Imagine Conference

string in flash

Started by Martijn Broens October 15, 2002
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to create a string that will reside in flash.
What I'd like to do is have a string  RevCode[10] but this needs to stay in
flash. So after I get a value I will store it in flash, I know how to do
that, but don't know how to create this array. I'd like it to be for
instance at $01200
 Can anyone help me her
Best regards,

Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

We describe how to do this in our AQ430 tools, at 
www.quadravox.com/aq430.htm (click on "FAQ", and scroll down to:
"How can I locate const variables at specific address").


--- In msp430@y..., Martijn Broens <martijn@a...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know how to create a string that will reside in flash.
> What I'd like to do is have a string  RevCode[10] but this needs to 
stay in
> flash. So after I get a value I will store it in
flash, I know how 
to do
> that, but don't know how to create this
array. I'd like it to be for
> instance at $01200
>  Can anyone help me her
> Best regards,
> Martijn

Using the IAR toolset:-

In your source file

#pragma memory = constseg( STRING_DATA )

const unsigned char String_Data[] = {"Hello Martijn"}  ;

#pragma memory = default

and in the .XCL Xlink control file

// Storage for the string data





>From: Martijn Broens <martijn@mart...>
>Reply-To: msp430@msp4...
>To: "'msp430@'msp...'" <msp430@msp4...>
>Subject: [msp430] string in flash
>Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 13:37:28 +0200
>Hi all,
>Does anyone know how to create a string that will reside in flash.
>What I'd like to do is have a string  RevCode[10] but this needs to
stay in
>flash. So after I get a value I will store it in flash, I know how to do
>that, but don't know how to create this array. I'd like it to be
>instance at $01200
>  Can anyone help me her
>Best regards,

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Imagine Conference