char bcdToAscii( unsigned char bcdNibble )
char result;
if( bcdNibble < 10 )
{// valid BCD input. ( [0,9] is the valid range for BCD input. )
result = (char)( bcdNibble + 48 ); // +48 is applicable to [0,9] input range.
}// end if
{// invalid input
result = '0';
}// end else
return( result );
}// end bcdToAscii()
unsigned char asciiToBcd( char asciiByte )
{/* Converts an input ASCII character (expected within the [ '0' - '9' ] range) into its BCD counterpart. */
unsigned char result;
asciiByte >= '0'
&& asciiByte <= '9'
{// range check passed.
result = (unsigned char)(asciiByte - 48); // -48 offset gives the decimal value of the ASCII character.
{// range check failed.
result = 0;
}// end else
return( result );
}// end asciiToBcd()
//This macros defines an alpha value between 0 and 1
#define DSP_EMA_I32_ALPHA(x) ( (uint16_t)(x * 65535) )
int32_t dsp_ema_i32(int32_t in, int32_t average, uint16_t alpha){
int64_t tmp0; //calcs must be done in 64-bit math to avoid overflow
tmp0 = (int64_t)in * (alpha) + (int64_t)average * (65536 - alpha);
return (int32_t)((tmp0 + 32768) / 65536); //scale back to 32-bit (with rounding)
//here is a function that uses the averaging code
int32_t my_avg_func(void){
static int32_t average = 0;
int32_t adc_value;
adc_value = read_the_adc_value();
average = dsp_ema_i32(adc_value, average, DSP_EMA_I32_ALPHA(0.1));
return average;
Purpose: New firmware for the k164 dtmf decoder board and
the AT89C2051-24PC The source code was compiled with sdcc.
Compile: sdcc k164_js.c ; packihx k164_js.ihx > k164_js.hex
Simulate: s51 k164_js.hex
Copyright (C) 2009 Nu Tech Software Solutions, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so.
AUTHOR: Sean Mathews <coder at> 1/27/2009
#include <at89x051.h>
#define STATUS_LED P3_5
#define HOOK_LED P3_4
#define LOOP_STATUS P3_3
#define STD_STATUS P3_7
#define MODE_SWITCH P1_5
/* UART parameters */
#define CpuClk 20275200 // 20.2752 MHz clock chip on the k164 board
#define Baudrate 9600 // UART - 9600,N,8,1 baud used by current firmware
#define Timer1ReloadValue (256-(2*CpuClk/32/12/Baudrate))
#define F34R_MODE 0
char szVERSION[] = "V1.0";
To determine the value that must be placed in TH1 to generate a given baud rate, we may use the following equation (assuming PCON.7 is clear).
TH1 = 256 - ((Crystal / 384) / Baud)
If PCON.7 is set then the baud rate is effectively doubled, thus the equation becomes:
TH1 = 256 - ((Crystal / 192) / Baud)
make this next macro work and we wont hvae to hard code the values ...
#define InterruptRate 10000 // how oftin to hit our interrupt per second
#define Timer0H 0xBE //(char)((0xFF00 & (65536 - (InterruptRate / 12 * 1000))) >> 8)
#define Timer0L 0x00 //(char)(0x00FF & (65536 - (InterruptRate / 12 * 1000)))
/* prototypes */
void hw_init();
char getchar( void );
void myputchar( char c );
void doevents();
void myputs(char *);
void itoa(int value, char* string, int radix);
void uitoa(unsigned int value, char* string, int radix);
void send_version(void);
void send_hello(void);
void send_help(void);
#define UNKNOWN 0x01
#define OFFHOOK 0x02
#define ONHOOK 0x03
#define VERSION 0x04
#define EGGS 0x05
#define RESET 0x06
#define SEND_HELP 0x07
char hook_state;
char input_state;
int notdone=1;
#define ON 0x02
#define OFF 0x03
char std_state;
static char state_machine_active=0;
/* plug all of the other interrupt vectors */
#ifdef SDCC
void mydummyISR (void) interrupt 12 _naked {
/* Serial interrupt to track incoming key strokes */
void serial_isr(void) interrupt 4 {
if (RI != 0)
RI = 0;
if(SBUF == '?')
hook_state = UNKNOWN;
if(SBUF == 'V' || SBUF == 'v')
input_state = VERSION;
if(SBUF == 'R' || SBUF == 'r')
input_state = RESET;
if(SBUF == '!')
