
Best, lowest cost, commercial C compiler?

Started by Richard \UK\. April 10, 2004

I might need to move away from ASM soon - did we ever decide which commercial
compiler would be "best" for a freelance developer?
[That means good tools, stable tools, high quality emitted code, compiler
checked against test suites, good vendor support]



Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.631 / Virus Database: 404 - Release Date: 17/03/04

Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

Same here.
Can some body with long and wide experience in assemblers as well as 
c compilers give frank, unbiased opinion about free as well as priced 
compilers, other software tools as well as hardware tools please ?

This will benefit a lot to new comers to msp430.

There is no need to worry about threats and bad emails from any of 
the companies selling this stuff because this is a free world and 
every body has right to expresses his/her opinion freely.

Madhav Joshi

--- In msp430@msp4..., "Richard \(UK\)." <ymsp430@a...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I might need to move away from ASM soon - did we ever decide which 
commercial compiler would be "best" for a freelance developer?
> [That means good tools, stable tools, high quality
emitted code, 
compiler checked against test suites, good vendor support]
> regards,
> Richard
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.631 / Virus Database: 404 - Release Date: 17/03/04


I've done 3 projects with Quadravox AQ430, it is a very cost 
effective, capable, well thought out product.  I have gotten quick, 
complete and friendly support from Michel.  I have developed a real-
time mult-phase power monitor with true RMS voltage and current 
conversion, true power and RS485 communication.  I know that others 
on this site have done more.  I heartily recommend this compiler and 

Mark James
Senior Consultant
Vader Logic, LLC

--- In msp430@msp4..., "Richard \(UK\)." <ymsp430@a...> 
> Hi,
> I might need to move away from ASM soon - did we ever decide which 
commercial compiler would be "best" for a freelance developer?
> [That means good tools, stable tools, high quality
emitted code, 
compiler checked against test suites, good vendor support]
> regards,
> Richard
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.631 / Virus Database: 404 - Release Date: 17/03/04

I also use the Quadrovox AQ430 compiler tools for my commercial MSP430
development work and and very happy with them. My experiences are the
same as Mark's, below. 

That said, I also evaluated Rowley's Crosscode development tools and 
Imagecraft's tools before buying Quadravox. My honest opinion is that 
you can't go wrong with any of them and picking one will be a matter of 
which IDE/user interface you like and your budget. I asked questions of 
all these vendors before buying and tried their demos. They all 
provided good features, produced very good code, were fast and all the
vendors provided quick response and honest answers. All of these
vendors have people who monitor and respond to users on this mail list,
a real plus. 

I rejected IAR's tools, mainly because of price and bad previous
experience with IAR. In fairness to IAR, they have a good toolset that
appeals to many users. I did not evaluate Hi-Tech's MSP430 tools
because they were not available at the time I needed to purchase a tool
set. My past experience with Hi-Tech's PIC C compiler was very positive
and I know Clyde and his gang produce very good tools and take care of
their users. I would certainly consider their tools also.

Matt Pobursky
Maximum Performance Systems 

On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 05:15:45 -0000, marksjames2001
>I've done 3 projects with Quadravox AQ430, it is a very cost
>effective, capable, well thought out product. I have gotten quick,
>complete and friendly support from Michel. I have developed a real-
>time mult-phase power monitor with true RMS voltage and current
>conversion, true power and RS485 communication. I know that others
>on this site have done more. I heartily recommend this compiler and
>Mark James
>Senior Consultant
>Vader Logic, LLC
>--- In msp430@msp4..., "Richard \(UK\)." <ymsp430@a...>
>>I might need to move away from ASM soon - did we ever decide which
>commercial compiler would be "best" for a freelance developer?
>>[That means good tools, stable tools, high quality emitted code,
>compiler checked against test suites, good vendor support]