
Recent SPAM posts in the Forums

Started by stephaneb 2 years ago282 views
Hello, just a quick note to let you know that we are fully aware of the spam posts that made it into this forum lately, despite our spam filtering system.  The...

Open-source secure bootloader and fight against cloners

Started by Igor1024 2 years ago2 replieslatest reply 2 years ago159 views
Hi everyone,I would like to share with you the project my friend and I are working on and would like to get feedback from the best in the field.We spent some time...


Started by M2O 2 years ago9 replieslatest reply 2 years ago188 views
Hello, Does anybody know about a tool or enviroment in order to read an embedded program already recorded on the DIGI RABBIT 2000.I´ve installed the Dynamic C,...

Coding challenge in C for embedded systems

Started by yannoborisho 2 years ago7 replieslatest reply 2 years ago1609 views
Hi, I am taking a coding challenge for a position of embedded software engineer. Just wondering how you guys would approach this problem described in the zip file Code_Test.zip Here...

Question re Servos

Started by MaxMaxfield 2 years ago9 replieslatest reply 2 years ago194 views
I'm a bit confused -- I recently started playing with servos. In the book "Motors for Makers" https://www.amazon.com/dp/0134032837 it says that 1.5ms pulses always...

How to use STM32 to read signal from the PS2 hand controller through SPI protocol?

Started by Namcrazy37 2 years ago6 replieslatest reply 2 years ago712 views
I have a project where I need to connect a PS2 hand controller to my microcontroller (STM32F4 series) to control a robot. I want to use the controller to read the...

Replacing specific bits in a number

Started by Crandles 2 years ago6 replieslatest reply 2 years ago967 views
Is there a boolean operation (or sequence of operations) to be able to replace specific bits in a particular number? Suppose you have a 32-bit number and want to...

Modeling and Code Generation now called "Low-Code"

Started by QL 2 years ago4 replieslatest reply 2 years ago129 views
I've recently listed to the webinar "Benefits of low code development in embedded systems" by IAR Systems. It turns out that "Low-Code" is the old modeling with...

How to reduce PCI latency to read host memory (Linux)

Started by TheCyrus 2 years ago4 replieslatest reply 2 years ago583 views
Hello experts, I hope you folks could give me a help.I have a PCI device and a Linux device driver to interact with it. I use a buffer, on host memory, to transfer...
What I am trying to do : Run 3-phase Induction motor using Direct Torque Control method. What I am sensing: 3-phase stator currents through current sensor board...

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