input_state = EGGS;
if(SBUF == 'H' || SBUF == 'h')
input_state = SEND_HELP;
integer to string conversion
Written by: Bela Torok, 1999 in the public domain
uitoa(unsigned int value, char* string, int radix)
itoa(int value, char* string, int radix)
value -> Number to be converted
string -> Result
radix -> Base of value (e.g.: 2 for binary, 10 for decimal, 16 for hex)
#define NUMBER_OF_DIGITS 16 /* space for NUMBER_OF_DIGITS + '\0' */
void uitoa(unsigned int value, char* string, int radix)
unsigned char index, i;
i = 0;
do {
string[--index] = '0' + (value % radix);
if ( string[index] > '9') string[index] += 'A' - ':'; /* continue with A, B,.. */
value /= radix;
} while (value != 0);
do {
string[i++] = string[index++];
} while ( index < NUMBER_OF_DIGITS );
string[i] = 0; /* string terminator */
void itoa(int value, char* string, int radix)
if (value < 0 && radix == 10) {
*string++ = '-';
uitoa(-value, string, radix);
else {
uitoa(value, string, radix);
/* setup UART */
void hw_init() {
LOOP_STATUS = 1; //set our loop status pin to an input
STD_STATUS = 1; //set our std status pin to an input
MODE_SWITCH = 1; //set the "ECHO" switch input on the K164 board to input
EA = 0; // disable all interrupts
PCON |= 0x80; // SMOD = 1 double speed clock for our baud rate interrupt
TH1 = TL1 = Timer1ReloadValue; // timer 1 mode 1 reload value 9600 baud as calculated in our macro
TMOD &= 0x0f; /* Set timer 1 */
TMOD |= 0x20; /* Set timer 1 as Gate=0 Timer, mode 2 */
TR1 = 1; // turn on serial timer Timer 1
SCON = 0x40; // init port as 8-bit UART with variable baudrate
SCON |= 0x10; // Enabling serial reception
// SCON |= 0x02; // Setting TI bit
ES = 1; // Enable Serial Interrupt */
/* Timer 0 setup */
TMOD &= 0xf0; /* Set timer 0 */
TMOD |= 0x01; /* Set timer 0 16 bit timer */
/* configure generic timer 0 reset value */
TH0 = Timer0H;
TL0 = Timer0L; // reload with 35711 for 1Hz
TR0 = 1; // turn on timer 0
ET0 = 1; // Enable timer 0 interrupt
RI = 0;
TI = 1;
EA = 1; // enable all interrupts
/* setup FIRMWARE */
void fw_init() {
/* initialize our state machine to ON HOOK */
hook_state = UNKNOWN;
input_state = UNKNOWN;
std_state = UNKNOWN;
/* Turn off our LED's we just started */
/* read a character from UART */
char getchar( void ) {
RI = 0;
/* send a character to UART port */
void myputchar( char c ) {
TI =0;
SBUF = c;
void myputs(char *sz) {
while(*sz) myputchar(*sz++);
/* Timer 0 interrupt the state machines main interrupt */
void timer_isr(void) interrupt 1 {
static int suppressfirst=1;
static int x=0;
static int counter=0;
char buffer[17];
/* configure generic timer 0 reset value */
TH0 = Timer0H;
TL0 = Timer0L;
/* every 1 second do our event routine */
if(x++>50) {
/* we need to control this or we will be trying to send out serial data from two threads */
if(state_machine_active) {
if( input_state == VERSION ) {
input_state = UNKNOWN;
if( input_state == SEND_HELP ) {
input_state = UNKNOWN;
if( input_state == EGGS ) {
myputs("! Jack Edin 1961-2012 rip - Logic Unlimited !\r\n");
myputs("! Sean Mathews - !\r\n");
input_state = UNKNOWN;
if( input_state == RESET ) {
input_state = UNKNOWN;
/* check state of the hook line it seems to be inverted */
HOOK_LED = 1; /* ON NPN Transistor base*/
if( hook_state != OFFHOOK ) {
if(counter>10) { // 100ms
hook_state = OFFHOOK;
if(!suppressfirst) {
} else {
} else {
HOOK_LED = 0; /* OFF NPN Transistor base*/
if( hook_state != ONHOOK ) {
hook_state = ONHOOK;
if(!suppressfirst) {
} else {
/* check state of the STD pin on the MT8870CE chip */
if( std_state != ON ) {
std_state = ON;
myputs("TONE ");
switch(P1 & 0x0f) {
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
itoa(P1 & 0x0f,buffer,10);
} else {
if( std_state != OFF ) {
std_state = OFF;
/* Event routine for periodic processing */
void doevents() {
static char flipflop=0;
/* one second event handler. Future use...*/
/* flash the status led every 1 second */
} else {
flipflop = !flipflop;
/* MAIN */
void main(void) {
/* first setup our states and any other startup code so
when our hardware calls our routines they are ready */
/* ok now setup our hardware and start the interrupts */
/* tell the world we are up and running */
/* let the state machine go */
/* ... */
while (notdone) { }
// disable all interrupts
EA = 0;
// jump to 0
((void (code *)(void)) 0) ();
void send_hello() {
myputs("\r\n! K164mh Telephone DTMF Decoder ");
myputs(" written for my good friend Jack Edin 1961-2012 rip!\r\n");
void send_version() {
void send_help() {
myputs("\r\n! Every line that starts with a ! is considered informational\r\n!and is not part of any call logging.\r\n");
myputs("! The state messages are ONHOOK [%1], OFFHOOK, TONE %1\r\n");
myputs("! The tones can also be on the ONHOOK line if the device is in inbound calls mode\r\n");
myputs("! K164mh commands: \r\n! ? = Information\r\n! V = Version\r\n! R = Reset\r\n! H = This info\r\n");
// Linear regression of samples in a circular sample
// buffer. Uses only integer arithmetic, optimized for
// computation on 16bit microcontroller with hardware
// multiplier. The linear regression computation is
// simplified considerably by subtracting out the rolling
// average of the buffer samples.
