
F1121 with AT45DB011B flash from ATMEL

Started by Jardar Johannes Maatje January 23, 2003
This might be a bit off topic since its probably a more atmel chip
problem, but I try here anyways.
Im using a flash memory chip together with the MSP430F1121A chip. Im
wondering if somebody out there has done the same, cause I seem to have a
problem reading from the flash memory or programming the flash. I can read
and write to and from its rambuffer. But when it comes to either the
flashing or reading of data from flash I can't make it work.


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

Hello Jardar,
    Actually I experienced that same problem too, but I was interfacing the chip
to the ATmega128.  Are you sure you are giving the chip enough time to access
the flash?  Programming the flash can take up to 14ms.  So always check the
Ready/Busy flag for the state of the flash.  That's all I can say for now
without seeing any code.  Also, I have some c code directly from Atmel, that
covers most of the functions the chip does, let me know if you would like me to
send it to you.


Matt Sabino

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jardar Johannes Maatje 
  To: msp430@msp4... 
  Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 12:33 PM
  Subject: [msp430] F1121 with AT45DB011B flash from ATMEL

  This might be a bit off topic since its probably a more atmel chip
  problem, but I try here anyways.
  Im using a flash memory chip together with the MSP430F1121A chip. Im
  wondering if somebody out there has done the same, cause I seem to have a
  problem reading from the flash memory or programming the flash. I can read
  and write to and from its rambuffer. But when it comes to either the
  flashing or reading of data from flash I can't make it work.





Have you made sure you are sending the 32 "don't care" bits
(1) with the
proper command sequence to the DataFlash ?
2 people I helped out in the past with the same problem overlooked sending
the proper command with the extra
bits (for the state machine in the Flash chip).


Hello Jardar,
    Actually I experienced that same problem too, but I was interfacing the
chip to the ATmega128.  Are you sure you are giving the chip enough time to
access the flash?  Programming the flash can take up to 14ms.  So always
check the Ready/Busy flag for the state of the flash.  That's all I can say
for now without seeing any code.  Also, I have some c code directly from
Atmel, that covers most of the functions the chip does, let me know if you
would like me to send it to you.


Matt Sabino

Funny thing - I've been struggling with a similar problem for a few

My setup:
MSP430F149 clocking at 1.8432Mhz connected to AT45DB011B using SPI port 0,
I'm initing the SPI with the code below:
I'm not absolutely sure, but I believe I'm operating in SPI Mode 3 as
diagrammed in the AT45DB011B datasheet.

Things that work for me:
1) I can read status register  and RDY/BUSY bit - reads 0x86 when not busy.
2) In a tight loop I can read and write the dataFlash buffer (see test code)

What doesn't work for me:
1) reading and writing dataFlash buffer when called from normal program flow
(response to UART1 serial port protocol for writing and reading data
records).  I write numbers 0 to 255 in locations 0 to 255 and always read
back 0's in normal program flow.   In my test loop, I read back what is

I haven't tried programming flash memory yet, not until I get a handle on
reading and writing Buf1.

I've included the code below as a sample for those that haven't made
it as
far as I have, and also as a plea for someone who knows the subtleties of
the part to perhaps spot the problem.


    ME1 |= USPIE0;                                                   //
ME1.6 (USPIE0=URXE0) enable tx/rx in SPI mode
    UTCTL0 = CKPL+SSEL1+SSEL0+STC;            //    WORKS: (reads
0x86) (SPI
Mode 3 I believe)
    UCTL0 = CHAR+SYNC+MM+SWRST;          // 8bit SPI Master

    UBR00 = 0x02;            // UCLK/2
    UBR10 = 0x00;           // 0
    UMCTL0 = 0x00;      // no modulation

    P3SEL |= 0x0E;      // P3.1,2,3 SPI option select P3.1=SIMO, P3.2=SOMI,
    P3DIR |= 0x0B;      // P3.0(unused)=1, P3.1(SIMO)=1, P3.2(SOMI)=0,

    P4SEL &= 0xDF;                      // P4.5 SEL=0, Port function, out
    P4DIR |= 0x20;                         // P4.5 DIR=1 output direction
    P4OUT |= 0x20;                      // Write P4.5 outbit CS=1

