
Partially Erasing Flash

Started by Leighton Rowe March 14, 2007
I'm currently reviewing the Embedded Flash Controller for the
AT91SAM7S256. I understand that there's only one Erase Command (Erase
All) that 'only' erases the entire flash and cancels if any of the
pages were locked.

Does anyone know any methods/workarounds for erasing individual
pages/sectors of the flash?

Many thanks,
Hi Leighton,

Doesn't the Flash.c file available from Atmel provide 1024 "pages" of flash

//* \fn AT91F_Flash_Unlock
//* \brief Clear the lock bit and set at 1 FSR bit=0
//* \input page number (0-1023)
//* \output Region
__ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Unlock(unsigned int Flash_Lock_Page) {
//* Write the Clear Lock Bit command
(AT91C_MC_PAGEN & (Flash_Lock_Page << 8));

//* Wait the end of command

return (AT91F_Flash_Lock_Status());
Alan KM6VV
> Of Leighton Rowe
> I'm currently reviewing the Embedded Flash Controller for the
> AT91SAM7S256. I understand that there's only one Erase Command (Erase
> All) that 'only' erases the entire flash and cancels if any of the
> pages were locked.
> Does anyone know any methods/workarounds for erasing individual
> pages/sectors of the flash?
> Many thanks,
> Leighton
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Yes, but I think it depends on the processor you're using.


AT91SAM7S512 has 2 banks of 1024 page flash memory (256 byte each)
AT91SAM7S256 has 1024 pages of flash
AT91SAM7S128 has only 512 pages...here you might run into problems if
u try to program 1024 pages


--- In A..., "Alan KM6VV" wrote:
> Hi Leighton,
> Doesn't the Flash.c file available from Atmel provide 1024 "pages"
of flash
> memory?
> //*-----------------------------
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Unlock
> //* \brief Clear the lock bit and set at 1 FSR bit=0
> //* \input page number (0-1023)
> //* \output Region
> //*-----------------------------
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Unlock(unsigned int Flash_Lock_Page) {
> //* Write the Clear Lock Bit command
> (AT91C_MC_PAGEN & (Flash_Lock_Page << 8));
> //* Wait the end of command
> AT91F_Flash_Ready();
> return (AT91F_Flash_Lock_Status());
> }
> Alan KM6VV
> > Of Leighton Rowe
> >
> > I'm currently reviewing the Embedded Flash Controller for the
> > AT91SAM7S256. I understand that there's only one Erase Command
> > All) that 'only' erases the entire flash and cancels if any of the
> > pages were locked.
> >
> > Does anyone know any methods/workarounds for erasing individual
> > pages/sectors of the flash?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > Leighton
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >

I have some trouble with AT91SAM7SE512..and i have been looking for
the flash.c file that you mentioned in your post..could you give me
the URL for this file or upload that file to the post..
best regards

--- In A..., "Alan KM6VV" wrote:
> Hi Leighton,
> Doesn't the Flash.c file available from Atmel provide 1024 "pages"
of flash
> memory?
> //*-----------------------------
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Unlock
> //* \brief Clear the lock bit and set at 1 FSR bit=0
> //* \input page number (0-1023)
> //* \output Region
> //*-----------------------------
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Unlock(unsigned int Flash_Lock_Page) {
> //* Write the Clear Lock Bit command
> (AT91C_MC_PAGEN & (Flash_Lock_Page << 8));
> //* Wait the end of command
> AT91F_Flash_Ready();
> return (AT91F_Flash_Lock_Status());
> }
> Alan KM6VV
> > Of Leighton Rowe
> >
> > I'm currently reviewing the Embedded Flash Controller for the
> > AT91SAM7S256. I understand that there's only one Erase Command
> > All) that 'only' erases the entire flash and cancels if any of the
> > pages were locked.
> >
> > Does anyone know any methods/workarounds for erasing individual
> > pages/sectors of the flash?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > Leighton
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
//* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
//* The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
//* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
//* limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
//* fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
//* intellectual property rights of others.
//* File Name : Flash.h
//* Object : Flash constan description
//* Creation : JPP 30/Jun/2004
#ifndef Flash_h
#define Flash_h

/* Flash Status Field Definition */

#define AT91C_MC_FSR_MVM ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 8) // (MC) Status Register GPNVMx: General-purpose NVM Bit Status
#define AT91C_MC_FSR_LOCK ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF << 16) // (MC) Status Register LOCKSx: Lock Region x Lock Status