// This computation assumes the samples arrive at
// regular intervals, and this sampling rate is known.
// Usage :
// 1. call lr_Init() to initialize gnLRDenominator,
// gnNumSamples and gnSampleIndex
// 2. get first sample value and initialize gZBuffer
// with this value
// 3. for each subsequent incoming sample
// gZBuffer[gnSampleIndex] = lr_GetNewZSample();
// gZAverage = lr_CalculateAverage(gZBuffer,gnNumSamples);
// gSlope = lr_CalculateSlope(gZBuffer, gnNumSamples, gnSampleIndex, gZAverage);
// gnSampleIndex++;
// if (gnSampleIndex >= gnNumSamples) gnSampleIndex = 0;
typedef signed long s32;
#define MAX_Z_SAMPLES 80
#define MAX_SLOPE 2000L
#define CLAMP(x,min,max) {if ((x) <= (min)) (x) = (min); else if ((x) >= (max)) (x) = (max);}
s32 gnLRDenominator;
int gnSampleIndex, gnNumSamples;
s32 gZBuffer[MAX_Z_SAMPLES];
s32 gZAverage;
s32 gSlope;
void lr_Init(int numSamples) {
s32 zSample, sumT, sumT2;
int inx;
sumT = -(numSamples * (numSamples-1L))/2L;
sumT2 = (numSamples * (numSamples-1L)*(2L*numSamples-1L))/6L;
gnLRDenominator = (numSamples*sumT2) - (sumT*sumT);
gnSampleIndex = 0;
gnNumSamples = numSamples;
zSample = lr_GetNewZSample(); // get a sample from the sensor
inx = gnNumSamples;
while (inx--) gZBuffer[inx] = zSample; // fill the ZBuffer with first sample value
s32 lr_CalculateAverage(s32* pZBuffer, int numSamples ) {
int inx;
s32 accumulator, average;
inx = numSamples;
accumulator = 0;
while (inx--) {
accumulator += pZBuffer[inx];
accumulator = (accumulator >= 0 ? accumulator +numSamples/2 : accumulator - numSamples/2);
average = accumulator/numSamples; // rounded up average
return average;
/// Linear regression of samples in buffer to calculate slope.
s32 lr_CalculateSlope(s32* pZBuffer, int numSamples, int currentSampleIndex, int zAverage) {
int inx,tRelative;
s32 z, sumZT,slope;
sumZT = 0;
inx = numSamples;
while (inx--) {
z = pZBuffer[inx] - zAverage; // subtract out the average value to simplify the arithmetic
tRelative = inx - currentSampleIndex; // time origin is the current sample in window
if (tRelative > 0) {
tRelative -= numSamples;
sumZT += ((s32)tRelative*z);
slope = (sumZT*(s32)(SENSOR_SAMPLES_PER_SEC*numSamples))/gnLRDenominator;
return slope;
* @file
* Software timer facility.
* This module implements an unlimited number of 8-bit down-counting 10ms and
* 100ms timers. Timers are actually held in various places by the application
* code and are registered with this module for service from the system's
* timekeeping interrupt.
* A down-counting timer starts out set to a time interval and is
* automatically decremented via the system's periodic interrupt. Check for a
* zero value to know when the timer has expired:
* <pre>uint8_t my_timer = 10;
* timer_register_100ms(&my_timer);
* for (;;)
* {
* if (my_timer == 0)
* {
* do_something();
* my_timer = 10;
* }
* }</pre>
* Down-counting timers are restricted to 8 bits so that they can be
* atomically manipulated outside interrupt code on 8-bit architectures
* without resorting to disable interrupts.
* @warning All variables used as timers must be declared
* <code>volatile</code>, because they are modified from an interrupt
* context that may not be understood by the compiler. GCC in
* particular is known to optimize away timer variables that aren't
* declared <code>volatile</code>.
* <h2>Configuration</h2>
* The number of available 10ms and 100ms timer slots is set using
* {@link MAX_100MS_TIMERS} and {@link MAX_10MS_TIMERS}.
