Imagine Conference

LPC210x I2C Examples?

Started by Johan Forrer in LPC200021 years ago 5 replies

Hi All, Since Philips is strong in I2C, does anyone know whether there are some I2C example code for the LPC210x, like that...

Hi All, Since Philips is strong in I2C, does anyone know whether there are some I2C example code for the LPC210x, like that published in the 8XC552 data sheets? I'd like to experiment with the LPC210x I2C interface and wonder whether anyone has experience wi

baud rate calculation for lpc210x

Started by aravindar_manikandan in LPC200020 years ago 2 replies

hi, i am using 14.746Mhz crystal for lpc210x.i want to find baudrate setting for this crytal frequency.anybody explain with...

hi, i am using 14.746Mhz crystal for lpc210x.i want to find baudrate setting for this crytal frequency.anybody explain with the formula rgds, mani

Anybody implement NAND flash driver on LPC210x ?

Started by berrycake33 in LPC200021 years ago 14 replies

Has anybody implemented NAND flash driver on LPC210x ? Now we are considering using LPC2106 in our project which needs a...

Has anybody implemented NAND flash driver on LPC210x ? Now we are considering using LPC2106 in our project which needs a NAND flash to storage data. Two UARTs, I2C and SPI are all used for other functions. If p0.23 to p0.31 is used for NAND flash data pins, it wi

LPC2100 and USB programming

Started by Milos Prokic in LPC200020 years ago 7 replies

Hi everyone, I wanted to fabricate a board with the LPC210x that will have USB connectivity. I have found some simple chips that...

Hi everyone, I wanted to fabricate a board with the LPC210x that will have USB connectivity. I have found some simple chips that would definitely do the job - for example PDIUSBD12 which is a USB interface device with parallel bus. However, I don't think I would be able to bootstrap

How can i automate jtag programming of 10+ LPC210x/213x?

Started by Darcy in LPC200017 years ago 3 replies

Okay, I'm trying to find out a way to program 13 different LPC2000 devices on the same jtag chain. We have one LPC2138, and...

Okay, I'm trying to find out a way to program 13 different LPC2000 devices on the same jtag chain. We have one LPC2138, and twelve LPC2103's. We're currently using the ARM-USB-OCDs with Rowley CrossWorks and Vista (meh). We can source an XP machine with a parallel port if this is what it takes. We'd prefer a windows based solution as that is what the techs have access to already. I a...

External Clock Source

Started by James Dabbs in LPC200021 years ago 4 replies

Are there any non-obvious considerations in using an external oscillator to drive the clock pin of the LPC210X (instead of a crystal...

Are there any non-obvious considerations in using an external oscillator to drive the clock pin of the LPC210X (instead of a crystal using the internal oscillator)?


Started by Jason in LPC200014 years ago 3 replies

Ok this isnt a question of how but why? and what? I was finally re-reading the PLL information in the User Manual of the LPC210x family and...

Ok this isnt a question of how but why? and what? I was finally re-reading the PLL information in the User Manual of the LPC210x family and i stumbled across this: "The input frequency is multiplied up the range of 10 MHz to 60 MHz using a Current Controlled Oscillators (CCO)." Its on Page 48, "9. Phase Locked Loop (PLL)" second sentence. Now im lost here because everywhere else in th...

Lpc210x Code Protection

Started by mauroansa in LPC200018 years ago 17 replies

Hello. I'm looking for a suitable way to protect the code on my lpc2103. The device is programmed using the jLink jtag interface. I Have read...

Hello. I'm looking for a suitable way to protect the code on my lpc2103. The device is programmed using the jLink jtag interface. I Have read about the CRP protection, but confused about the use of it and the effectiveness against ROM boot loader and jTag interface. Can somebody hive me hints or link where to look at? Thanks in advance for help. Mauro Ansaloni

MAX3232 problems?

Started by David Willmore in LPC200021 years ago 10 replies

I finally have one of Leon's lpc210x proto boards assembled. The problem is the MAX3232 runs warm and seems to be drawing 150mA...

I finally have one of Leon's lpc210x proto boards assembled. The problem is the MAX3232 runs warm and seems to be drawing 150mA or so--it varies a bit. The lpc2106 runs at ambient and has detectable 10MHz on its clock pins. Removing the MAX3232 from the board causes it


Started by Jason in LPC200014 years ago 38 replies

Hello all, im kind of confused. I have been skimming throught the user manual for the LPC2103 and can only find that to use debug you should...

Hello all, im kind of confused. I have been skimming throught the user manual for the LPC2103 and can only find that to use debug you should Pull-UP RTCK and DBGSEL... Why in the world does Olimex have so many resistors on the JTAG ? http://www.olimex.com/dev/images/lpc-h2103-sch.gif At the top right either something is pulled high or pulled low... are all these needed? or can i get by w...

LPC210x Flash Utility with RTS/DTR Control

Started by Richard in LPC200021 years ago 6 replies

I have uploaded this version to the files area. I also uploaded a picture of the required circuitry. This circuitry is already ...