/* Flash size Definition */
/* 64 Kbytes of Internal High-speed Flash, Organized in 512 Pages of 128 Bytes */


#define FLASH_LOCK_BITS 16 /* 16 lock bits, each protecting 16 sectors of 32 pages*/
#define FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS 0x00100000
/* External function Definition */

/* Flash function */
extern void AT91F_Flash_Init(void);
extern int AT91F_Flash_Check_Erase(unsigned int * start, unsigned int size);
extern int AT91F_Flash_Erase_All(void);
extern int AT91F_Flash_Write( unsigned int Flash_Address ,int size ,unsigned int * buff);
extern int AT91F_Flash_Write_all( unsigned int Flash_Address ,int size ,unsigned int * buff);

/* Lock Bits functions */
extern int AT91F_Flash_Lock_Status(void);
extern int AT91F_Flash_Lock (unsigned int Flash_Lock);
extern int AT91F_Flash_Unlock(unsigned int Flash_Lock);

/* NVM bits functions */
extern int AT91F_NVM_Status(void);
extern int AT91F_NVM_Set (unsigned char NVM_Number);
extern int AT91F_NVM_Clear(unsigned char NVM_Number);

/* Security bit function */
extern int AT91F_SET_Security_Status (void);
extern int AT91F_SET_Security (void);

#endif /* Flash_h */
Thanks Alan,

Thank you for the files...now let me test this if it
works fine with 512kbyte version of at91sam

best regards
--- Alan KM6VV wrote:

