
help in LPC2138 with UCOS-II

Started by willinocencio May 14, 2007

I am using LPC2138 to project. How i can't use UClinux, i want to use
UCOS-II, but there are documentation only Windows.

I would like usee UCOS to Linux with drivers to network.

help me ?

Thanks, William

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

Hi William,

> I am using LPC2138 to project. How i can't use UClinux,
> i want to use UCOS-II, but there are documentation only Windows.
> I would like usee UCOS to Linux with drivers to network.
> help me ?

There's multiple questions in there;

* uCOS-II on the LPC2138 is covered in


* Networking with uCOS-II is something I have not done.
However, there are LwIP examples out there.
For example, Altera's NIOS processor comes with
uCOS-II and LwIP example code.

* Using Linux; for development and networking?
Its all fairly standard. The arm-elf-gcc tools work
fine under Linux, as does LwIP, etc. You should
have no problems getting things to work.

--- In l..., "willinocencio" wrote:
> Hi
> I am using LPC2138 to project. How i can't use UClinux, i want to use
> UCOS-II, but there are documentation only Windows.

Look in the Files section for gcc_and_ucosii.zip

> I would like usee UCOS to Linux with drivers to network.


There are network protocol stacks that will work: I have used uIP but
you can Google for 'embedded tcp/ip stack'. You will have to hang an
Ethernet Interface Board on the LPC. I used
http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id 0

My project was based on the LPC2106 but the LPC2138 should be just as

uIP only implements the lowest protocols (NFS isn't implemented, among
others). Evaluate each stack in terms of your requirements.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: l...
> [mailto:l...] On Behalf Of willinocencio
> Sent: 14 May 2007 17:05
> To: l...
> Subject: [lpc2000] help in LPC2138 with UCOS-II
> Hi
> I am using LPC2138 to project. How i can't use UClinux, i want to use
> UCOS-II, but there are documentation only Windows.
> I would like usee UCOS to Linux with drivers to network.
> help me ?
> Thanks, William

Not exactly what you asked for - but there is a FreeRTOS.org demo for the
LPC2138 that builds with GCC/CrossWorks. GCC and CrossWorks can both be
used on Linux.


If you are looking for networking then the LPC2368 might be a better
starting point. Again there is a GCC/CrossWorks demo that should be useful
on Linux (only tested Windows myself), and includes the obligatory sample
WEB server.



+ http://www.FreeRTOS.org
A free real time kernel for 8, 16 and 32bit systems.

+ http://www.SafeRTOS.com
An IEC 61508 certified real time kernel for safety related systems.
--- In l..., "rtstofer" wrote:
> --- In l..., "willinocencio" wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I am using LPC2138 to project. How i can't use UClinux, i want to use
> > UCOS-II, but there are documentation only Windows.
> > Look in the Files section for gcc_and_ucosii.zip
> > I would like usee UCOS to Linux with drivers to network.
> What?
> There are network protocol stacks that will work: I have used uIP but
> you can Google for 'embedded tcp/ip stack'. You will have to hang an
> Ethernet Interface Board on the LPC. I used
> http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id 0
> My project was based on the LPC2106 but the LPC2138 should be just as
> easy.
> uIP only implements the lowest protocols (NFS isn't implemented, among
> others). Evaluate each stack in terms of your requirements.
> Richard
Thanks Richard

would you can send me your code ?
I liked uIP. I discovery Contiki, makes with uIP, but i dont found
port to LPC2138. I have few time. My project is simulate MPLS for
protocol SIP using a kernel, i prefer Linux.
i have few time, because i will have to implement MPLS.ok

!!! Help me...................

> Thanks Richard
> would you can send me your code ?
> I liked uIP. I discovery Contiki, makes with uIP, but i dont found
> port to LPC2138. I have few time. My project is simulate MPLS for
> protocol SIP using a kernel, i prefer Linux.
> i have few time, because i will have to implement MPLS.ok
> !!! Help me...................
> Thanks

When you implement uIP, all you have to do is write the low level
input/output functions. These are, naturally, dependent on how you
wired the adapter (pin connections, etc).

I have posted CS8900.zip (LPC2106<->CS8900) in the Files section
which contains my IO routines and copies of the various headers. I
don't think this is going to help you very much. You just need to
sit down with the uIP documentation and slug through it. It's pretty
straight forward - meaning I had it working in a day.

I'll delete the file in a couple of days.

As to uCOS, you will have to work through that as well. Everything
is well documented and it should be quite easy. Generally, all you
should have to do is provide an interrupt driven 'tick' routine.
But, again, that is all documented.

You should also look at FreeRTOS. It has several ports that may be
easy to use/change.
