Improving the Reload2 active load
IntroductionWith another colleague at work, we are currently developing an electronic board that will eventually be powered over Ethernet. To gain more experience with this technology, we prototyped a standalone power supply stage.
We want to test this stage with different load profiles. While we already have professional grade active loads at work, I had previously read about the Reload2 product from Arachnidlabs, a low cost active load sold on Hackaday:
Slew Rate Limiters: Nonlinear and Proud of It!
I first learned about slew rate limits when I was in college. Usually the subject comes up when talking about the nonideal behavior of op-amps. In order for the op-amp output to swing up and down quickly, it has to charge up an internal capacitor with a transistor circuit that’s limited in its current capability. So the slew rate limit \( \frac{dV}{dt} = \frac{I_{\rm max}}{C} \). And as long as the amplitude and frequency aren’t too high, you won’t notice it. But try to...
Introduction to Microcontrollers - 7-segment displays & Multiplexing
Doing the 7 Segment ShuffleThe 7 segment display is ubiquitous in the modern world. Just about every digital clock, calculator and movie bomb has one. The treadmills at my gym have 6 or 7, each one displaying 3 or 4 digits. What makes the 7-seg interesting is that it presents an opportunity to make a trade off between GPIO (output pins) for time. Every 7-seg display requires 8 outputs (the 7 segments and usually either a decimal point or a...
OOKLONE: a cheap RF 433.92MHz OOK frame cloner
IntroductionA few weeks ago, I bought a set of cheap wireless outlets and reimplemented the protocol for further inclusion in a domotics platform. I wrote a post about it here:
Following that, I had access to another outlet from a different vendor:
The device documentation mentions that it operates on the same frequency as the previous...
Reverse engineering wireless wall outlets
IntroductionI am improving the domotics framework that I described in a previous article://
I want to support wireless wall outlets, allowing me to switch devices power from a remote location over HTTP.
To do so, I could design my own wireless wall outlets and use a hardware similar to the previous one, based on the NRF905 chipset. The problem is that such a product would not be certified, and that would be an issue regarding the home insurance,...
A wireless door monitor based on the BANO framework
IntroductionI have been thinking for a while about a system to monitor the states of my flat and my garage doors from a remote place. Functionnaly, I wanted to monitor the state of my doors from a remote place. A typical situation is when I leave for holidays, but it can also be useful from the work office. To do so, I would centralize the information on a server connected on the Internet that I could query using a web browser. The server itself would be located in the appartement, where...
Using a RTLSDR dongle to validate NRF905 configuration
I am currently working on a system to monitor the garage door status from my flat. Both places are 7 floors apart, and I need to send the data wirelessly. I chose to operate on the 433MHz carrier, and I ordered 2 PTR8000 modules: PTR8000 is based on the dual band sub 1GHz NRF905 chipset from NORDICSEMI: to Arduino - a video toolbox
I've begun producing a new series of video tutorials for the hobbyist new to the Arduino or microcontrollers in general. My videos are very pragmatic - I prefer to answer the question "what is the quickest, simplest and most affordable way to accomplish this?". The videos are meant to be a quick source of "how to" knowledge for the hobbyist that is using an LCD display, ultrasonic sensor or accelerometer for the first time, for example. I hope you enjoy this series of...
Introduction to Microcontrollers - Driving WS2812 RGB LEDs
This tutorial chapter is a bit of a detour, but I think an interesting and useful one. It introduces a bit of assembly language programming, and demonstrates bit-banging a tight serial data protocol. And it deals with RGB LEDs, which are just very fun in their own right, especially these new parts. So I thought I'd post this to give readers time for some holiday lighting experimenting.
Back To The FutureRemember how we started this...
Introduction to Microcontrollers - Button Matrix & Auto Repeating
Too Many Buttons, Not Enough InputsAssigning one GPIO input to each button can use up a lot of GPIO pins. Numeric input requires at least 10 buttons, plus however many additional control or function buttons. This can quickly get expensive, GPIO pin-wise, and also connector-wise if the keypad is off the uC PCB as it often would be. A very common response to this expense is to wire buttons (keys, etc) in a matrix. By connecting our buttons in an...
