Imagine Conference

crossworks compilier

Started by quaratie in MSP43021 years ago 11 replies

Hello, Can anyone give me some feedback on the CrossWorks comiplier from Rowley Associates, I was using GCC but the gcc floating point...

Hello, Can anyone give me some feedback on the CrossWorks comiplier from Rowley Associates, I was using GCC but the gcc floating point operations take to much code space. I was thinking of purchasing CrossWorks and was hoping anyone using it could adivse if it is work the cost. Regards,

IAR project port to Crossworks issue

Started by finefrenzyrolling in MSP43015 years ago 18 replies

I am attempting to convert a working IAR embedded workbench project to crossworks CrossStudio and am having some difficulty with the difference...

I am attempting to convert a working IAR embedded workbench project to crossworks CrossStudio and am having some difficulty with the difference between compilers. I believe I have worked out the interrupt issues and the program does run but it does not behave as expected, in fact it does not do anything I can see. The crossworks compiler did give several of the following warnings: "result of ...

crossworks assembler + c

Started by Paul Curtis in MSP43019 years ago 6 replies

> ti has a nice FIR filter function (slaa228)in assembler which I would > like call from C. I use crossworks. How can I include the assembler >...

> ti has a nice FIR filter function (slaa228)in assembler which I would > like call from C. I use crossworks. How can I include the assembler > routine and call it from C? Hi, Use the CrossWorks documentation. Perhaps a lost art, but there you go. The TI stuff is intended for assembly code use only, it isn't C callable. Therefore you will require the application of organic matte

Problem using CROSSLOAD without CROSSWORKS

Started by eric_c2ms in MSP43018 years ago 1 reply

Hi I am currently using Crossworks V1.3 rel 2, with an Olimex Jtag parallel interface. Crossload works fine on my development PC. I try to...

Hi I am currently using Crossworks V1.3 rel 2, with an Olimex Jtag parallel interface. Crossload works fine on my development PC. I try to install Crossload on another PC - without Crossworks, just to program chips. I copied the \bin directory on the other PC: When executing Crossload, I receive the following message: "error: cannot open device interface : cannot open fet driver" It s...

Re: Crossworks not erase Infoflash

Started by Paul Curtis in MSP43020 years ago 3 replies

Matthias, > How can I supress, that crossworks is deleting the Info-flash > everytime I reprogramm my device? In the target interface you're...

Matthias, > How can I supress, that crossworks is deleting the Info-flash > everytime I reprogramm my device? In the target interface you're using to download your application, set Erase All to No. -- Paul Curtis, Rowley Associates Ltd http://www.rowley.co.uk CrossWorks for MSP430, ARM, AVR and (soon) MAXQ processors

Mixing Assembly and C Files in Crossworks

Started by bits_2_byte in MSP43018 years ago 1 reply

Yes, this is a Newbie question. I'm trying to compile in Crossworks the RTC library written for the IAR compiler in TI doc SLAA290. ...

Yes, this is a Newbie question. I'm trying to compile in Crossworks the RTC library written for the IAR compiler in TI doc SLAA290. http://focus.ti.com/lit/an/slaa290/slaa290.pdf I've got a main.c file containing the code from page 2 of the document with appropriate changes for Crossworks shown below. #include #include "RTC.h" void main ( void ) { WDTCTL = WDTP

CrossWorks and eZ430

Started by leon_heller in MSP43018 years ago 3 replies

I just tried CrossWorks with the eZ430 and my F2001 board, using the MSP-FET430UIF target. I was slightly surprised to find that it worked OK,...

I just tried CrossWorks with the eZ430 and my F2001 board, using the MSP-FET430UIF target. I was slightly surprised to find that it worked OK, as TI doesn't seem to state anywhere that the eZ430 is compatible with the USB FET. Leon

How Does Crossworks layout structures on an MSP430

Started by Ivan Vernot in MSP43020 years ago 4 replies

Hello All, My I cannot see it documemented how CrossWorks arranges (ie packs) its structures on an MSP430. I know that compilers for 'larger...

Hello All, My I cannot see it documemented how CrossWorks arranges (ie packs) its structures on an MSP430. I know that compilers for 'larger micros' often 'pad' the structure elements so that they fit on a 16bit/32 bit boundary. But I cannot see where this is documented for the CrossStudio Compiler and looking at my data (as memory) is not 'definitive'. It seems to me that there would be a

crossworks and MSP-FET430UIF

Started by les_kamil in MSP43018 years ago 2 replies

Hi! i've got crossworks 1.3 and MSP-FET430UIF from TI. When i connect crossworks to FET (menu:target-> connect msp430uif) i got weird problem....

Hi! i've got crossworks 1.3 and MSP-FET430UIF from TI. When i connect crossworks to FET (menu:target-> connect msp430uif) i got weird problem. error shows: external voltage is detected, but if i turn off power supply of my msp430, then nothing happen:( but if i click target-> connect msp430uif usb and after 1 second turn on power supply, all is ok. More: i have no problem with Lite FET-Pro

CrossWorks ASM, defining sections?

Started by kbox2003 in MSP43022 years ago 3 replies

Hi all, I want to define variables in Crossworks assembler using the DS directive. But always I get an error. I did several attempts to define...

Hi all, I want to define variables in Crossworks assembler using the DS directive. But always I get an error. I did several attempts to define the sections, but none works as expected. What am i doing wrong? Please have a look at my attempts... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this compiles & links, but i get amessage box when // trying to upload: &

printf question

Started by Micah Stevens in MSP43019 years ago 2 replies

Hi, I'm trying to output a signed int with printf() in crossworks so that I can get some feedback in the debug window. It's working, but...

