Forums Search for: TimerA
Interrupt occurs in ISR
inHi, for example TimerA generates every ms an interrupt. What happens when during the execution of TimerA ISR an interrupt for port 1 is...
Hi, for example TimerA generates every ms an interrupt. What happens when during the execution of TimerA ISR an interrupt for port 1 is generated? Is this Interrupt lost, or is it executed after TimerA ISR? Do I have to enable GIE in TimerA ISR to ensure that the Irq for port 1 is not lost? TIA, Max
TimerA questions
inHello everyone, What I'm trying to do is to have TimerA generate an interrupt every ~1millisecond for timing purposes, based off of the...
Hello everyone, What I'm trying to do is to have TimerA generate an interrupt every ~1millisecond for timing purposes, based off of the 32768Hz Aux Clock. It seems to work fine in a small test application that I've written, but in a more complicated application, it always freezes after one interrupt is generated. Basically, I'm hoping someone here can tell me if my Timer code is s...
2 PWM output signal on 2013
inHi all, I need 2 PWM output signals and the second must have a programmable delay. The first signal can be generated by timerA -ok. For the...
Hi all, I need 2 PWM output signals and the second must have a programmable delay. The first signal can be generated by timerA -ok. For the second one a additional timer is needed wich can started from TimerA but the watchdog is to slow and a high interrupt frequency would be. Has anyone a solution? I think that is a common problem. Thanks a lot. Ulrich.
Timer Output Unit Access
inHello All. Sorry for my poor english. I use TimerA for Hardware Clock Generation. - P1.3 is set in output mode -(TimerA CCR2 Block) OUT2...
Hello All. Sorry for my poor english. I use TimerA for Hardware Clock Generation. - P1.3 is set in output mode -(TimerA CCR2 Block) OUT2 Signal drives the Pin For communication purpose I need to know the state of this Pin (Low/ High). I have P1.2 available. I could link P1.3 to P1.2. Is there another way to know P1.3 state ? ------------------------------------
long delays and how to simulate them
inI'm working on a project where I only need the MSP430 (probably a 'F423) to wake up once a day. It looks like the longest I can sleep though...
I'm working on a project where I only need the MSP430 (probably a 'F423) to wake up once a day. It looks like the longest I can sleep though is 30s. (TimerA w/ 32k ACLK / 8, updown mode, count to 61440 then back to 0 and interrupt on CCIFG) Any suggestions on how to get a longer delay? Also how can I simulate this? I've set up IAR/TI C-SPY to generate a TimerA interrupt, but when the
Newbie question: TimerA and DCOCLK
inGreetings, I am new to both the msp430 and embedded programming in general, and, as befits my status, I have a newbie question to ask. I have...
Greetings, I am new to both the msp430 and embedded programming in general, and, as befits my status, I have a newbie question to ask. I have MCLK set to DCO, and now I want to post a timer interrupt every n counts. I therefore want to use TimerA in continuous mode. The problem I have is that there doesn't seem to be any way to select the MCLK or DCOCLK as the clock source: my choices seem
TimerA problem!!!!
inHello all,I'am using MSP430F412 micro controller for my project.I'am operating the micro in Low power mode 3(LPM3).My application should update...
Hello all,I'am using MSP430F412 micro controller for my project.I'am operating the micro in Low power mode 3(LPM3).My application should update the display for every one second.I configured TimerA for one second interrupt and in Up mode. My display is 8 digit display and uses 3-Mux pattern for writing into segments,When I'am writng into display I'am loosing some time.i.e I'am not getting int
G2xx devices without FLL, using DCO, ACLK, and TimerA for software FLL
inThe software FLL works just fine. Got it running last week. SMCLK feeds TimerA and the CCR0 is used (because that is where CCI0B is located and...
The software FLL works just fine. Got it running last week. SMCLK feeds TimerA and the CCR0 is used (because that is where CCI0B is located and that's how ACLK can be used to perform a "capture.") The PI is initialized by clearing the integrator (i-term summation value) and preloading a latched TACCR0 value outside the interrup code so that there is a prior value from which to compute a de...
Port 2 Interrupt On eZ430-RF2500 Along With The Demo Code
inHi, this is my first time posting here and hope I can get some helps from member in this group. I am using eZ430-RF2500 target board. With...
Hi, this is my first time posting here and hope I can get some helps from member in this group. I am using eZ430-RF2500 target board. With the demo firmware program, I am able to transmit data from End Device to Access Device every ~1 second, depends on the TimerA setting. Right now, I am trying to modify the firmware. Instead of having the TimerA trigger the action, I want to use I...
TimerA question
Hi, I am using MSP430F1132, and set up timera so it gives interrupt every second: WDTCTL = WDTHOLD | WDTPW; // Stop watchdog. TACTL =...
