![Imagine Conference](https://d23s79tivgl8me.cloudfront.net/new2/images/temp/EOC2025_EB_LB.png)
Ok, it's kinda petty, but I DO post missives, yet seem to get no attribution.If you're stopping counting, then delete the column showing them. Otherwise keep them accurate:...
With black-box test cases running on an embedded target, is there a way to determine what lines of code are executed without compiling the embedded code with a...
Reading the Nordic SDK issue, let's expand the topic as in the title.I can't be the only one frustrated past anger at how SDKs make code and project portability...
How to fix CAN Bit Stuffing Error
Our ADAS Controller is based on Renesas RH850/U2A16 Microcontrollers. We are using Infineon TLE9255WSK Partial Network CAN Transceivers. We are using Vector...
MSP430G2553: Problems while running without debugger.
Hello!I have a school project where MSP430G2ET launchpad measures soil
moisture and runs a pump when soil is dry. It's also measures light and
save some data to...
casting to union type vs struct type
Why does casting a variable to union type works, but not with struct and array type in c language?
I just received an email from someone saying that his commercial coding experience started with a programmable calculator with 512 bytes of memory -- he wend on...
UART communication with ACK/NACK error handling
IDEA: I'm trying to establish firm communication between a transmitter and receiver; firm in a sense of some basic error handling. I'm trying to implement ACK(acknowledgement)/NACK(negative-acknowledgement)...
Communication protocol suggestions
I’m building a bus with 6 sensors. Each sensor has its microcontroller. We call it a node. There will be a master micro which will communicate with all the nodes. Sensor...
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![Imagine Conference](https://d23s79tivgl8me.cloudfront.net/new2/images/temp/EOC2025_EB_LB.png)