I have uploaded this version to the files area. I also uploaded a picture of the required circuitry. This circuitry is already implemented on the IAR Kickstart and Keil MCB2100 evaluation boards. It is really handy as ISP development can be done relatively quickly and "hands

RTC in LPC2106

Started by acetoel in LPC200020 years ago 5 replies

Hello, I have set up the RTC and make a simple program to test it. But it doesn't work! Here is the code... on the PC (connected...

Hello, I have set up the RTC and make a simple program to test it. But it doesn't work! Here is the code... on the PC (connected to the serial port) I always view the same time 19:8:51 Thanks Ezequiel #include "LPC210x.h" #include "Init.h"

LPCISP via RS485

Started by Sagaert Johan in LPC200019 years ago 1 reply

Can someone tell me if it is possible to program the lpc210x with the philips isp program if the chip is used with a RS485. The rs485 hardware...

Can someone tell me if it is possible to program the lpc210x with the philips isp program if the chip is used with a RS485. The rs485 hardware forces the pc software to receive the data it sends. Maybe this may conflict with the behaviour of the isp software. Has someone done this before ? Johan

Checksum calculation for programming flash

Started by gene_klein2000 in LPC200021 years ago 5 replies

Hi, I'm writing a programmer for the LPC210x series. When I look in the User Manual for the chip in chapter 17 there is a...

Hi, I'm writing a programmer for the LPC210x series. When I look in the User Manual for the chip in chapter 17 there is a description how to write data to ram (Table 147 page 187). How must I calculate the checksum to send after I've send the data to the device ?

Amontec Chameleon

Started by Leon Heller in LPC200020 years ago 18 replies

A long time ago Amontec gave me one of their Chameleon units to try with my LPC210x board. I couldn't get it to work. I thought I'd try it...

A long time ago Amontec gave me one of their Chameleon units to try with my LPC210x board. I couldn't get it to work. I thought I'd try it again with the latest software, but still can't get it to work in either Wiggler or Raven mode, even at very low speeds. A genuine Wiggler works fine, of course. Has anyone got the Chameleon to work with the Philips ARM chips?

LPC210x UART bug ?

Started by hansklos2003 in LPC200021 years ago 4 replies

Hi! I set LPC2106 UART to work with 2 stop bits. After this I try to recieve few bytes transmitted with one stop bit, from PC...

Hi! I set LPC2106 UART to work with 2 stop bits. After this I try to recieve few bytes transmitted with one stop bit, from PC computer to LPC2106. And, what is strange for me, LPC2106 UART returns only one, last byte from transmitted frame. I think, it is an error, becouse

Timer1 interrupt not working

Started by JPCasainho in LPC200016 years ago 1 reply

Hello :-) I am trying to run for the first time the Timer1 interrupt, for having a tick off 5ms on my system. The "timers.c"...

Hello :-) I am trying to run for the first time the Timer1 interrupt, for having a tick off 5ms on my system. The "timers.c" file: #include "lpc210x.h" void timer1_int_handler (void) __attribute__ ((interrupt("IRQ"))); void timer1_int_handler (void) { TIMER1_IR = 1; VICVECTADDR = 0xff; } void timer1_init (void) { /* Initialize VIC */ VICCNTL0 = 0x25; ...

FreeRTOS and high speed UARTs of LPC210x

Started by stevec in LPC200014 years ago 1 reply

Testing FreeRTOS on LPC2106 with both UART channels outputting at 115K baud. I'm using the transmit FIFOs, so the interrupt rate is 1/16th what...

Testing FreeRTOS on LPC2106 with both UART channels outputting at 115K baud. I'm using the transmit FIFOs, so the interrupt rate is 1/16th what it would be without FIFOs (I'm amazed at how rarely I see sample code using the FIFO or using it such that it cannot do its purpose). The issue and question is: I'm using the FreeRTOS message queue to service the transmit UARTs. With message queues o...


Started by "lpc.lover" in LPC200019 years ago 6 replies

Hi, Anyone know application or have source code for read LPC2106 flash memory, and convert it in bin or hex file with ISP command or...

Hi, Anyone know application or have source code for read LPC2106 flash memory, and convert it in bin or hex file with ISP command or by direct user application "send" memory by the serial port in the LPC? Thanks for any answer or help. ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Yahoo! Groups gets a make over. See the new email design. http://us.click.yahoo

DBGSEL and LPC210x

Started by laphi81 in LPC200014 years ago 2 replies

I'm curious what exactly DBGSEL does. From the user manual: Debug Select: When LOW, the part operates normally. When HIGH, debug mode is...

I'm curious what exactly DBGSEL does. From the user manual: Debug Select: When LOW, the part operates normally. When HIGH, debug mode is entered. Input pin with internal pull-down. So what exactly is Debug Mode? From user manual: The Debug mode connects the JTAG pins to the embedded ICE for program debugging using an emulator or other development tool. Ok. So, if I spin a board with...

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