Integer to ASCII
This code converts a long integer to a char* pointer (string). The returned value could be in octal, in decimal or in hexadecimal.
/***** integerToAscii.h *****/
#define BASE_OCTAL 8
#define BASE_DECIMAL 10
#define BUFFER_SIZE 32
char* integerToASCII(long int value, int base);
/***** integerToAscii.c *****/
char* integerToASCII(long int value, int base){
int aux;
static char buf[BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
int isNeg=0;
if (value == 0) {
return &buf[0];
if (value<0) {
isNeg = 1;
value *= -1;
for(aux=BUFFER_SIZE; value && aux ; --aux, value /= base){
buf[aux] = "0123456789abcdef"[value % base];
if (isNeg) {
buf[aux] = '-';
return &buf[aux];
return &buf[aux+1];