#include <stdlib.h> /* for NULL */
#include <stdint.h> /* uint8_t, etc. */
#include <stdbool.h> /* bool type, true, false */
#include "timer.h"
/** Maximum number of 100ms timers that can be registered. */
#define MAX_100MS_TIMERS 10
/** Maximum number of 10ms timers that can be registered. */
#define MAX_10MS_TIMERS 10
/** The polling frequency for the 10ms timers is scaled by this factor to
service the 100ms timers. */
#define PRESCALE_100MS 10
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** 10ms timer array. These are pointers to the actual timers elsewhere in
the application code. */
static volatile uint8_t *timers_10ms [MAX_10MS_TIMERS];
/** 100ms timer array. These are pointers to the actual timers elsewhere in
the application code. */
static volatile uint8_t *timers_100ms [MAX_100MS_TIMERS];
bool timer_register_10ms (volatile uint8_t *t)
uint8_t k;
for (k = 0; k < MAX_10MS_TIMERS; ++k)
if (NULL == timers_10ms[k])
/* Success--found an unused slot */
timers_10ms[k] = t;
return false;
/* Failure */
return true;
bool timer_register_100ms (volatile uint8_t *t)
uint8_t k;
for (k = 0; k < MAX_100MS_TIMERS; ++k)
if (NULL == timers_100ms[k])
/* Success--found an unused slot */
timers_100ms[k] = t;
return false;
/* Failure */
return true;
void timer_poll (void)
static uint8_t prescaler = PRESCALE_100MS;
volatile uint8_t *t;
uint8_t k;
/* Service the 10ms timers */
for (k = 0; k < MAX_10MS_TIMERS; ++k)
t = timers_10ms[k];
/* First NULL entry marks the end of the registered timers */
if (t == NULL)
if (*t > 0)
-- *t;
/* Now divide the frequency by 10 and service the 100ms timers every 10th
time through. */
if (--prescaler == 0)
prescaler = PRESCALE_100MS;
for (k = 0; k < MAX_100MS_TIMERS; ++k)
t = timers_100ms[k];
if (t == NULL)
if (*t > 0)
-- *t;
/* Header file */
#if !defined(TIMER_H)
#define TIMER_H
* @file
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Registers a 10-millisecond timer for service.
* @param[in] t pointer to the variable used for timing
* @retval true if registration failed
* @retval false if registration succeeded (normal return)
bool timer_register_10ms (volatile uint8_t *t);
* Registers a 100-millisecond timer for service.
* @param[in] t pointer to the variable used for timing
* @retval true if registration failed
* @retval false if registration succeeded (normal return)
bool timer_register_100ms (volatile uint8_t *t);
* Maintains all registered timers.
* This function should be called from a stable 10-millisecond time base,
* preferably from an interrupt.
void timer_poll (void);
#endif /* TIMER_H */
/**@file endianness.c
@brief Code to transmit 16-bit ADC samples in big or little-endian order
@author Stephen Friederichs
@date 5/12/13
ADC Channels:
0 - Accelerometer X axis (Vertical)
1 - Accelerometer Y axis (Horizontal)
2 - Accelerometer Z axis (Lateral)
3 - Accelerometer 0G detect (Freefall detect)
The heartbeat LED is on Port D, pin 7
/**@def F_CPU
@brief Clock frequency = 8MHZ - this is set by fuses and registers, not by this define
@note Always define this before including delay.h!
#define F_CPU 8000000
/**@include io.h
@brief Include for AVR I/O register definitions
#include <avr/io.h>
/**@include stdint.h
@brief Include for standard integer definitions (ie, uint8_t, int32_t, etc)
#include <stdint.h>
/**@include delay.h
@brief Include for delay functions such as _delay_ms() and _delay_us()
#include <util/delay.h>
/* Basic bit manipulation macros - everyone should use these. Please, steal these! Don't not use them and
don't rewrite them yourself!
#define SET(x,y) x |= (1 << y)
#define CLEAR(x,y) x &= ~(1<< y)
#define READ(x,y) ((0x00 == ((x & (1<<y))>> y))?0x00:0x01)
#define TOGGLE(x,y) (x ^= (1 << y))
int main(void)
//Variable to count the number of times the timer interrupt has fired
uint16_t ticks = 0;
uint16_t accel_data = 0;
uint8_t transmit_enable = 0x00;
uint8_t * uart_data_pointer = &accel_data;
/*Initialization Code*/
/* ATMega328 Datasheet Table 14-1 Pg 78
Configure PD7 for use as Heartbeat LED
Set as Output Low (initially)
SET(DDRD,7); //Direction: output
CLEAR(PORTD,7); //State: Lo
/* TCCR1A - ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.2 pg 134 - TCCR1A
No input capture used - bits 7:6 are 0
No waveform generation used - bits 4:3 are 0
Clock source select is bits 2:0 but are not yet set - wait until the
main loop is ready to start
TCCR1A = 0x00;
/* TCCR1C - ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.3 pg 135
This register is only used for output compare.
