap into your various experiences regarding a specific application I am being asked to consider: We would like to support a legacy device that in the past was simply an EEPROM (25LC320 SPI compatible 4K bytes). It holds sensor calibration data. When a sensor is connected to the smart sensor host, the host reads the EEPROM data. Now we want to make the senso...

interface to eeprom

Started by shastrinvs in MSP43020 years ago 2 replies

Hi all, i am trying to interface my msp430fe427 which does not have i2c capability to an atmel 24c04 eeprom. I am following the...

Hi all, i am trying to interface my msp430fe427 which does not have i2c capability to an atmel 24c04 eeprom. I am following the guidelines gievn by TI according to thier application note"I2C interfacing of the msp430 to a 24xx series eeprom". The application interfaces a msp430x11x to a 24lc04 eepromiI am not understanding how to configure the DCO and timer to my msp430fe427. Pleas

new ATMEL AT24C512B I2C EEPROM not working with TI's MSP430F1611 I2C peripheral

Started by "Louise Chan, Jr." in MSP43016 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I have limited experience in using the TI MSP430 mcus for embedded development so I'm hoping that anybody here who has plenty...

Hi, I have limited experience in using the TI MSP430 mcus for embedded development so I'm hoping that anybody here who has plenty of experience with this mcu particularly using it with the new line of ATMEL I2C EEPROMs (AT24CxxxB) would be able to help me with my problem. I've created code to access the ATMEL AT24C512 EEPROM (this is the older version of the 64kb Atmel I2C eeprom which i...

I2C interface w/ external EEPROM

Started by pitbullpc2 in MSP43021 years ago 1 reply

Hello group. I am trying to figure out what I need to do to interface my MSP430F149 to a Microchip 24LC256 serial eeprom. I have read the...

Hello group. I am trying to figure out what I need to do to interface my MSP430F149 to a Microchip 24LC256 serial eeprom. I have read the TI doc SLAA115, "I2C Interfacing of the MSP430 to a 24xx Series EEPROM", and app. notes on the Microchip website. The SLAA115 references a sample application that no longer exists under that name on the TI site. According to what I have

MSP430 with M93CXX series EEPROM??

Started by europus in MSP43017 years ago 1 reply

Hi all, Has anyone used Microwire serial EEPROM with MSP430?? Does normal SPI works or you have to go Bit banging? Thanks in ...

Hi all, Has anyone used Microwire serial EEPROM with MSP430?? Does normal SPI works or you have to go Bit banging? Thanks in advance....

Help EEPROM MSP430F169

Started by intelliall in MSP43018 years ago 8 replies

Hello, my name is Bruce from PERU. Somebody will have code in C (Compiler IAR MSP430) to communicate with a serial EEPROM (anyone) micro...

Hello, my name is Bruce from PERU. Somebody will have code in C (Compiler IAR MSP430) to communicate with a serial EEPROM (anyone) micro MSP430F169. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPpppppppppppppp Thanks

MSP430F55xx interface with EEprom by I2C

Started by john Mcdonald in MSP43012 years ago 31 replies

Hi everyone, I need help interfacing the eeprom to MSP430F5529 through I2C please. ?I have looked at the sample codes ?offered by TI but they...

Hi everyone, I need help interfacing the eeprom to MSP430F5529 through I2C please. ?I have looked at the sample codes ?offered by TI but they are done through interrupts. ?I was wondering how to do it through poll mode. ?Thanks for your helps in advance, John.

Reading Eeprom ID

Started by Martijn Broens in MSP43016 years ago 2 replies

Hi All, I was wondering, for a project i need to connect to several eeproms (24C16 and 24C64) either will be connected via terminals...

Hi All, I was wondering, for a project i need to connect to several eeproms (24C16 and 24C64) either will be connected via terminals connectors. so i have no knowledge of which is connected at this moment. therefore i was wondering if it is possible to readout an id or so. which could in turn be used to define the brand and size of eeprom connected. is this possible? and if so does a...

Firmware for TUSB3410 (external I2C EEPROM)

Started by Alesandro Correa in MSP43015 years ago 2 replies

I have a dubt, I need to write a firmware in externa EEPROM TUSB for Virtua= lCom application. I see that have any files .cfg and .bin. Wich...

I have a dubt, I need to write a firmware in externa EEPROM TUSB for Virtua= lCom application. I see that have any files .cfg and .bin. Wich is the correct file? I=B4ve tested a few but no bouble a serial as ser= ial... tks, Alessandro =20 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09=20=09=09=20=09=20=20=20=09=09=20=20 ________________________________________________________________...

TI I2C Example Problems

Started by mrai...@hofferflow.com in MSP43011 years ago 15 replies

Hey Folks, Some of you may remember I just had a problem bit-banging an i2c interface to an eeprom, Microchip 24FC1025. That problem...

Hey Folks, Some of you may remember I just had a problem bit-banging an i2c interface to an eeprom, Microchip 24FC1025. That problem remains unsolved, with IAR and myself continuing to work on it, but right now, I am trying to interface with the eeprom using the TI built-in I2C USCIB2. I have been fighting to make a very simple (I thought) TI example titled "MSP430x54x_uscib0_i2...

I2C with MSP430F2274

Started by pratik chaudhari in MSP43017 years ago 1 reply

Hello, I am using the EZ430RF with C2000 for talking with a Microchip 24FC1025 I2C EEPROM. As I understand from the datasheet, the MSP...

Hello, I am using the EZ430RF with C2000 for talking with a Microchip 24FC1025 I2C EEPROM. As I understand from the datasheet, the MSP sends an address byte as soon as you set the flag for transmission of the start condition. The R/W bit that is the last bit of this byte and it being zero indicates that MSP is in transmitter mode. However, the EEPROM wants the last bit of the address...


Started by joshua in MSP43016 years ago 1 reply

Hai frneds, Im using msp430f169 microcontroller for my project. The thing is im interfacing it with AT25040 EEPROM in...

Hai frneds, Im using msp430f169 microcontroller for my project. The thing is im interfacing it with AT25040 EEPROM in SPI mode.Im not getting the which i send to U0TXBUF.While reading the data Im getting another data .For, Different address loctaiond im getting different data.This is how i Wrote code.Could some one guide me to read the data which i send to U0TXBUF ...

Can anyone help with sample C code for fast eeprom (24AA128 24LC128)

Started by Bobby Baskar in MSP43015 years ago 2 replies

Dear All, =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Can anyone help=A0with sample C code= for fast eeprom (24AA128 24LC128)...

Dear All, =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Can anyone help=A0with sample C code= for fast eeprom (24AA128 24LC128) writing. =A0 =A0 bobby =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=20 Add whatever you love to the Yahoo! India homepage. Try now! http://i= n.yahoo.com/trynew ------------------------------------

How to interface MSP430 fet149 to EEPROM via I2c

Started by harsha_sb in MSP43020 years ago 7 replies

Hi all, I am new to this MCU's MSP430. Presently i am trying to write a code for interface of MSP430FET149 to EEPROM (BR24C02F-W) via I2c...

Hi all, I am new to this MCU's MSP430. Presently i am trying to write a code for interface of MSP430FET149 to EEPROM (BR24C02F-W) via I2c but i am unable understand how to write a code.. please can one guide me how i could start and is there any procedure of writing code for interface... help me out ... thanks harsha S

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