Imagine Conference

Interfacing MPU6050 and AT91SAM7 using i2c protocol

Started by "ank...@gmail.com [AT91SAM]" in AT91SAM ARM10 years ago 1 reply

Hello, I am facing a problem in interfacing mpu6050 and AT91SAM7SE-EK using i2c protocol. I wanted to read temperature from a register of ...

Hello, I am facing a problem in interfacing mpu6050 and AT91SAM7SE-EK using i2c protocol. I wanted to read temperature from a register of MPU6050 but I am unable to do so. I did the following in my code: 1. Enabled the clock for twi 2. disabled the gpio pin and enabled the A-select register 3. Open drained the pins 4. cwgr value =0x2FFFF 5. mmr with the slave address 0x68, mread and 1 byt...

Yet another problem with Rev B AT91SAM7's

Started by techguy2000 in AT91SAM ARM10 years ago 18 replies

We've been using the SAM7 chips for several years with very few problems, but Atmel seems to have introduced problems with the Rev...

We've been using the SAM7 chips for several years with very few problems, but Atmel seems to have introduced problems with the Rev B devices. At least that seems to be where the troubles started. We've already hit the "must reset SPI port twice" unpublished errata. In talking to Atmel support, they were aware of the problem, but hadn't published as an errata. Nice product support. ...

SD card and SPI

Started by "ara...@yahoo.com [AT91SAM]" in AT91SAM ARM10 years ago 1 reply

Hi everyone, I found SD.c that works with SD card thorough SPI for LPC series. But I work with AT91SAM7x256 and I want to change the code...

Hi everyone, I found SD.c that works with SD card thorough SPI for LPC series. But I work with AT91SAM7x256 and I want to change the code to work with this series. I am working on USB and new to memories. This very important to me. I am so grateful for your help. can anyone help me? #include"lpc214x.h" #include "PCF8833.h" #define SD_Disable() IO0SET |= 1 < < 20

why select ARM Cortex-A5

Started by zhan...@yahoo.com in AT91SAM ARM11 years ago

MYIR has released an Atmel SAMA5D3 ARM Cortex-A5 Development Board since April 2013 which has well received by customers worldwide. The board has...

MYIR has released an Atmel SAMA5D3 ARM Cortex-A5 Development Board since April 2013 which has well received by customers worldwide. The board has one carrier board to support four different CPU modules for SAMA5D3 series processors. It is capable of running Linux and Android operating systems and offered with optional 4.3- and 7-inch LCD panels. It can work in harsh environment supporting -40 to +...

how to read Flash / SDRAM size and vendor name

Started by athukuri_ashok in AT91SAM ARM12 years ago 1 reply

Hello All, I have just joined the grioup. I'm working on AT91SAM9G45 device and using IAR workbench. I would like to read Flash /...

Hello All, I have just joined the grioup. I'm working on AT91SAM9G45 device and using IAR workbench. I would like to read Flash / SDRAM "SIZE and VENDOR NAME". Is there any API or any registers to read where I can get above information ? Thanks in advance. -Ashok ------------------------------------

Need to know code flow spi driver

Started by Ravi Gupta in AT91SAM ARM12 years ago 1 reply

SAM9 LIB symbols for Altium

Started by tom_...@topazsystems.com in AT91SAM ARM13 years ago 3 replies

I am starting a design with the SAM9G15. Since its been around a while I'm hoping someone can point me to library symbols for Altium Designer so I...

I am starting a design with the SAM9G15. Since its been around a while I'm hoping someone can point me to library symbols for Altium Designer so I don't have to create them from scratch. Thanks. TJ ------------------------------------

Redirect ADS7846 interrupt from IRQ to GPIO on at91sam9261ek like

Started by pasc...@hotmail.com in AT91SAM ARM13 years ago 4 replies

Hi there, I'm working on at91sam9261ek like board with linux 2.6.30 kernel. I need to redirect the interrupts from IRQ to gpio(PIN_PB6) for the...

Hi there, I'm working on at91sam9261ek like board with linux 2.6.30 kernel. I need to redirect the interrupts from IRQ to gpio(PIN_PB6) for the touchscreen. When i connect the IRQ and the gpio(PIN_PB6) with a wire, than i the touchscreen is working. The init function is called right, after login into linux on console i see "touchscreen0" device under "/dev/input". But of course i don't get a...

Noobie Low/No cost IDE/compilier for developement

Started by k2lrv in AT91SAM ARM13 years ago 4 replies

I am taking the plunge to learn how to program/use ARM processors. I am looking for a decent low cost/free developemtn environment for use on...

I am taking the plunge to learn how to program/use ARM processors. I am looking for a decent low cost/free developemtn environment for use on windows preferably, but I can use linux if that is a better way. Thanks, Lou ------------------------------------

AT91sam9261 - linux does not execute an elf file.

Started by Paulo Carvalho Silva in AT91SAM ARM14 years ago 3 replies

Hi, I have the following problem: The at91sam9261ek kit, Atmel does not send the sources in CD, I hate this. So I download and compile, the...

Hi, I have the following problem: The at91sam9261ek kit, Atmel does not send the sources in CD, I hate this. So I download and compile, the bootstrap, u-boot and kernel, the kernel is booting ok, but I neew graphical interface, as I am a newbie to graphical interface I realise that will be easy if I copy all files that belongs to graphica interface from filesystem that Atmel mount whe...

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Imagine Conference