Forums Search for: ADC10
ADC10 - Kickstart
Hello Forum, I've been trying but without success to kickstart the ADC10 on a MSP430F1222. I can't seem to get ADC10 to work. I simply want...
Hello Forum, I've been trying but without success to kickstart the ADC10 on a MSP430F1222. I can't seem to get ADC10 to work. I simply want to measure temperature and Vcc/2 using on-board peripherals. No external analog signals. I want to use the Internal reference too. I seem to be communicating with my FET okay. But setting break-points and 'watching' ADC10 registers shows that what
MSP430F248 ADC10/ADC12
inHi, Is there both the modules ADC10 and ADC12 in msp430f248 ? And if there esxist; as it is written in the manual there are no pins for ADC10 but...
Hi, Is there both the modules ADC10 and ADC12 in msp430f248 ? And if there esxist; as it is written in the manual there are no pins for ADC10 but there are pins for ADC12 on msp430f248 and also in the header files used by CCE 3.1, msp430x24x.h, there is no definition for ADC10 module so; how can the ADC10 module be used? ------------------------------------
ADC10 DTC in MSP430F2274
inHello, I have a question about the DTC in ADC10. I am trying to sample several channels sequentially. The ADC10 on the MSP430F2274 has a...
Hello, I have a question about the DTC in ADC10. I am trying to sample several channels sequentially. The ADC10 on the MSP430F2274 has a Data Transfer Controller, basically a DMA from what I understand. The code I see as example from TI sets most up, and I've made some modifications as follows: int delay; ADC10CTL1 = INCH_4 + CONSEQ_1; // A4/A3/A2/A1/A0, single sequence ADC10CTL0 ...
MSP430F2132 ADC10 DTC Problem
inHi all, I have a strange behaviour with the DTC controller which I stumbled over by pure chance. After POR/PUC I initialize ADC10 as...
Hi all, I have a strange behaviour with the DTC controller which I stumbled over by pure chance. After POR/PUC I initialize ADC10 as follows: // *** Setup ADC10 *** ADC10CTL0 &= ~ENC; ADC10CTL1 = INCH_6+SHS_0+ADC10SSEL_2+ADC10DIV_1 +CONSEQ_1; ADC10CTL0 = SREF_2+ADC10SHT_2 +MSC+ADC10ON+ADC10IE; ADC10AE0 = ...
ADC10 query
inI've been using the ADC12 on the f149 quite happily for months now. However, I've just started working with the ADC10 on the f1232 and this...
I've been using the ADC12 on the f149 quite happily for months now. However, I've just started working with the ADC10 on the f1232 and this is quite different. I'm using 3 analogue inputs A0, A1 & A5. I'm planning to use a sequence of channel conversion but am unsure exactly how much result memory I'll need. To define the sequence you load the ADC10CTL1 register with the starting chan
F1232 - ADC10
inHi, This ADC10 and its timing confuses me abit, the problem is as follows: i'm adding up the value from ADC10MEM in a variable...
Hi, This ADC10 and its timing confuses me abit, the problem is as follows: i'm adding up the value from ADC10MEM in a variable (comparator), signaling when it reaches a threshold (Vtr), and i would expect the time it takes for Vtr to be reached to vary depending on frequency of the input signal, but it doesn't seem to do that. I wonder if anyone can explain to me a few things: *what
ADC question.
inHi, I am trying this sample code. //****************************************************************************** // MSP430F21x2 Demo -...
Hi, I am trying this sample code. //****************************************************************************** // MSP430F21x2 Demo - ADC10, Sample A0, AVcc Ref, Set P1.0 if A0 > 0.5*AVcc // // Description: A single sample is made on A0 with reference to AVcc. // Software sets ADC10SC to start sample and conversion - ADC10SC // automatically cleared at EOC. ADC10 internal oscillato
inHello Guys I am using ADC10 on a F1232, A0 is wired to the adc out of a pressure sensor, the sensor is powered by the same battery as the...
Hello Guys I am using ADC10 on a F1232, A0 is wired to the adc out of a pressure sensor, the sensor is powered by the same battery as the MCU, in order to get the Vcc as a reference point, does REFOUT has to be set and it be powered by this reference output? Thanks Jay
ADC10 - MSP430F2274
inHey people...i'm having a trouble to do some sample conversations utilizing the ADC10 I just took the code sample adc10_02.cpp from texas and...
Hey people...i'm having a trouble to do some sample conversations utilizing the ADC10 I just took the code sample adc10_02.cpp from texas and substituted the: ADC10AE0 |= 0x04; // P2.1 ADC option to ADC10AE0 |= 0x04; // P3.0 ADC option (A5) is that all? ------------------------------------
MSP430F1121 ADC10
Hi, some newbie questions... I want to use the ADC10 on an EMG-signal sampled at 1kHz, but find it abit confusing which register settings...
Hi, some newbie questions... I want to use the ADC10 on an EMG-signal sampled at 1kHz, but find it abit confusing which register settings need to be done regarding selecting analog input. I want to use P2.0 (A0) as analog input channel, is it correct to set the INCH0 in ADC10CTL1, and ADC10AE0 in ADC10AE and in addition set P2SEL |= 0x01 and P2DIR &= ~0x01 (details, details...)?
