Imagine Conference

Firmware vs Flash programming

Started by NightHawk12 9 months ago4 replieslatest reply 9 months ago403 views
HiI am having confusion between firmware and flash programming in a microcontroller.In terms of how companies work knowledge, what is firmware programming, and is...

RTOS vs Bare-Metal

Started by stephaneb 7 years ago26 replieslatest reply 10 months ago28249 views
To use or not to use an #RTOS in an embedded system can sometimes be an easy decision but sometimes a tricky one.    When we are done here and with your help,...

Brainf*ck in C

Started by tcfkat 10 months ago232 views
No, I do not want to insult you.Yes, this has rather nothing to do with embedded.Brainfuck is a so called esoteric programming language, created by the Swiss Urban...

How to find out RAM usage in Embedded Electronic Control Unit (ECU) ?

Started by learn 1 year ago5 replieslatest reply 10 months ago718 views
Please consider some professional embedded system with 16-bit microcontroller.  I know embedded software build tools report program flash memory usage.  I think...

SD card logging in STM32 Microcontroller

Started by Jagadesh 12 months ago5 replieslatest reply 12 months ago593 views
Hello,I am implementing data logging on an SD card using the SPI interface and FATFS libraries, with reference to the SD card libraries provided by Controllers Tech...

Digital PID controller in velocity form

Started by steven01 5 years ago4 replieslatest reply 1 year ago2090 views
Hello all,I have been facing a problem how to implement digital PID controller. I have studie a lot of books and articles about that and in all the books I have...

Using STL Library and Modern C++ on ARM Cortex-M7 Embedded Device with Limited Resources

Started by lgacnik97 1 year ago18 replieslatest reply 1 year ago1434 views
I'm developing for an ARM Cortex-M7 microcontroller, running bare-metal without an operating system, and with limited resources:1 Mbyte of FLASHNo dedicated MMU...

The Related Sites have Undergone a Major Upgrade - Please Report any Website Issue

Started by stephaneb 1 year ago5 replieslatest reply 1 year ago354 views
Over the last few weeks, we've been busy getting ready for a major back-end software and hardware upgrade for the Related sites and the big move finally took...

What are your favorite tools for Embedded Systems Development?

Started by stephaneb 2 years ago5 replieslatest reply 1 year ago532 views
In this blog post, you'll learn about what are some of the EOC speakers' favorite tools for Embedded Systems development.Are your favorite tools the same as...

[ESP32] [ESPIDF] Simoultaneous interrupt handling

Started by vinibreda 1 year ago16 replieslatest reply 1 year ago585 views
I'm working with multiple (16) buttons as the input of the system and it is 100% dependant on them to work. The problem is that they can be pressed at the same time.If...

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Imagine Conference