

Re: Design of the A/D converter driver interface

Reply posted 4 years ago (01/08/2021)
Hello M65C02A, thank you very much for your response. My intention is to use this driver for the a/d converter which samples 12 analog signals of temperatures of...

Design of the A/D converter driver interface

New thread started 4 years ago
Hello,I have been developing C++ driver for the a/d converter and I have been thinking about its interface. In other words I have been thinking about how the client...

Software driver SPI I/O expander

New thread started 4 years ago
Hello,I have been facing a task to develop a software driver in C++ for a chip which makes available 8 digital inputs over the SPI bus. In the time being I have...

Software oscilloscope

New thread started 5 years ago
Hello,I have been developing a C language software for software oscilloscope which is part of a control software. From timing point of view the software consists...

Re: Transition between two pwm modes

Reply posted 5 years ago (04/27/2020)
Hello BV Ramesh,thank you for your reaction. My feedback signals consist of two stator phase currents, mechanical speed and dc bus voltage. I need such a hardware...

Transition between two pwm modes

New thread started 5 years ago
Hello,I am going to implement on mcu following pwm for three phase voltage source inverter controlling the induction motor.The pwm will have two operation modes:01) asynchronous...

Digital integrator in C

New thread started 5 years ago
Hello,I am going to implement a digital integrator in C. I have decided to use trapezoidal rule in recurrent form i.e. to use following formula $$I(k) = I(k-1)...

Re: Digital PID controller implementation in C++

Reply posted 5 years ago (11/27/2019)
Hello jimfred, first of all I would like to say thank you for your reaction. I have just tested your suggestion and the behavior is basically the same. I don't...

Digital PID controller implementation in C++

New thread started 5 years ago
Hello all,I have implemented a discrete PID controller as a class in the C++ language. I have attempted to include advanced features like:*bumpless transition*antiwind-up...

Re: Datalogger for an embedded system

Reply posted 6 years ago (03/12/2019)
I have been still thinking about the binary search you have suggested. One idea that I have is to use the binary search several times. During first usage I will...

Re: Datalogger for an embedded system

Reply posted 6 years ago (03/11/2019)
Hello Johan,my English is not very good. So I have attempted to express my current understanding via the below given picture. As far as I understand correctly...

Re: Datalogger for an embedded system

Reply posted 6 years ago (03/11/2019)
Hello Mathew,thank you very much for your answer. I like your idea. I have prepared a series of header numbers for case my buffer consists of 8 sectors (header...

Re: Datalogger for an embedded system

Reply posted 6 years ago (03/10/2019)
Hello Johan,thank you for your answer. I am not sure whether I understand your interesting idea. Do you mean that I should allocate several sectors which will create...

Re: Datalogger for an embedded system

Reply posted 6 years ago (03/10/2019)
Hello CustomSarge,thank you for your answer. As far as I understand your idea correctly you suggest to use a combination of my approach and approach suggested by...

Re: Datalogger for an embedded system

Reply posted 6 years ago (03/10/2019)
Hello stefan,thank you for your answer. My current implementation does not directly store the next used sector. The next used sector is determined after MCU reset...

Datalogger for an embedded system

New thread started 6 years ago
Hello all,I have been facing following problem. I have implemented a datalogger i.e. software running on a MCU which creates periodic snapshots of a system state...

Communication protocol implementation

New thread started 8 years ago
Hello all,I have been implementing a communication protocol whichis based on the CAN. The protocol occupies the applicationand the transport layer in the OSI model....

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