Imagine Conference

Re: RE: RTD Interface chip needed

Started by "Dwa...@planet.eon.net [piclist]" in Piclist7 years ago

Hi there, Dennis. Haven't heard from you for a while! Most PIClisters spend their time at the PIClist mailing list maintained at MIT. You...

Hi there, Dennis. Haven't heard from you for a while! Most PIClisters spend their time at the PIClist mailing list maintained at MIT. You can head over to for instructions on how to join that list. An awful lot of people also spend time at . This is a great question and answer site but they don't allow idle chit-chat. Thus:

PIC 16F1827 not running

Started by Andrew in Piclist11 years ago 7 replies

Hi, I am working on a project using a PIC 16F1827, using it's internal oscillator running at 8MHz. I can download firmware into the micro and...

Hi, I am working on a project using a PIC 16F1827, using it's internal oscillator running at 8MHz. I can download firmware into the micro and verify that the code has successfully been programmed. However the code does not appear to be running. I have verified this by writing code to toggle a pin and have viewed this pin on an oscilloscope. I have pasted my code below. Could someone enlighten m...

PIC24HJ64GP502 UARTs will not receive

Started by kabo...@NorthState.net in Piclist12 years ago 1 reply

I am attempting to establish serial communications with UART1 or 2=20 on a PIC24HJ64GP502. MPLAB IDE v8.76 and c30 v3.30.=20 I am using a...

I am attempting to establish serial communications with UART1 or 2=20 on a PIC24HJ64GP502. MPLAB IDE v8.76 and c30 v3.30.=20 I am using a MAX232 and serial-USB converter to a Win-7=20 PC running hyperterm (9600-N-8-1). If I pull the PIC and jumper=20 pins 21 and 22 together I get a proper echo on the PC, so the connectivity is good too/from the PIC. Current program does nothing but try t...

PIC A/D and Voltage Divider

Started by Max in Piclist14 years ago 11 replies

This group has been way too quite for too long. I thought I'd liven things up a bit by asking a question. I would like to use the on chip A/D...

This group has been way too quite for too long. I thought I'd liven things up a bit by asking a question. I would like to use the on chip A/D converter in a Pic 16F887 and I have some Microchip MCP1541 4.096 voltage reference devices. I need to be able to measure voltages up to around 18 volts. If I use a voltage divider that divides the input voltage by 5, I could measure up to 20.46 volts. So fa...

Troubleshooting I2C

Started by Max in Piclist14 years ago 4 replies

I have been trying to write to a 24LC1025 EEPROM which uses an I2C interface without success. The software I2C routines that I am using are the...

I have been trying to write to a 24LC1025 EEPROM which uses an I2C interface without success. The software I2C routines that I am using are the same ones that I have successfully used with a Dallas 1307 clock chip and were downloaded from the Dallas website back a few years ago. Using my Pickit2 programmer I wrote some data into the 24LC1025 chip and using these routines I am able to read the data...

speed of PIC vs 8051

Started by Mike Liu in Piclist14 years ago 4 replies

Hi all I have a question regarding the speed of microcontrollers. As I know that RISC mcus such as PIC need only 1 clock for each...

Hi all I have a question regarding the speed of microcontrollers. As I know that RISC mcus such as PIC need only 1 clock for each instruction while CISC need several clock (8051 need 12T). That's why PIC is usually faster than 8051 (for the same clock frequency). I noticed that there're many 8051 core microcontrollers (STC 8051 , siliconlab

Bootloader for PIC18F8722

Started by k5oor in Piclist14 years ago 3 replies

I plan to implement an assembly language bootloader for the PIC18F8722 microcomputer using AN1310 as a guide. It seems straight forward. Anyone...

I plan to implement an assembly language bootloader for the PIC18F8722 microcomputer using AN1310 as a guide. It seems straight forward. Anyone gone down this path before with comments or alternative suggestions? Virgil ------------------------------------

Code not running on PIC16F88 when pic kit 3 is disconnected

Started by Andrew in Piclist14 years ago 14 replies

Hi, I have a project where I have a PI16F88 to communicate with a PC via RS232, and control a relay, and read an ADC. When I have the PIC kit 3...

Hi, I have a project where I have a PI16F88 to communicate with a PC via RS232, and control a relay, and read an ADC. When I have the PIC kit 3 interface connected to my board and MPLAB is communicating with the PIC my code works fine. As soon as I disconnect the PIC kit 3 from my board, and reset the power the code stops running. I have a 1k resistor pulling MCLR to 5V, and a 0.1uF capacito...

Debugging PIC12F617

Started by Tony Rudzki in Piclist14 years ago 4 replies

All, Is it possible to connect a PIC12F617 and debug it as you would any other processor? The reason

All, Is it possible to connect a PIC12F617 and debug it as you would any other processor? The reason

4 x 3 keypad using 1 analog input

Started by mark_schilke in Piclist14 years ago 2 replies

Hi, Folks! I read the ED article in file "1 pin Keypad.PDF" posted by dave_mucha, and compared it to the "4x4 Keyboard with 1 Input" tip in...

Hi, Folks! I read the ED article in file "1 pin Keypad.PDF" posted by dave_mucha, and compared it to the "4x4 Keyboard with 1 Input" tip in Microchip's Tips & Tricks guide. The latter has far fewer components external to the PIC. Has anyone met with good success using the method in that tip? The device I am designing will use a 4 x 3 keypad, with a layout similar to a Touch Tone telephone....

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Imagine Conference