> Hi Jens,
> Doesn't look like I can upload files!
> I've attached them, and copied you. This is for
> AT91SAM7S256.
> I didn't put it in our project, so I don't have a
> URL to the original.
> Alan KM6VV
> > On Behalf Of Jenish
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have some trouble with AT91SAM7SE512..and i have
> been looking for
> > the flash.c file that you mentioned in your
> post..could you give me
> > the URL for this file or upload that file to the
> post..
> > best regards
> > jens
> >
> >
> >
> //* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support
> //* The software is delivered "AS IS" without
> warranty or condition of any
> //* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This
> includes without
> //* limitation any warranty or condition with
> respect to merchantability or
> //* fitness for any particular purpose, or against
> the infringements of
> //* intellectual property rights of others.
> //* File Name : Flash.c
> //* Object : Flash routine
> //* Creation : JPP 30/Jun/2004
> //* Modif : JPM 16/Nov/2004 Flash
> write status
> // Include Standard files
> #include
> #include #define false 0
> #define true 1
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Init
> //* \brief Flash init
> void AT91F_Flash_Init (void)
> {
> //* Set number of Flash Waite sate
> // SAM7S64 features Single Cycle Access at Up
> to 30 MHz
> // if MCK = 47923200, 50 Cycles for 1 seconde
> ( field MC_FMR->FMCN)
> AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FMR = ((AT91C_MC_FMCN)&(50
> <<16)) | AT91C_MC_FWS_1FWS ;
> }
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Ready
> //* \brief Wait the flash ready
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Ready (void)
> {
> unsigned int status;
> status = 0;
> //* Wait the end of command
> while ((status & AT91C_MC_FRDY) !> AT91C_MC_FRDY )
> {
> status = AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FSR;
> }
> return status;
> }
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Lock_Status
> //* \brief Get the Lock bits field status
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Lock_Status(void)
> {
> return (AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FSR &
> }
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Lock
> //* \brief Write the lock bit and set at 0 FSR Bit > 1
> //* \input page number (0-1023)
> //* \output Region
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Lock (unsigned int
> Flash_Lock_Page)
> {
> //* set the Flash controller base address
> //* write the flash
> //* Write the Set Lock Bit command
> (Flash_Lock_Page << 8) ) ;
> //* Wait the end of command
> AT91F_Flash_Ready();
> return (AT91F_Flash_Lock_Status());
> }
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Unlock
> //* \brief Clear the lock bit and set at 1 FSR bit=0
> //* \input page number (0-1023)
> //* \output Region
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Unlock(unsigned int
> Flash_Lock_Page)
> {
> //* Write the Clear Lock Bit command
> (Flash_Lock_Page << 8) ) ;
> //* Wait the end of command
> AT91F_Flash_Ready();
> return (AT91F_Flash_Lock_Status());
> }
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Check_Erase
> //* \brief Check the memory at 0xFF in 32 bits
> access
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Check_Erase (unsigned int
> * start, unsigned int size)
> {
> unsigned int i;
> //* Check if flash is erased
> for (i=0; i < (size/4) ; i++ )
> {
> if ( start[i] != ERASE_VALUE ) return
> false;
> }
> return true ;
> }
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Erase_All
> //* \brief Send command erase all flash
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Erase_All(void)
> {
> //* set the Flash controller base address
> //* Write the Erase All command
> //* Wait the end of command
> AT91F_Flash_Ready();
> //* Check the result
> return ( (ptMC->MC_FSR & ( AT91C_MC_PROGE |
> AT91C_MC_LOCKE ))==0) ;
> }
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Write
> //* \brief Write in one Flash page located in
> AT91C_IFLASH, size in 32 bits
> //* \input Flash_Address: start at 0x0010 0000 size:
> in byte
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Write( unsigned int
> Flash_Address ,int size ,unsigned int * buff)
> {
> //* set the Flash controller base address
> unsigned int i, page, status;
> unsigned int * Flash;
> //* init flash pointer
> Flash = (unsigned int *) Flash_Address;
> //* Get the Flash page number
> page = ((Flash_Address - (unsigned
> //* copy the new value
> for (i=0; (i < FLASH_PAGE_SIZE_BYTE) & (size >
> 0) ;i++, Flash++,buff++,size-=4 ){
> //* copy the flash to the write buffer ensuring
> code generation
> *Flash=*buff;
> }
> //* Write the write page command
> <<8)) ;
> //* Wait the end of command
> status = AT91F_Flash_Ready();
> //* Check the result
> if ( (status & ( AT91C_MC_PROGE | AT91C_MC_LOCKE
> ))!=0) return false;
> return true;
> }
> //* \fn AT91F_Flash_Write
> //* \brief Write in one Flash page located in
> AT91C_IFLASH, size in byte
> //* \input Start address (base=AT91C_IFLASH) size
> (in byte ) and buff address
> __ramfunc int AT91F_Flash_Write_all( unsigned int
> Flash_Address ,int size ,unsigned int * buff)
> {
> int next, status;
=== message truncated ===>
> //* ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support
> //* The software is delivered "AS IS" without
> warranty or condition of any
> //* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This
> includes without
> //* limitation any warranty or condition with
> respect to merchantability or
> //* fitness for any particular purpose, or against
> the infringements of
> //* intellectual property rights of others.
> //* File Name : Flash.h
> //* Object : Flash constan description
> //* Creation : JPP 30/Jun/2004
> //*
> #ifndef Flash_h
> #define Flash_h
> /*-------------------------------*/
> /* Flash Status Field Definition */
> /*-------------------------------*/
> #define AT91C_MC_FSR_MVM ((unsigned int)
> 0xFF << 8) // (MC) Status Register GPNVMx:
> General-purpose NVM Bit Status
> #define AT91C_MC_FSR_LOCK ((unsigned int)
> 0xFFFF << 16) // (MC) Status Register LOCKSx: Lock
> Region x Lock Status
> /*-----------------------*/
> /* Flash size Definition */
> /*-----------------------*/
> /* 64 Kbytes of Internal High-speed Flash, Organized
> in 512 Pages of 128 Bytes */
> #define FLASH_PAGE_SIZE_BYTE 256
> #define FLASH_SECTOR_PAGE 32
> #define FLASH_LOCK_BITS 16 /* 16 lock
> bits, each protecting 16 sectors of 32 pages*/
> #define FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS 0x00100000
> /*------------------------------*/
> /* External function Definition */
> /*------------------------------*/
> /* Flash function */
> extern void AT91F_Flash_Init(void);
> extern int AT91F_Flash_Check_Erase(unsigned int *
> start, unsigned int size);
> extern int AT91F_Flash_Erase_All(void);
> extern int AT91F_Flash_Write( unsigned int
> Flash_Address ,int size ,unsigned int * buff);
> extern int AT91F_Flash_Write_all( unsigned int
> Flash_Address ,int size ,unsigned int * buff);
> /* Lock Bits functions */
> extern int AT91F_Flash_Lock_Status(void);
> extern int AT91F_Flash_Lock (unsigned int
> Flash_Lock);
> extern int AT91F_Flash_Unlock(unsigned int
> Flash_Lock);
> /* NVM bits functions */
> extern int AT91F_NVM_Status(void);
> extern int AT91F_NVM_Set (unsigned char NVM_Number);
> extern int AT91F_NVM_Clear(unsigned char
> NVM_Number);
> /* Security bit function */
> extern int AT91F_SET_Security_Status (void);
> extern int AT91F_SET_Security (void);
> #endif /* Flash_h */

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