Learning A New Microcontroller
Contents:- Introduction
- The Peripherals
- System Complexity
- Support Software
- Do It Like Phil
- The Programs
- WET And DRY Code
Introduction to Microcontrollers - More Timers and Displays
Building Your World Around TimersBy now you have seen four different ways to use timers in your programs. Next we will look at some ways to produce the effect of multiple parallel streams of work in your program with the help of timers. This effect is only an appearance, not a reality, since a single microcontroller (one core) can only run a single thread of code. However, since microcontrollers are so fast in relation to a great many of the tasks to...
Make Your Own MCU Boards (2023 Teardown Conference)
Ditch the development boards! Products like the Nucleo development boards serve a wonderful purpose, but they’re ill-suited for projects that need to be small and cheap, such as hobby projects or products just beginning a production run. In this talk (a recording from the 2023 Teardown Conference), you’ll learn how to put a microcontroller or other custom circuit on a PCB a little larger than a stick of gum for less than $3 a board.
Getting Started with the Microchip PIC® Microcontroller
This first post of a five part series looks at the available hardware options for getting started with Microchip 8-bit PIC® Microcontroller, explores the MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment and walks through setting up a project to expose the configured clock to an external pin and implement a single output GPIO to light an LED.
Metal detection: beat frequency oscillator
Plan Introduction Theory Electronics Software Tests ReferencesNext part: building the detector 1. IntroductionThis article discusses the implementation of a beat frequency oscillator (BFO) stage for metal detector. While they are mentioned here and there, the article does not detail other important electronic stages such as the power supply, and user interface, the coil or the detector frame. I may write other articles on these topics, and other detection methods.Before...
Embedded Systems - free EdX course by UT-Austin!
I was very excited to see that there will be an Embedded Systems class available for free at
It's free to sign up and take the online class at the EdX website.
More exciting is that the class is based on a TI Launchpad Tiva microcontroller development board. The Tiva Launchpad features an 80-MHz ARM Cortex M-4 MCU with 256 KB of flash storage, 32 KB of RAM and 43 general purpose I/O pins.
STM32 B-CAMS-OMV Walkthrough
The STM32 B-CAMS-OMV camera module offers an accessible way to get started with embedded vision. Coupled with the STM32H747I-DISCO discovery kit and the FP-AI-VISION1 function pack, it's possible to be up and running in minutes.
This video describes the camera connection interface to the discovery kit and the key software functions required to control the camera and process its data. We review the ISP (Image Signal Processor) interface with examples of image processing...
Cutting Through the Confusion with ARM Cortex-M Interrupt Priorities
The insanely popular ARM Cortex-M processor offers very versatile interrupt priority management, but unfortunately, the multiple priority numbering conventions used in managing the interrupt priorities are often counter-intuitive, inconsistent, and confusing, which can lead to bugs. In this post I attempt to explain the subject and cut through the confusion.
The Inverse Relationship Between Priority Numbers and Urgency of the Interrupts
The most important fact to know is that ARM...
Scorchers, Part 3: Bare-Metal Concurrency With Double-Buffering and the Revolving Fireplace
This is a short article about one technique for communicating between asynchronous processes on bare-metal embedded systems.
Q: Why did the multithreaded chicken cross the road?
A: to To other side. get the
There are many reasons why concurrency is
From bare-metal to RTOS: 5 Reasons to use an RTOS
Developers can come up with amazing and convoluted reasons to not use an RTOS. I have heard excuses ranging from they are too expensive (despite open source solutions) all the way to they aren’t efficient and use too much memory. In some circumstances some excuses are justified but there are many reasons why a developer should look to an RTOS to help with their real-time scheduling needs.
From bare-metal to RTOS Quick LinksAre We Shooting Ourselves in the Foot with Stack Overflow?