There's no output compare in this application so this can be all 0's
TCCR1C = 0x00;
Note: I've disabled the CKDIV8 fuse so that the clock source is 8MHz
As per ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.9.1 page 123, setting the timer
to Normal mode causes the counter to count up until it reaches 0xFFFF
at which point it will overrun and start back at 0. To configure this
timer/counter to produce a period of 1ms we need to start counting
at a value that causes it to reach 65535 in 1ms.
What is that value?
With a clock prescaler of 32 each count of the timer is roughly
(1/8MHz)*32 = 1uS
1ms / 1us /tick = 1000 ticks /ms
The counter counts up to 65536, so to determine what value we have to
start at we subtract 1000 from 65536:
65536-1000 = 64536
#define TIMER1_PERIOD 64536
//Configure ADC to read accelerometer data
//ATMega328 - Section 24.9.1 Pg 254 - ADMUX Register
/*ADC result - left-adjusted (Bit 5). The ADC result is 10-bits wide.
In practice, the least-significant 2 bits are often too noisy to be
of any use, so they are discarded. To support this, the ATMega328P is
capable of storing the upper eight bits of the ADC result in the
ADCH register alone. In this case, I want all 10 bits of the data
so I can show how to handle endianness in serial transmissions. As
a result, the most significant two bits are stored in ADCH and the least
significant 8 are stored in ADCL.
/*ADC Channel - I only care about one - the Y axis on the accelerometer
which is channel 1.*/
ADMUX = (0x01 << 6) /*Reference - AVCC - 5V. */
|(0x00 << 5) /* Right-adjust ADC result - refer to
Section pg 256*/
|(0x01 << 0); /*Channel set to X-Axis output on
/* ATMega328 Datasheet - Section 24.9.2 - ADCSRA - ADC Status
and Control Register
ADCEN - Bit 7 - Enable ADC - Obviously set this to 1
ADCSC - Bit 6 - Start Converstion - Not yet: 0
ADATE - Bit 5 - Auto-trigger ADC - I'll be manually triggering
the ADC, so 0
ADCIF - Bit 4 - ADC Interrupt Flag - Set when conversion
completes. Ignore.
ADCIE - Bit 3 - ADC Interrupt Enable - Everything will be polled
for this, so 0
ADPS - Bits 2:0 - ADC Prescaler
/*ATMega328 Section 24.4 Pg245 discusses what the prescaler should be set to:
By default, the successive approximation circuitry requires an input clock
frequency between 50kHz and 200kHz to get maximum resolution.
The ClkIO is 8MHz and the prescaler options are 2,4,8,16,32,64 and 128.
1MHz/8 = ~125KHz, so that seems good. That value is 3
ADCSRA = (0x01 << 7) //Enable ADC
|(0x03); //Set prescaler to 1/8 ClkIO - 125KHz
/* ATMega328 Datasheet Section 24.9.5 Pg 257 - DIDR0
This register allows digital input buffers on ADC pins to be
disabled. This saves power, so I'll do it
DIDR0 = 0x01; //Turn off digital filtering on ADC channel 0
//Configure UART for 38400 8N1 Tx Communication
//Step 1 - Baud rate
/* ATMega328 Datasheet Section 20.10 - Table 20-6 pg 192
Baud rate settings for fosc of 8MHZ
Choosing baud rate of 38.4K for minimum error
U2Xn = 0 - Use standard (not double) data rate
UBRRn = 12
UBRR0 = 12;
/* UCSR0A - UART 0 Control and Status Register A
ATMega328 Datasheet Section 20.11.2 pg 194
Bits 7:2 - Status bits
Bit 1 - Double UART transmission speed - No: 0
Bit 0 - Multi-Processor Communication Mode - No:0
UCSR0A = 0x00;
/* UCSR0B - UART 0 Control and Status Register B
ATMega328 Datasheet Section 20.11.3 pg
Bit 7 - Rx Complete Interrupt Enable - 0
Bit 6 - Tx Complete Interrupt Enable - 0
Bit 5 - USART Data Register Empty interrupt enable - 0
Bit 4 - Receiver Enable - Set to 1
Bit 3 - Transmitter Enable - Set to 1
Bit 2 - Character Size Bit 2 - Set to 0 for 8 bits
Bit 1 - 9th receive bit - Ignore
Bit 0 - 9th transmit bit - Ignore
UCSR0B = 0x00 | (1 << 3)
| (1 << 4);
/* UCSR0C - UART 0 Control and Status Register C
ATMega328 Datasheet Section 20.11.4 - Pg 196
Bits 7:6 - Set to asynchronous (clockless) mode: 00
Bits 5:4 - Parity setting - None : 00
Bit 3 - Stop select - 1 : 0
Bit 2:1 - Character size - 8 : 11
Bit 0 - Clock polarity: Don't care : 0
UCSR0C = 0x03 << 1;
//Send a known pattern upon startup to verify the UART works
UDR0 = 0xA5;
//Wait until transmit is complete
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
UDR0 = 0x5A;
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
UDR0 = 0xA5;
//Wait until transmit is complete
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
/* Flash the LED for a second to show that initialization has successfully
/* Start the timer/counter
ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.2 Pg 135 - TCCR1B
No Waveform generation: bits 4:3 = 0
No input capture: bits 7:6 = 0
Clock select: ClkIO/8 - bits 2:0 = 010b = 0x02
TCCR1B = 0x02; //This starts the counter/timer
/* Timer overflow - Reading the accelerometer at a 1KHz rate
and flash the heartbeat LED at a reasonable period as well
/* ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.9 pg137
Setting TIFR1 bit 1 clears the overflow flag
/* Reload the timer/counter count value to the
previous value so that the period remains the same
