
P1010 QorIQ from Freescale - any experiences?

Started by dp November 17, 2013
I am considering this part for a project.

< http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=P1010&nodeId=018rH325E4017B >

It is not like having the wrong core (e500v2, had it
been e300 or e500-mc would have been much much easier for me)
is not enough of a pain but I can't locate even the errata sheet.
OTOH peripheral wise and cost wise it fits well so I keep
on looking at it.
The oldest documents are dated 2007 so one would assume they
are past revision A (if not I would simply not bother investigating
any further).
Has anyone had any experience with that part?



Dimiter Popoff, TGI             http://www.tgi-sci.com