Design of the A/D converter driver interface
Started by 4 years ago●3 replies●latest reply 4 years ago●127 viewsHello,I have been developing C++ driver for the a/d converter and I have been thinking about its interface. In other words I have been thinking about how the client...
Hello,I have been facing a task to develop a software driver in C++ for a chip which makes available 8 digital inputs over the SPI bus. In the time being I have...
Hello,I am going to implement a digital integrator in C. I have decided to use trapezoidal rule in recurrent form i.e. to use following formula $$I(k) = I(k-1)...
Digital PID controller implementation in C++
Started by 5 years ago●12 replies●latest reply 5 years ago●8076 viewsHello all,I have implemented a discrete PID controller as a class in the C++ language. I have attempted to include advanced features like:*bumpless transition*antiwind-up...
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