//Read accelerometer data via ADC
SET(ADCSRA,6); //Start ADC conversion
/* Wait until conversion finishes - this should never
be more than 25*(8000000/8)^-1 seconds, which is
about 25us. Typical measured time is ~14.5us
while(0x00 == READ(ADCSRA,4));
SET(ADCSRA,4); //Clear the interrupt flag by setting it to 1
//Clear acceleration data variable before loading new value
accel_data = 0;
/* When reading the full 10-bits from the ADC the
lower register must be read first
accel_data |= (uint16_t)ADCL;
//Then the upper 2 bits
accel_data |= (uint16_t)(ADCH << 8);
/* Transmission of data is toggled by transmitting a
'0' (0x30) byte over serial
if(0x01 == (READ(UCSR0A,7)))
if(0x30 == UDR0)
transmit_enable =
(0x00 == transmit_enable?0xFF:0x00);
if(0xFF == transmit_enable)
//Send high byte...
UDR0 = uart_data_pointer[1];
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
//...then low byte
UDR0 = uart_data_pointer[0];
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
//Send low byte...
UDR0 = uart_data_pointer[0];
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
//...then high byte
UDR0 = uart_data_pointer[1];
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
//Blink Heartbeat LED
The timer period is 1ms. To keep everything simple the LED will toggle
every 512 ticks - roughly every .5s.
//If true, the current ticks is a multiple of 512
//So blink the heartbeat LED
if(0x8000 == (ticks << 7))
//Main Loops
/* sample usage of the library */
//Remark: sys_timer_ticks should be provided for timing by the user.
#include <debounce.h>
#define INPUTS_NUM 12
nl_debouce_time_t inp_times[ INPUTS_NUM ];
nl_debouce_time_t filt_time = 10; //same value will be used for t_on and t_off
int main(void)
nl_inp_t inp_state, filtered_inp_state;
debounce_init( inp_times, INPUTS_NUM, &filt_time, &filt_time,
(nl_ticks_t*)&sys_timer_ticks );
//user defined function, which return actual state of all inputs as bit array
inp_state = get_input_state();
debounce_proc(&inp_state, &filtered_inp_state);
//do something with filtered_inp_state
//main program functionality
#include <debounce.h>
#define INPUTS_NUM 5
struct debounce_state_s inp_dbnc_s;
nl_debouce_time_t inp_times[ INPUTS_NUM ];
nl_debouce_time_t t_on[ INPUTS_NUM ] = {10,10,20,20,50};
nl_debouce_time_t t_off[ INPUTS_NUM ] = {5,5,10,10,50};
int main(void)
nl_inp_t inp_state, filtered_inp_state;
debounce_init( &inp_dbnc_s, inp_times, INPUTS_NUM,
t_on, t_off, (nl_ticks_t*)&sys_timer_ticks );
//user defined function, which return actual state of all inputs as bit array
inp_state = get_input_state();
debounce_proc(&inp_dbnc_s, &inp_state, &filtered_inp_state);
//do something with filtered_inp_state
//main program functionality
/* debounce library header file "debounce.h" */
#ifndef _DEBOUNCE_H_
#define _DEBOUNCE_H_
#include <stdint.h>
/* because library is multiplatform, following types are defined in separate file */
#include "nlib_types.h"
/* examaple of types definition in "nlib_types.h" */
//typedef uint32_t nl_ticks_t;
//typedef int16_t nl_debouce_time_t; //so maximum filter time is 32767ms (considering period of ticks 1ms)
//typedef uint32_t nl_inp_t; //up to 32 inputs can be handled
/* in general case following macros should be provided in this header file, or can be defined directly */
#include <debounce_config.h>
#define DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR struct debounce_state_s * debounce_state,
typedef struct debounce_state_s
const nl_ticks_t* ticks; //pointer to timing variable (is incremented e.g. each 1ms)
nl_ticks_t old_ticks;
uint_fast8_t inp_num; //number of inputs
const nl_debouce_time_t *debounce_on_time,*debounce_off_time; //tables with desired filter times
nl_debouce_time_t* inp_times; //actual time ON/OFF - non-negative values = ON, negative = OFF
void debounce_init(DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR nl_debouce_time_t* inp_tim, uint_fast8_t num, const nl_debouce_time_t *dton,const nl_debouce_time_t *dtoff, const nl_ticks_t* ticks);
uint_fast8_t debounce_proc(DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR const nl_inp_t* act_inp_state, nl_inp_t* debounced_inp_state);
#endif /*_DEBOUNCE_H_*/
/* debounce library source file "debounce.c" */
#include "debounce.h"
#include <string.h>
//allow using multiple instances
struct debounce_state_s _debounce_state_;
struct debounce_state_s * debounce_state = &_debounce_state_;
/* allow different times for each input */
#define _debounce_times_idx_ 0
#define _debounce_times_idx_ i
//maco trick to find maximum value of given signed integer type ""
#define __HALF_MAX_SIGNED(type) ((type)1 << (sizeof(type)*8-2))
#define __MAX_SIGNED(type) (__HALF_MAX_SIGNED(type) - 1 + __HALF_MAX_SIGNED(type))
Init function of the library
DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR - depending on "CONFIG_DEBOUNCE_WITH_HANDLE": nothing, or pointer to handle
inp_tim - array of variables for storing of state for each input (number of elements must be the same as number of inputs!)