Hi, I am using MSP430F1132, and set up timera so it gives interrupt every second: WDTCTL = WDTHOLD | WDTPW; // Stop watchdog. TACTL = TASSEL0 | TACLR; // ACKL for TIMER_A CCTL0 |= CCIE; // Enable CCR0 interrupt CCR0 = 0x7FFF; // Load CCR0 with 32,767 TACTL |= MC0; // Start TA in "up to CCR0" mode I also want to get an interrupt
DTMF in MSP430
inHi all, Matthias was nice enough to point me to the App notes for generating DTMF tones on MSP430. I've managed to get it working, but I'm...
Hi all, Matthias was nice enough to point me to the App notes for generating DTMF tones on MSP430. I've managed to get it working, but I'm not 100% happy with the result. I'm using an 'F149. What I've done is to toggle an output pin within the CCR0 interrupt of TimerA. This works 100%, but when I toggle another pin within CCRx interrupt of TimerA, I seem to get 'jitter' on both outputs
TI hal timer code or TimerA confusion
I'm trying to port the TI hardware abstraction layer (HAL) code in the CC2480 application to a different processor. The confusion I'm having is...
I'm trying to port the TI hardware abstraction layer (HAL) code in the CC2480 application to a different processor. The confusion I'm having is with the timers. This code initializes the TimerA by measuring the counts for 1 second, in the halTimerInit routine: static void halTimerInit(void) { uint8 loop = 128; // Count 8mHz by 65536 timer overflow. if (halEventFlags & HAL_EVT_NO_8MHz) ...
TimerA or TimerB 2 square waves with 180 degree out of phase.
in> By using either timerA or timerB in msp430f449 how do you generate two square waves 180 degree out of phase with each...
> By using either timerA or timerB in msp430f449 how do you generate two square waves 180 degree out of phase with each other. Interesting, My first reaction would be to synchronize 2 compare channels and trigger the output units, one to set bit the other to clear bit, or opposite toggle mode.... ? (add an inverter externally ......:-)
How to detect missed interrupts with TimerA in compare mode ?
inHi, Is there a way to detect missed interrupts when TimerA is used in compare mode ? Something similar to the COV bit in capture...
Hi, Is there a way to detect missed interrupts when TimerA is used in compare mode ? Something similar to the COV bit in capture mode. Thanks ------------------------------------
*** MSP430- F2013 Timer A ***
inHi, I'm currently measuring varying voltages using the SD16_A but I'd like to keep track of the time. Does TimerA offer any help? Is there...
Hi, I'm currently measuring varying voltages using the SD16_A but I'd like to keep track of the time. Does TimerA offer any help? Is there a sample code I could use for this? Regards, Donald ------------------------------------
inHi all, from where comes the clock INCLK for the msp430 timerA ? Kindly Regards Ulrich.
Hi all, from where comes the clock INCLK for the msp430 timerA ? Kindly Regards Ulrich.
MSP430F2132 and Timer0/1
inI have now got to the part with Timer0_A3 and Timer1_A2 but can find no technical details on them. In the user guide (slau144e.pdf) it refers...
I have now got to the part with Timer0_A3 and Timer1_A2 but can find no technical details on them. In the user guide (slau144e.pdf) it refers to TimerA & TimerB. Can someone direct me to information that gives details on these new timers? The brochure has a little and there are some code examples. TIA Peter ------------------------------------
ez430 rf 2500 low power mode and too mutch consumption
inI have minimal 1,65 mA (!) consumption P1 ...P4 are output / 0 A simple program with lpm3 in a while(1) , a timerA interrupt, simpliciti...
I have minimal 1,65 mA (!) consumption P1 ...P4 are output / 0 A simple program with lpm3 in a while(1) , a timerA interrupt, simpliciti is included in the project, but not called in main() It must be a configuration problem. Can be rx polling Active? How can I find it? ------------------------------------
What is different TACLK and INCLK ?
inHi, All! What is different TACLK and INCLK ? I have read about TimerA, I want use it on MSP430F2013. But, I can't catch different betwen this...
Hi, All! What is different TACLK and INCLK ? I have read about TimerA, I want use it on MSP430F2013. But, I can't catch different betwen this mnemonic. And - I'm beginner in MSP. ?Oleg Terentiev, ?Russia, Krasnoyarsk ------------------------------------
Input Pulse Capture
inAll, I'd like to use my 430F149 to time the delay between two pulses (I'm reading a motor encoder) and need a push in the right direction. ...
All, I'd like to use my 430F149 to time the delay between two pulses (I'm reading a motor encoder) and need a push in the right direction. The times I expect to encounter vary between 285us and 1.445ms. I'm using TimerA which is being clocked at 1MHz. Since TAR will roll over at 65.536ms, I should be good. Here's how I'm thinking of implementing this: Have the rising edge of the enco