    UCTL0 &= 0xfe;                      // reset bit.0=SWRST

        for(indx=0; indx<256; indx++)
            tx.buf[indx] = indx;
            rx.buf[indx] = 0xff;

        flash_writeBuf1(&tx.buf[0], 0, 256);

        // adjustable delay to see if it's the delay that's causing
        // the delay (even up to 10 sec) seems to have no bearing on writing
then reading the data as verified by the output to Hyperterminal
        for(big=0L; big<1000000L; big++);

        flash_readBuf1(&rx.buf[0], 0, 256);

        for(indx=0; indx<250; indx++)


 *  Routine:  spi_readByte
 *  Description: read a byte from serial dataflash on SPI port, assumes
 *               has dropped the chip select line (and for now has written
 *               a dummy byte to gen the clock for the read - will look at
 *               this dummy write into the read routine).
 *  Inputs:  None
 *  Returns: the byte read from SPI port

Byte spi_readByte(void)

 *  Routine:   spi_writeByte
 *  Description: write a byte to the serial dataflash on SPI port, assumes
 *               is managing the chip select line.
 *  Inputs:     byte to write
 *  Returns:    nothing
void spi_writeByte(Byte wrByte)

    while ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);        // USART0 TX buffer ready?
    TXBUF0 = wrByte;

 *  Routine:  flash_readStatusReg
 *  Description:
 *  Inputs:
 *  Returns: status register from AT45DB011B / AT45DB021B
Byte flash_readStatusReg(void)
    Byte rxVal;


    spi_writeByte(DATA_FLASH_STATUS);                  // 0x57
    spi_writeByte(DUMMY_WRITE);                             // Dummy write
to clock the data in 0x00
    rxVal = spi_readByte();




 *  Routine:  flash_writeBuf1
 *  Description: write into buffer1
 *  Inputs:  ptr to data buf, addr, cnt (264 max for each)
 *  Returns:
void flash_writeBuf1(Byte *srcPtr, Uint16 addr, Uint16 cnt)
 Uint16 indx;

    addr &= 0x1ff;
    cnt &= 0x1ff;                          //


    spi_writeByte(BUFFER1_WRITE);            // Buffer1 Write 0x84
    spi_writeByte((Byte) (addr/256));
    spi_writeByte((Byte) addr);

    for(indx=0; indx<cnt; indx++)



 *  Routine:  flash_readBuf1
 *  Description: read from buffer1
 *  Inputs:  ptr to data buf, addr, cnt (264 max for each)
 *  Returns:

void flash_readBuf1(Byte *dstPtr, Uint16 addr, Uint16 cnt)
 Uint16 indx;

    addr &= 0x1ff;
    cnt &= 0x1ff;                          //


    spi_writeByte(BUFFER1_READ);            // Buffer1 Read 0x84
    spi_writeByte((Byte) (addr/256));
    spi_writeByte((Byte) addr);
//    spi_writeByte(DUMMY_WRITE);         // not sure?

    for(indx=0; indx<cnt; indx++)
        *dstPtr = spi_readByte();




----- Original Message -----
From: "microbit" <microbit@micr...>
To: <msp430@msp4...>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: [msp430] F1121 with AT45DB011B flash from ATMEL

> Have you made sure you are sending the 32
"don't care" bits (1) with the
> proper command sequence to the DataFlash ?
> 2 people I helped out in the past with the same problem overlooked sending
> the proper command with the extra
> bits (for the state machine in the Flash chip).
> Cheers
> Kris
> Hello Jardar,
>     Actually I experienced that same problem too, but I was interfacing
> chip to the ATmega128.  Are you sure you are
giving the chip enough time
> access the flash?  Programming the flash can take
up to 14ms.  So always
> check the Ready/Busy flag for the state of the flash.  That's all I
> for now without seeing any code.  Also, I have
some c code directly from
> Atmel, that covers most of the functions the chip does, let me know if you
> would like me to send it to you.
> Later,
> Matt Sabino
> .
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