num - number of inputs
dton - depending on "CONFIG_DEBOUNCE_SEPARATE_TIMES": pointer to sigle value (minimal ON time), or array of times
dtoff - depending on "CONFIG_DEBOUNCE_SEPARATE_TIMES": pointer to sigle value (minimal OFF time), or array of times
ticks - pointer to variable, which is periodicaly incremented
void debounce_init(DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR nl_debouce_time_t* inp_tim, uint_fast8_t num, const nl_debouce_time_t *dton, const nl_debouce_time_t *dtoff ,const nl_ticks_t* ticks)
debounce_state-> inp_times=inp_tim;
debounce_state-> inp_num=num;
debounce_state-> debounce_on_time=dton;
debounce_state-> debounce_off_time=dtoff;
debounce_state-> ticks=ticks;
debounce_state-> old_ticks=*ticks;
inp_tim[0]=__MAX_SIGNED(nl_debouce_time_t); //this is used later to evaluate first iteration after start
This is core function of the library
DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR - depending on "CONFIG_DEBOUNCE_WITH_HANDLE": nothing, or pointer to handle
act_inp_state - pointer to variable with actual state of all inputs (1 bit for each input)
debounced_inp_state - resulting state after filtering
return - 0=no change, 1=some input(s) are changed
uint_fast8_t debounce_proc(DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR const nl_inp_t* act_inp_state, nl_inp_t* debounced_inp_state)
uint_fast8_t i,change=0;
nl_inp_t mask=1;
nl_ticks_t tic_diff;
tic_diff=(nl_ticks_t) (*(debounce_state-> ticks) - debounce_state-> old_ticks);
debounce_state-> old_ticks = *(debounce_state-> ticks);
if ((debounce_state-> inp_times)[0] == __MAX_SIGNED(nl_debouce_time_t)) //evaluate, if it is a first iteration
for(i=0; i<debounce_state-> inp_num ;i++)
(debounce_state-> inp_times)[i]=0;
return 0;
for(i=0; i<debounce_state-> inp_num ;i++)
if ( *act_inp_state & mask) //actual state is ON
if ((debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] >= 0) //and last state was ON
if (((debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] + (nl_debouce_time_t) tic_diff) < debounce_state-> debounce_on_time[_debounce_times_idx_])
(debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] += (nl_debouce_time_t) tic_diff; //filter time not elapsed
{ //filter time elapsed
if (!( *debounced_inp_state & mask))
*debounced_inp_state |= mask;
else (debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] = 0;
else //actual state is OFF
if (debounce_state-> inp_times[i] < 0) //and last state was OFF
if ( (nl_debouce_time_t)(((debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] - (nl_debouce_time_t) tic_diff)) >= (-1*debounce_state-> debounce_off_time[_debounce_times_idx_]))
(debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] -= (nl_debouce_time_t) tic_diff; //filter time not elapsed
{ //filter time elapsed
if ( *debounced_inp_state & mask)
*debounced_inp_state &= ~mask;
else (debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] = -1;
mask=(nl_inp_t) mask<<1;
return change;
/**@file endianness.c
@brief Code to transmit 16-bit ADC samples in big or little-endian order
@author Stephen Friederichs
@date 5/12/13
ADC Channels:
0 - Accelerometer X axis (Vertical)
1 - Accelerometer Y axis (Horizontal)
2 - Accelerometer Z axis (Lateral)
3 - Accelerometer 0G detect (Freefall detect)
The heartbeat LED is on Port D, pin 7
/**@def F_CPU
@brief Clock frequency = 8MHZ - this is set by fuses and registers, not by this define
@note Always define this before including delay.h!