ADC10 unknown results?
inJust started working on ADC10 using ez430-RF2500. I tried to get values directly from the output of an amplified signal however it looks so...
Just started working on ADC10 using ez430-RF2500. I tried to get values directly from the output of an amplified signal however it looks so different from the value displayed on the oscilloscope. I was supposed to get an ECG signal. Do i need to connect the ground reference to the ground used for the ecg signal? And also, is ez430-RF2500 unable to convert negative values to positive values? ...
using adc10 dtc to sample all channels including temp sensor on msp430f2xxx
inHello, I want to read/sample all my channels one-go, using the ADC10 DTC, multi-channel single conversion. All but the internal temp sensor are...
Hello, I want to read/sample all my channels one-go, using the ADC10 DTC, multi-channel single conversion. All but the internal temp sensor are external inputs. So i've set it up to try and it works, i get all my channels data at the end. But question about using temp sensor here: i have external reference for all other channels, so does it mean I cannot include it to my sequence-channel c...
Storing and reading a value from RAM
inCan someone please help me? I am new to microcontrollers and hobbeling along with C. I am using code composer and the TI example...
Can someone please help me? I am new to microcontrollers and hobbeling along with C. I am using code composer and the TI example programs. I can get the MSP430(MSP430F2252) to echo back a uart value when it is received, and I can get the MSP430 to read a value from an input on the ADC10. I can see the correct value in the debug interface. What I need to do is take the value in ADC10MEM ...
ADC10 With Timer A trigger
inTACTL = TASSEL0 + MC_1 + TACLR; // ACLK, Clear TAR, Up Mode TACCTL1 = OUTMOD_3; ...
TACTL = TASSEL0 + MC_1 + TACLR; // ACLK, Clear TAR, Up Mode TACCTL1 = OUTMOD_3; // Set / Reset TACCR0 = 32-1; // 1024 samples per second TACCR1 = 31; ADC10AE0 |= 0x01; ADC10CTL0 = SREF_1 + ADC10SHT_3 + REFON + ADC10O...
Hex format question
inHello, I did a search but I couldn't seem to find it or I didn't search correctly. Anyways, I am currently going over some sample for the...
Hello, I did a search but I couldn't seem to find it or I didn't search correctly. Anyways, I am currently going over some sample for the launchpad and looking over the .h file for the msp430g2231. I am doing the conversion from hex to binary to get a better visualization of what it is setting what bit in the registers. The question I am facing right now is that under the ADC10 section of t...
IAR msp430x22x4.h Ambiguous #defines
inGreetings, I am confused about some defines in the given msp430x22x4.h with IAR. There is #define INCH3 for example and it explicitly says...
Greetings, I am confused about some defines in the given msp430x22x4.h with IAR. There is #define INCH3 for example and it explicitly says ADC10 input channel selection (did not work for me). There is also INCH_3 with no explanation but actually worked. The same issue for the OA inputs (eg. OAP0 and OAP_0). Can someone shed some light on this? Thank you, A ------------------...
ADC10 problem , MSP1232
inHere is a breif statement of my application that I started implementing in MSPF1232,using IAR Assembly, a few weeks ago. With a huge task...
Here is a breif statement of my application that I started implementing in MSPF1232,using IAR Assembly, a few weeks ago. With a huge task ahead, at my first job project,and first on MSP, now I am still in the beginning itself as the on chip ADC seems unreliable. Ps: Jump to end of the mail (No.3)to look about the ADC problem specifically. -------------------- x ---------------------
inJust curious... when is ADC10Busy (on an MSP430F1232) supposed to be set? I figured it would only be set when the ADC was actively in the...
Just curious... when is ADC10Busy (on an MSP430F1232) supposed to be set? I figured it would only be set when the ADC was actively in the middle of a conversion, but it appears to be set any time the ADC10 is merely enabled if you have it set up for a repeated sequence of conversions (but it's presently just sitting there waiting for the sample trigger source to go active). Thanks, --
OP AMP & ADC10 & POTENTIOMETER problems with MSP2274 (RF2500)
inHi everyone. I'm connecting a potentiometer to my MSP430 RF2500 development board. The potentiometer center and right output which creates the...
Hi everyone. I'm connecting a potentiometer to my MSP430 RF2500 development board. The potentiometer center and right output which creates the potentia= l differential that I need to measure to know the position of the potentiometer are connected to P2.0 and P2.2 and the OA is set as general purpose (which I guessed that it makes the difference of the potencial between P2.0 and P2.2).=20 ...
ADC10 problem reading three channels
inI'm trying to read three consecutive inputs from A0, A1 and A2 with an 'F1232, but only get the first input. I've set ENC to 0 and 1 according...
I'm trying to read three consecutive inputs from A0, A1 and A2 with an 'F1232, but only get the first input. I've set ENC to 0 and 1 according to SLAU049.pdf, section 18.2.1. Here's the section of code that isn't working: SetupADC10 mov.w #ADC10SHT_2+ADC10ON+ADC10IE,&ADC10CTL0 ; 16x, enable int. ; Mainloop ; Read A0