
Reference Designs for Solar Inverters?

Started by dcomer_backup 2 years ago3 replieslatest reply 2 years ago337 views
Does anyone have links, tutorials, or related information on open source (HW/SW) inverter designs suited for a good SW controlled micro-inverter (DC->AC) for...
Hi, I am using MSP430FR6043 for one of my project. The project works fine, and we are making it into a product. For that we need a programmer / debugger device...

Connecting USB generates voltage spikes in circuit.

Started by pcbGuru 2 years ago6 replieslatest reply 2 years ago532 views
Hello,           I have a PCB with an MCU, opamps meant to measure a weak differential signal from a sensor. Every thing works as expected. However when I...
1.For last few days i have been trying to configure the ADC to measure the battery level. So here i am using the Reference voltage generator as ref to ADC.As we...

I Need a Test Specification Template

Started by MaxMaxfield 2 years ago2 replieslatest reply 2 years ago98 views
I'm sorry that this isn't related to embedded systems but I'm in a bit of a pickle. I have to write a test specification document for a vibration test for motorcycle...

12-bit ADC in MSP430FR2476 seems not to work properly

Started by Skfir 2 years ago2 replieslatest reply 2 years ago136 views
Hello friends! This is my very first question on this site. Here is the problem: I am trying to initialize the 12-bit built-in ADC on MSP430FR2476, but no matter...

Advice on Re-schooling?

Started by MaxMaxfield 2 years ago11 replieslatest reply 2 years ago145 views
I just heard from one of my contacts on LinkedIn – he sent me the following message (he told me I can share it) asking for advice:--------------------------So,...

Need of 5V to 3.3V conversion for using the eQEP module?

Started by bluenova333 2 years ago8 replieslatest reply 2 years ago209 views
I am trying to run closed loop V/F control on an induction motor using the TI C2000 TMS320F28069M board. I need to sense the speed in order to develop a speed controller...

Reading code from AT89C51ED2

Started by marco73 2 years ago2 replieslatest reply 2 years ago305 views
Hello!I have a board with the AT89c51ED2 processor. It's work, I see Clock oscillator with my oscilloscope , but doesn't work serial comunication. Somebody Have...

How to build a network of tiny micros?

Started by jmford94 2 years ago12 replieslatest reply 2 years ago173 views
Hi all.  I am designing a system for controlling a multitude (150!) of thermoelectric cooler units.  Each unit's current magnitude and direction must be individually...

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