Forums Search for: Thermistor
fram board & ntc thermistor
inHi Anybody knows something about NTC thermistor characteristic with is mounted in FRAM-EXP-BOART ? It is 100k NTC Thermistor. I need...
Hi Anybody knows something about NTC thermistor characteristic with is mounted in FRAM-EXP-BOART ? It is 100k NTC Thermistor. I need resistance vs temperature characteristics. b.r. L.K.
Reading temperature with external thermistor
inHi everyone! Can someone help me on how can I use an MSP430G2231 to read an external thermistor, scavenged from an old computer motherboard? I...
Hi everyone! Can someone help me on how can I use an MSP430G2231 to read an external thermistor, scavenged from an old computer motherboard? I tried to use the temperature reading example program without success. Thank you all in advance.
MSP430F2252 ADC problem
inHello, I ported known working code from a 1232 part to a 2252, and want to add an ADC input on A15. I presently use A0, and it's working...
Hello, I ported known working code from a 1232 part to a 2252, and want to add an ADC input on A15. I presently use A0, and it's working correctly. I am running the IAR IDE. Here's my setup code for the A0 and A15 ports. A0 reads battery voltage; A15 will read a thermistor: void TurnOnADC(void) { ADC10CTL0 = ADC10SHT_3 + ADC10ON + ADC10SR + ADC10IE; ADC10AE0 = 0x01; // P2.0 A