Most traditional, beaten-path memory layouts allocate the stack space above the data sections in RAM, even though the stack grows “down” (towards the lower memory addresses) in most embedded processors. This arrangement puts your program data in the path of destruction of a stack overflow. In other words, you violate the first Gun Safety Rule (ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction!) and you end up shooting yourself in the foot. This article shows how to locate the stack at the BEGINNING of RAM and thus point it in the "safe" direction.
Getting Started with (Apache) NuttX RTOS - Part 1
NuttX RTOS is used in many products from companies like Sony, Xiaomi, Samsung, Google/Fitbit, WildernessLabs and many other companis. So, probably you are already using NuttX even without knowing it, like the you was using Linux on your TV, WiFi router more than 10 years ago and didn't know too! Today you will have the chance to discover a little bit of this fantastic Linux-like RTOS! Are you ready? So, let's get started!
NULL pointer protection with ARM Cortex-M MPU
This post explains how you can set up the ARM Cortex-M MPU (Memory Protection Unit) to protect thy code from dragons, demons, core dumps, and numberless other foul creatures awaiting thee after thou dereference the NULL pointer.
Getting Started With Zephyr: Devicetree Overlays
In this blog post, I show how the Devicetree overlay is a valuable construct in The Zephyr Project RTOS. Overlays allow embedded software engineers to override the default pin configuration specified in Zephyr for a particular board. In this blog post, I use I2C as an example. Specifically, I showed the default I2C pins used for the nRF52840 development kit in the nominal Zephyr Devicetree. Then, I demonstrated how an overlay can be used to override this pin configuration and the final result.
Cutting Through the Confusion with ARM Cortex-M Interrupt Priorities
The insanely popular ARM Cortex-M processor offers very versatile interrupt priority management, but unfortunately, the multiple priority numbering conventions used in managing the interrupt priorities are often counter-intuitive, inconsistent, and confusing, which can lead to bugs. In this post I attempt to explain the subject and cut through the confusion.
The Inverse Relationship Between Priority Numbers and Urgency of the Interrupts
The most important fact to know is that ARM...
Getting Started With Zephyr: Kconfig
In this blog post, we briefly look at Kconfig, one of the core pieces of the Zephyr infrastructure. Kconfig allows embedded software developers to turn specific subsystems on or off within Zephyr efficiently and control their behavior. We also learn how we can practically use Kconfig to control the features of our application using the two most common mechanisms.
Embedded Systems - free EdX course by UT-Austin!
I was very excited to see that there will be an Embedded Systems class available for free at
It's free to sign up and take the online class at the EdX website.
More exciting is that the class is based on a TI Launchpad Tiva microcontroller development board. The Tiva Launchpad features an 80-MHz ARM Cortex M-4 MCU with 256 KB of flash storage, 32 KB of RAM and 43 general purpose I/O pins.
Introduction to Deep Insight Analysis for RTOS Based Applications
Over the past several years, embedded systems have become extremely complex. As systems become more complex, they become harder and more time consuming to debug. It isn’t uncommon for development teams to spend more than 40% development cycle time just debugging their systems. This is where deep insight analysis has the potential to dramatically decrease costs and time to market.
Defining Deep Insight Analysis
Deep insight analysis is a set of tools and techniques that can be...
3 Overlooked Embedded Software Elements
Have you ever wondered, while you and your team are busy writing software if the foundation of how embedded software systems are built has changed and left you in the dust? What if while you were busily focusing on getting your product out the door, fighting bugs, and dealing with supply issues, there were techniques and processes that you completely overlooked that could save the day? I’ve found three elements embedded software teams often underutilize that could dramatically improve...
Getting Started With Zephyr: Writing Data to EEPROM
In this blog post, I show how to implement a Zephyr application to interact with EEPROM. I show how the Zephyr device driver model allows application writers to be free of the underlying implementation details. Unfortunately, the application didn't work as expected, and I'm still troubleshooting the cause.