Aubrey Kagan (@antedeluvian)
You may want to look at two of my blogsRMS ManagementThere are some interesting comments as well, so remember to scroll down.And a series of 3 on measuring the RMS...
Another thing- as a manager you are accepting responsibility assigned to you by professional and government agencies. For example in Ontario the manager is responsible...
All the points so far are what it takes to be a good engineering manager from the perspective of the engineer. There are other aspects:1. The manager must be able...
All the points are valid but Assume that your employer is resource rich and large enough to employ a manager as just that. My title is “Engineering Manager”...
MaxI have made a practice of taking photographs of all my projects. I found it made it easier to talk about what I had done, and some of the more exotic locations...
It appears the whole question is even more complicated because "tolerance" is apparently very loosely defined. Read "Reading Between the Lines in Resistor Datasheets"...
JasonCite source for this information?I got this information from someone who I regard with the same degree of authority as I ascribe to you. But it could certainly...
Of course there are a few applications where one is using a really small memory limited micro with no code space left for a debounce routinealso, when measuring...
seems most of the answers so far are unaware that you have already tackled the topic of debounce in quite some depth and that your question is about where hardware...
MaxHere’s another twist. You may have noticed that 5% resistors have a higher wattage rating than the 1% resistors in the same package. I have been told that they...
Hi StephanI am cooped up here on the northern city limits of Toronto. We are in a lockdown and have been for over a week. Work falls into the provincial government's...
If you have a fixed format packet, would it help if you know which byte is the start of the packet. You could use the 9th bit option on the 8051 to indicate the...
CustomSargeI agree with your basic suggestion, but I don’t quite understand the configuration you are suggesting in terms of reception. As far as I remember...
Coincidentally I have been interviewing for Junior and Intermediate levels right now.Obviously it is aimed at a position in our organization which is involved in...
You may want to look into "time of flight" sensors as one option. AMS have one that they claim measures distances and I know ST make some as well.Some process...
I think there should also be some discussion on sensor buses which may in fact overlap the cogtations on "smart" sensors. There are the basics like SPI and I2C/SMB...
I am sure I have omitted several other manufacturers and systems, but the first that springs to mind is the huge offering from Texas Instruments. It goes from fairly...
Here is my take on your questions:1. What are the popular processors today; I'm thinking Arm&2. Can I do Commercial Embedded programming at home on a store bought...
Proposed topic: Philosophy of documentation"A product is the sum of its parts, but the documentation does not necessarily reflect the same breakdown."I wrote a blog...
I don't know if it is a subsection of Bob's suggestion: patents- is it worth taking them out. How do you check to see if you are violating a patent? And maybe even...
There are many reasons to use an FPGA and no doubt there will be many proponents in this thread. I have some experience with PLDs and none with FPGAs. These are...
StephaneDo you see the presence of vendors (exhibitors) as essential to make a conference attractive? To me yes, especially if they are presenting information (albeit...
StephaneThe only major experience I have had is at ESC (through its various name changes). I have been to three in San Jose and one in Boston and they have gradually...
I have no knowledge of SMA connectors, but I do know that Digikey does have tech support and they are quite responsiveapplications.engineering@digikey.comAlso from...
I have worked with logic analyzers, monitors, simulators, evaluation kits and trial and error, but I believe the only way to do a thorough job of debugging is an...
1. Always cater for the "else" condition. For instance you should always have a "default" case in a Switch construction. 2. When using a device with relatively long...
I am sure there are many skills that are going to be listed, (I take motivation as a given) but for me the two most important are reading and memory. Read as many...
Being late to the party, I only have a few points that I feel have not been completely covered.The first thing that strikes me from the comments is that no one has...
I found the book "Programming Microcontrollers in C" by Ted Van Sickle to be very informative. To be sure it must have dated, especially since it was on rather old...
The RCM2020 is available at Digikey/Mouser etc.The RCM2000 was merely a header/voltage regulator to support the RCM2020. Since you already have a product in production,...
According to the manual this was in the development kit:1.3.2 Development Kit Contents
The RCM2000 Development Kit contains the following items:
• RCM2020 module...
Digi still support the RCM2000. We have the programming cable, but we still use it so I am afraid I can't let you have it. The product number is 20-101-0513, but...
The Modbus protocol is 1/2 duplex and can run on RS232 or RS485 (or in fact on TCP/IP as well nowadays). It is really old, but there is quite a bit of documentation...
Although Modbus was originally designed for RS232, it seems to me that most devices moved to RS485, which of course allows for multidrop lines and hence a single...
It means don't use your DVM on the ohms setting to measure the resistance (or continuity) to ground. I have seen it done with unfortunate results.
Well presented and great explanation. One quibble- in setting the proportional gain you use a value of 2 for 1% of 2000- 1% is 20. Unless I misheard and you said...
When working with CMOS logic, always make sure that unused inputs are pulled high or low. Really weird things can happen if you don't.
Hardware Modeling: LTSpiceIVeven though it's only for analog designs and mainly Linear Tech products.
Hardware Modeling: Microsoft ExcelWell it's not really free, but most have it sitting on their desktops. I am sure the idea will trigger many "flames", but might...
JasonDid you use an IDE? Most of the Java IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ) have autocompletion and refactoring tools that are really easy to use and I really miss...
JasonYou are right- I am probably talking through my hat. The overhead refers to the RTOS, but more importantly the overhead of learning how to use the tools. I...
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