Is it possible to mix assembler and C in the same file with IAR WB? Could not find any documentation on this, so I guess it's not possible, but I want to be sure cause it would be realy convenient. Jardar

IAR and inline assembler
Started by ●May 14, 2003
Reply by ●May 14, 20032003-05-14
Here is what you need.... John At 13:37 14.5.2003 +0200, you wrote: >Is it possible to mix assembler and C in the same file with IAR WB? Could >not find any documentation on this, so I guess it's not possible, but I >want to be sure cause it would be realy convenient. > >Jardar > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ><`164797&partid170658>1743b61.jpg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">*`164797&partid170658>1743b61.jpg > >1743b81.jpg > >. > > > >">>Yahoo! Terms of Service. John Leijonakallio Engineer, R&D Software, Finlux Ltd, Radiomiehenkatu 3, P.O.Box 13 FIN-20321 Turku, Finland Tel. +358 2 333 285, Fax. +358 2 3330 404
Reply by ●May 14, 20032003-05-14
Can't speak for the other vendors, but in AQ430, you can easily insert assembly code by putting it between an opening /$ and a closing $/ You can also easily refer to C declared variables in inserted assembly code. Michel --- In msp430@msp4..., Jardar Johannes Maatje <maatje@s...> wrote: > Is it possible to mix assembler and C in the same file with IAR WB? Could > not find any documentation on this, so I guess it's not possible, but I > want to be sure cause it would be realy convenient. > > Jardar
Reply by ●May 14, 20032003-05-14
I have an assembly function with a parameter that uses R4 to R15 inside . Is there any restriction ,besides SLAA140 ? when I call it from C (using IAR ) .When in C-spy, when tracing it with F3 I can't come back from it. Do I have to avoid using R4, R5 ?( I am also pushing R6 to R11 as they recommend.). Karl. ----- Original Message ----- From: John Leijonakallio To: msp430@msp4... Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 7:47 AM Subject: Re: [msp430] IAR and inline assembler Here is what you need.... John At 13:37 14.5.2003 +0200, you wrote: >Is it possible to mix assembler and C in the same file with IAR WB? Could >not find any documentation on this, so I guess it's not possible, but I >want to be sure cause it would be realy convenient. > >Jardar > > >Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ><`164797&partid170658>1743b61.jpg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">*`164797&partid170658>1743b61.jpg > >1743b81.jpg > >. > > > >">>Yahoo! Terms of Service. John Leijonakallio Engineer, R&D Software, Finlux Ltd, Radiomiehenkatu 3, P.O.Box 13 FIN-20321 Turku, Finland Tel. +358 2 333 285, Fax. +358 2 3330 404 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor .
Reply by ●May 14, 20032003-05-14
--- In msp430@msp4..., Jardar Johannes Maatje <maatje@s...> wrote: > Is it possible to mix assembler and C in the same file with IAR WB? Could > not find any documentation on this, so I guess it's not possible, but I > want to be sure cause it would be realy convenient. Yes, you can mix assembly and C in the same file, in a number of ways -- either as separate functions, or with inline assembly. However, I'll caution you that ** inline ** assembly should be avoided for a couple of reasons: 1) The syntax is rarely portable. 2) The optimizers may / will do funny things with in-line assembly. 3) Depending on the compiler, you may or may not have a comprehensive feature set when working "in" the in-line assembler. For example, some in-line assemblers do not enable access to global variables (by name), the program counter, labels, etc. This can be very frustrating. 4) Source-level debugging doesn't work so well with in-line assembly. IMO, you're better off either writing assembly-language modules (i.e. functions) that interface via the C calling conventions of the compiler, or use C-language macros (either intrinsics or your own) that result in the assembly code you want. --Andrew
Reply by ●May 15, 20032003-05-15
Reply by ●May 15, 20032003-05-15
Shouldn't you have as many apologies as duplicated messages ? ;-) Michel --- In msp430@msp4..., "aekalman" <aek@n...> wrote: > Sorry for the identical, multiple posts -- I'm not sure why that happened. > > --Andrew
Reply by ●May 16, 20032003-05-16
Dear sir. i have modified c -code fet examples in msp430f123. i included as u suggested /$ nop $/ like . but it showing an error as binary operator missing. had i missed to include some files. if so, please tell me about that. actually i want to add asm and c-code in same file. so please help me venkat michelqv <michel@mich...> wrote: Can't speak for the other vendors, but in AQ430, you can easily insert assembly code by putting it between an opening /$ and a closing $/ You can also easily refer to C declared variables in inserted assembly code. Michel --- In msp430@msp4..., Jardar Johannes Maatje <maatje@s...> wrote: > Is it possible to mix assembler and C in the same file with IAR WB? Could > not find any documentation on this, so I guess it's not possible, but I > want to be sure cause it would be realy convenient. > > Jardar Yahoo! Groups Sponsor . Catch all the cricket action. Download Yahoo! Score tracker
Reply by ●May 16, 20032003-05-16
Venkateswarlu Palle <venkatmsp430@venk...> writes:
> i have modified c -code fet examples in
msp430f123. i included as u
> suggested /$ nop $/ like . but it showing an error as binary
> operator missing. had i missed to include some files. if so, please
> tell me about that. actually i want to add asm and c-code in same
> file.
Hi Venkat!
If you're using version 2 of the IAR tools then you can use the
keyword to mix assembler instruction and C code.
For example:
void test()
This results in the following code:
1 void test()
\ test:
2 {
3 asm("NOP");
\ 000000 0343 NOP
4 }
\ 000002 3041 RET
-- Anders
Reply by ●May 16, 20032003-05-16