Hi, I'm trying to output a signed int with printf() in crossworks so that I can get some feedback in the debug window. It's working, but it's not displaying negative numbers properly, it's giving the two's compliment instead, i.e. 65534 instead of -1.. Is there a format string switch that I can use to force it to be in signed mode? I looked on the net, and in the crossworks docs, and

CrossWorks inline and interrutps...

Started by Tim Wade in MSP43021 years ago 14 replies

Hi I have read the manual and I cannot see how to do two things with CrossWorks for the MSP430. 1. inline assembler; I have tried the usual...

Hi I have read the manual and I cannot see how to do two things with CrossWorks for the MSP430. 1. inline assembler; I have tried the usual asm("nop") but to no avail 2. interrupt functions; again I cannot seem to be able to get this to work ~ the documentation actually has an example for the ARM! (the syntax is different, it dosen't work) I am sure there must be some way of do

Using CrossWorks with Eclipse

Started by Frederic Beaulieu in MSP43018 years ago 3 replies

Hi, do you know if it's possible to use CrossWorks with the Eclipse GUI? Is there a command line interface that I can incorcorate in a...

Hi, do you know if it's possible to use CrossWorks with the Eclipse GUI? Is there a command line interface that I can incorcorate in a makefile project? Thanks, Fred --------------------------------------------------- Frederic Beaulieu, M.Sc. Research and Development Newtrax Technologies Inc. 3674 Saint-Hubert Montreal, Qc, CANADA H2L 4A2 Tel: (514) 288-6398 Fax: (514) 221-3417 ...

Crossworks on Debian

Started by Micah Stevens in MSP43020 years ago 14 replies

Hi Paul, I just installed the crossworks demo on a Debian Sarge machine. The install went fine (no errors at least) and now I'm left...

Hi Paul, I just installed the crossworks demo on a Debian Sarge machine. The install went fine (no errors at least) and now I'm left wondering how the hell I start the program? There's no indication of where the executable files are, and no entries in the KDE menu appeared. I took a look around the /usr/bin and /usr/sbin directories, and didn't see anything resembling crossstudio or c

Okay, now crossworks question

Started by Micah in MSP43019 years ago 13 replies

Thanks everyone for the feedback on the terminal programs. New problem with crossworks. I'm trying to redefine __putchar() to send out the...

Thanks everyone for the feedback on the terminal programs. New problem with crossworks. I'm trying to redefine __putchar() to send out the SPI port, instead of to the virtual terminal. So according to the instructions, I should just be able to redirect the linker to use my function instead of the __putchar() function, right? I did this: -D___putchar=_my_putchar in the additional linker

FET430UIF Crossworks connection problems

Started by "ste...@att.net" in MSP43013 years ago 2 replies

On two of our board designs using the MSP430F1611, I get a "Can't identify target device, no error" message when trying to connect the to the TI...

On two of our board designs using the MSP430F1611, I get a "Can't identify target device, no error" message when trying to connect the to the TI USB FET (VCP COM30) using Crossworks - but it connects and programs OK using the Elprotronic Lite FET-Pro430 programming software and at least one version of the IAR package (used by another software engineer). Is there is an interface parameter (timin...

Re: Crossworks relocatable assembler question

Started by Paul Curtis in MSP43019 years ago 9 replies

Mark, > At the risk of giving Al a heart attack, I'm finally getting > around to > some assembly language for the msp430. Specifically, I'm...

Mark, > At the risk of giving Al a heart attack, I'm finally getting > around to > some assembly language for the msp430. Specifically, I'm trying to > convert the single chip thermocouple app not code from TI, which was > created in IAR, to Crossworks. > > Here's a link to the original code: >

Re: Constants in INFO memory with Crossworks

Started by Nico Bollen in MSP43017 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I'm using Crossworks with the MSP430F235. In this chip the Info Memory is devided in 4 segments which are named:...

Hi, I'm using Crossworks with the MSP430F235. In this chip the Info Memory is devided in 4 segments which are named: INFO_A,INFO_B,INFO_C,INFO_D I've checked this in the section_placement.xml file. Now I'm able to fill the memory but I still have to use the constants in my code once so they are initialised. But it seems that there is a problem with the size of these segments, in hardwar...

JTAG Handshaking Sequence (Crossworks)

Started by deluxenewandimproved in MSP43020 years ago 2 replies

Howdy, I'm wondering if anyone can explain the JTAG handshaking sequence, to initiate a debugging session with the MSP430 -- or at least...

Howdy, I'm wondering if anyone can explain the JTAG handshaking sequence, to initiate a debugging session with the MSP430 -- or at least point me to some documentation. I have the TI FET tool, and I am able to use the crossworks driver to connect to an MSP430F149 in the TI development board, but I am unable to connect to my in-circuit F149. I essentially copied the schematic for the

IAR or Crossworks Compiler?

Started by ho_philip2000 in MSP43020 years ago 11 replies

Hi all, I am going to start a project that involves DSP, real time measurements and remote data communication with DNP3. Does anyone...

Hi all, I am going to start a project that involves DSP, real time measurements and remote data communication with DNP3. Does anyone know which compiler I should use: IAR or Crossworks C compiler or some other good compilers out there? Which one is better suit for the job? I may also need real time debugging with symbolic debugger and simulator/emulator as well. Thanks.

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