Imagine Conference

Looking for one Rabbit Microprocessor 2000 Development Kit

Started by SureshBhate 8 years ago8 replieslatest reply 8 years ago347 views

In our production Solar Grid Tied Inverter , IUI Sun-AC 3000, we have used Rabbit Microprocessor 2000.  As our production volume has remained low, we were programming a microprocessor one at a time using the Development Kit. Recently, during some relocation of manufacturing facility, we misplaced / lost the development kit. I wonder any of the readers of this site may have one in their cabinets from previous times. It would help us a great deal in saving time and cost needed to upgrade to the latest platform till our existing stock of RCM 2000 s is exhausted..

I hope some one can help.


Suresh Bhate

Inverters Unlimited Inc.

(518) 210-6472

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Reply by QLMay 2, 2017

I have Rabbit 3000 TCP/IP development kit from Z-World to donate. Would that do? 

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Reply by SureshBhateMay 2, 2017

Thanks for your offer. Let me study the differences between development kit for Rabbit 3000 and Rabbit 2000 . I will get back to you.

Thanks again

Suresh Bhate

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Reply by antedeluvianMay 2, 2017

Digi still support the RCM2000. We have the programming cable, but we still use it so I am afraid I can't let you have it. The product number is 20-101-0513, but it seems to me that it is still available from Digi (and Mouser, Digikey, Symmetry and Arrow)


I do not recall that there was any other development equipment that went with it- however I might caution you that there are sometimes compatibility problems between modern machines and the USB-RS232 interface.

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Reply by SureshBhateMay 2, 2017

We have a spare programming cable. What we need are the rest of the components which come in the development kit.


Suresh Bhate

(518) 210-6472

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Reply by antedeluvianMay 2, 2017

According to the manual this was in the development kit:

1.3.2 Development Kit Contents

The RCM2000 Development Kit contains the following items:

RCM2020 module with 256K flash memory and 128K SRAM.

RCM2000 Prototyping Board with accessory hardware and components.

Universal AC adapter, 12 V DC, 1 A (includes Canada/Japan/U.S., Australia/N.Z.,

U.K., and European style plugs).

10-pin header to DB9 programming cable with integrated level-matching circuitry.

Dynamic C CD-ROM, with complete product documentation on disk.

Getting Started instructions.

Registration card.

Which part do you need to maintain your production?

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Reply by SureshBhateMay 2, 2017

All parts except the programming cable.


Suresh Bhate

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Reply by antedeluvianMay 2, 2017

The RCM2020 is available at Digikey/Mouser etc.

The RCM2000 was merely a header/voltage regulator to support the RCM2020. Since you already have a product in production, surely you could use it for this function. (I am presuming you aren't doing any further development.) The power supply was simply to power the RCM2000, so your existing product should again suffice.

The cable you have.

Dynamic C CD- my experience is that if you were a registered user (or have your original serial number), Digi (https://www.digi.com/support) will supply you with the version of Dynamic C that you need. Even if you aren't I would try them- they seem nice people to do business with.

The User's manual is here


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Reply by SureshBhateMay 2, 2017

I want to make clear my minimum needs. To explain this,

I am reproducing below section 1.1 of The manual on the Development Kit:

We need

BL1810 single Board Computer

Prototyping Board

10 Pin Header to DE9 programming cable with integrated level-matching circuitry

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