Imagine Conference

9600 hz oscillator with the bx-24?

Started by spillikinaerospace in BasicX18 years ago 4 replies

Hello can anyone tell me what's the simplest way to make a 9600 hz oscillator with the bx24? the built-in timer apparently can't do it. maybe...

Hello can anyone tell me what's the simplest way to make a 9600 hz oscillator with the bx24? the built-in timer apparently can't do it. maybe i can manipulate com3 into doing it if i set it at 19200. but does the com3 protocol include a start bit? hmmmm.... thanx anyone, louie

handling multiple interrupt sources?

Started by arhodes19044 in BasicX20 years ago 50 replies

I have gotten the basics done on the rally computer. I would like to have the timer generate an interrupt. I COULD do this the...

I have gotten the basics done on the rally computer. I would like to have the timer generate an interrupt. I COULD do this the crude way and have the PWM generator make something that ticks at about one Hz, or a simple multiple thereof. I could route the output of that to Pin 11 and trigger an interrupt. However, I am already using Pin 1

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