BV Ramesh (@BVRamesh)
Hello Gowtham,I suggest you to write small code to see whether you can write all pages and read them. As far as data sheet of both flashes are concerned it is...
Looks like the objects crtbegin.o and crtend.o doens not match with the main line build. I feel that the best method is to recompile crtbegin.s and crtend.s need...
It looks that you are doing acquisition in fast mode circular buffer and FIR filter in slow mode and the time base is fixed. (I assume 100 uSec acquisition forming...
Hello Wouter,You have mentioned that you have not connected the slave select pin of DSPI, to ground, but have you connected it to the slave select of Raspberry PI...
Hello Steven,Are you having a feed back controlled 3 phase AC generation? If so are you comparing the zero-crossings of the phases as your feed back loop?If so you...
You can make the complete project int several portions and each one you can develop it on PC and test it extensively and use the same code in the project using...
In your interrupt service code you are not transmitting '\0' and hence in your strcmp() which looks for '\0' to terminate is failing to return 0.You modify the code...
Hello All, hope that all of you are in good health.I am in BagaIore, India, I have not been infected, We are all under lockdown from 22 March to almost middle of...
Once (during 1980/90's) I developed a simulator / assembler /disassembler for z80 micro, on DOS 4.2 on MASM. I am thrilled to see such an attempt now (almost 30...
If you are using 48 MHz clock, with 16 clocks for UART synchronisation, the effective clock rate would be: 48 MHz/ 16 = 3 MHz.If this is used for generating baud...
Answers for your question:1. Yes, you have to use Mass Storage class, and it is the approach for interfacing any flash, NOR or NAND.2. Yes you need file system translation...
The port 0 and port 2 in intel 8051 is designed such that depending on the instruction executed the address / data transaction occur. I have enclosed the architecture...
A software interrupt is not useful for you purpose. If you are looking for change of content in an array, you can create a shadow array of same size and a timer...
You should have a common boot loader for all 3 Aurduino boards.The boot loader should be such that it should initialize all the peripherals and wait for flash down-load...
Adding to what dnj has proposed, your circular buffer should be larger than your average packet length, so that even if the processor is caught in some loop, after...
There is an easy way for this, if the protocol is your own. Add first 5-8 bytes in communication as 0x55 or 0xAA, and use it to wake-up and determine the speed....
Dear Mik3ca,HD44780 data sheet say that the write data to DDRAM as 37u sec.You have a 40 u sec timer interrupt service routine to display the string.You initialize...
Dear Shetty,In your interrupt service routine, you are servicing vector 22: USCI_I2C_UCTXIFG1, and vector 24: USCI_I2C_UCRXIFG0, which means you are receiving...
Dear Mik,The code which you are referring is correct, say, if you want to display 256, db0 will be 0 and db1 will be 1in the first flow, you will get R1, R2 &...
What is the signal you are using to drive 74HC595 for shifting the data, and what signal you are using to load the data to register. Are you treating all pins that...
Dear Mik,You can club first two bytes as follows:1 byte low 5 bits: Present Recipient1 byte high 3 bits & 2 byte low 2 bits: Next Recipient, (0 if nobody)2 byte...
Dear Joe,Since you have mentioned that you changed the clock but not seeing its results, I have some suggestions for you:1. SSPxCON1 reg SSPEN bit to be set, enables...
[suddenly the web page went off, so I am re-typing, may be the what I typed earlier got lost]The loop time depends upon the response from the sensor input time....
Your sense input is 6 pulses per rotation and at maximum 3000 RPM, which is (3000/60)*6 : 300 pulses per second. This translates to 3.33 milli seconds, You may have...
Free RTOS is giving support for ARM7 TDMI from long back and I feel it is one of the earliest OS which i suitable for this. It has far better features compared to...
S19 is motorola's data format used in flashing tools similar ti intel's Hex format.Intel hex format start with ':', followed by no of bytes, address, type, data...
You start from a minimum CPU + Memory + devices, on paper, start analyzing putting some figures for each of your target requirements, then you will come to a nearby...
Bare metal, is sufficient for most of the low level products like sensors, transmitters, field devices, displays, human machine interfaces, keyboard, touch panels,...
Intrinsic safety is an additional safety provided over a system to avoid ignition in a specified zone. There are various zones, Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2... where explosive...
You can use Enterprise Architect modelling a complete system level architecture, and for hardware level architecture you have to use Model sim for FPGA / ASIC simulation,...
During early days of microcontrollers we had only RAM and ROM, RAM: random access memory, that is volatile while ROM: read only memory, that is non volatile, and...
To add to what Nadler has given, you can go through the following link: https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/protocol-... Specifically go through AVCTP and...
Any micro controller Arm cortex M0+ based or even AVR based will be enough for this kind of the product. Peripherals wise serial interface like UART / SPI /I2C (every...
As per your input it works well for LED, but fails with motor what I find is it is power supply getting drooped in standalone mode.Isolate the power supply.The Motor...
As per my understanding the BER is explained below:What is Bit error rate?Bit error rate: the error rate to which the communication system allows that it can have...
There was a small group called embedded lab with address www.embeddedlab.com, who does a fast turn around of hardware design which I came across last year.Please...
Hello,I have not gone through the imx6's data sheet / user manual, however, working with LCD controllers implemented on NXP's 1788 / 4088 MCU, I feel that the problem...
The best solution would be:1. An 8 bit controller base end devices with a small scheduler to do the job of event based communication to a gateway through wireless...
Proposed topic "Design for Product certification".Any product commercial / industrial / automotive / aerospace, will require its own certification (may be self certified,...
Hardware is the electronic unit on which the product is built to perform, which has sensor interface, analog circuit, ACD, DAC, relays, power supply, controller,...
Please go through the information available at: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/pinctrl.t...Accordingly you may have to write code to switch the pin-mux.This...
Hello,What I observe is when error is high the noise is minimum and the controller is functioning thoroughly. But when error approaches zero, noise is dominating.It...
You can try one more method.Make a shell script to do the following.Re program the Tx an Rx lines as GPIO Then toogle the way you want.When every thing is done,...
You can try one more method.Make a shell script to do the following.Re program the Tx an Rx lines as GPIO Then toogle the way you want.Then every thing is done...
You can try Net beans IDE editor, which has lot of features for navigation across multiple files in project...
Please refer to the page 4 Display Data RAM, which say that 64X2 bytes are available, and 16 characters by 4 lines:Which means each line has: 16 character x 2 bytes...
My two cents about abstraction concepts in firmware:Think from top-to down, and implement from bottom to up.Any problem, think from top to down approach, or divide...
According to Manufacturer, the debugger works when it is stand alone, but stops working when it is mounted on the base board. Please try to program it without mounting...
What is the flash programmer you are using? (ex Segger JLink, CoCox Realview).Have you included the programmer in the Tool?Has the IDE recognized the programmer...
Input capacitor Ci is DC blocking, its value is critical as it is equivalent to first order high pass filter. If you are interested in low frequency (20 Hz) the...
Boot loader is an important part for any embedded product which has at least one communication channel is available.Through this you will be able to:1. Diagnose...
What I feel is to know analog, digital electronics and software very well. Analyze how the system behaves in a given situation from all aspects (analog, digital...
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