Embedded Systems - free EdX course by UT-Austin!
I was very excited to see that there will be an Embedded Systems class available for free at https://www.edx.org/course/utaustin/ut-6-01x/embedded-systems-shape-world/1172
It's free to sign up and take the online class at the EdX website.
More exciting is that the class is based on a TI Launchpad Tiva microcontroller development board. The Tiva Launchpad features an 80-MHz ARM Cortex M-4 MCU with 256 KB of flash storage, 32 KB of RAM and 43 general purpose I/O pins. Full specs are at the TI website here.
The class centers around hands on building of several projects, culminating in a final project in which you build an arcade-style shooter game.
This could be an excellent opportunity for those of you (and me) that are looking for a way to transition from hobby development tools to mainstream environments that are actually used in industry.
The development board can be bought from TI for $12.99, which includes free worldwide shipping. There is also a kit of parts, which it look like will be available for purchase, although these details are not finalized. Some of you may already have all the parts you need. Details about the kit are here.
The optional Nokia 5110 display is used for the final video-game project. These can be procured very inexpensively. I bought 5 of these on eBay a while back for $15. If you want to purchase from a more reputable source, Adafruit sells them for $10.
There is an optional book for the course also, Embedded Systems - Introduction to ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers. It can be purchased new at Amazon for $40. The EdX site stresses that this textbook is not required.
Class starts January 22nd!

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