#define F_CPU 8000000
/**@include io.h
@brief Include for AVR I/O register definitions
#include <avr/io.h>
/**@include stdint.h
@brief Include for standard integer definitions (ie, uint8_t, int32_t, etc)
#include <stdint.h>
/**@include delay.h
@brief Include for delay functions such as _delay_ms() and _delay_us()
#include <util/delay.h>
/* Basic bit manipulation macros - everyone should use these. Please, steal these! Don't not use them and
don't rewrite them yourself!
#define SET(x,y) x |= (1 << y)
#define CLEAR(x,y) x &= ~(1<< y)
#define READ(x,y) ((0x00 == ((x & (1<<y))>> y))?0x00:0x01)
#define TOGGLE(x,y) (x ^= (1 << y))
int main(void)
//Variable to count the number of times the timer interrupt has fired
uint16_t ticks = 0;
uint16_t accel_data = 0;
uint8_t transmit_enable = 0x00;
uint8_t * uart_data_pointer = &accel_data;
/*Initialization Code*/
/* ATMega328 Datasheet Table 14-1 Pg 78
Configure PD7 for use as Heartbeat LED
Set as Output Low (initially)
SET(DDRD,7); //Direction: output
CLEAR(PORTD,7); //State: Lo
/* TCCR1A - ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.2 pg 134 - TCCR1A
No input capture used - bits 7:6 are 0
No waveform generation used - bits 4:3 are 0
Clock source select is bits 2:0 but are not yet set - wait until the
main loop is ready to start
TCCR1A = 0x00;
/* TCCR1C - ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.3 pg 135
This register is only used for output compare.
There's no output compare in this application so this can be all 0's
TCCR1C = 0x00;
Note: I've disabled the CKDIV8 fuse so that the clock source is 8MHz
As per ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.9.1 page 123, setting the timer
to Normal mode causes the counter to count up until it reaches 0xFFFF
at which point it will overrun and start back at 0. To configure this
timer/counter to produce a period of 1ms we need to start counting
at a value that causes it to reach 65535 in 1ms.
What is that value?
With a clock prescaler of 32 each count of the timer is roughly
(1/8MHz)*32 = 1uS
1ms / 1us /tick = 1000 ticks /ms
The counter counts up to 65536, so to determine what value we have to
start at we subtract 1000 from 65536:
65536-1000 = 64536
#define TIMER1_PERIOD 64536
//Configure ADC to read accelerometer data
//ATMega328 - Section 24.9.1 Pg 254 - ADMUX Register
/*ADC result - left-adjusted (Bit 5). The ADC result is 10-bits wide.
In practice, the least-significant 2 bits are often too noisy to be
of any use, so they are discarded. To support this, the ATMega328P is
capable of storing the upper eight bits of the ADC result in the
ADCH register alone. In this case, I want all 10 bits of the data
so I can show how to handle endianness in serial transmissions. As
a result, the most significant two bits are stored in ADCH and the least
significant 8 are stored in ADCL.
/*ADC Channel - I only care about one - the Y axis on the accelerometer
which is channel 1.*/
ADMUX = (0x01 << 6) /*Reference - AVCC - 5V. */
|(0x00 << 5) /* Right-adjust ADC result - refer to
Section pg 256*/
|(0x01 << 0); /*Channel set to X-Axis output on
/* ATMega328 Datasheet - Section 24.9.2 - ADCSRA - ADC Status
and Control Register
ADCEN - Bit 7 - Enable ADC - Obviously set this to 1
ADCSC - Bit 6 - Start Converstion - Not yet: 0
ADATE - Bit 5 - Auto-trigger ADC - I'll be manually triggering
the ADC, so 0
ADCIF - Bit 4 - ADC Interrupt Flag - Set when conversion
completes. Ignore.
ADCIE - Bit 3 - ADC Interrupt Enable - Everything will be polled
for this, so 0
ADPS - Bits 2:0 - ADC Prescaler
/*ATMega328 Section 24.4 Pg245 discusses what the prescaler should be set to:
By default, the successive approximation circuitry requires an input clock
frequency between 50kHz and 200kHz to get maximum resolution.
The ClkIO is 8MHz and the prescaler options are 2,4,8,16,32,64 and 128.
1MHz/8 = ~125KHz, so that seems good. That value is 3
ADCSRA = (0x01 << 7) //Enable ADC
|(0x03); //Set prescaler to 1/8 ClkIO - 125KHz
/* ATMega328 Datasheet Section 24.9.5 Pg 257 - DIDR0
This register allows digital input buffers on ADC pins to be
disabled. This saves power, so I'll do it
DIDR0 = 0x01; //Turn off digital filtering on ADC channel 0
//Configure UART for 38400 8N1 Tx Communication
//Step 1 - Baud rate
/* ATMega328 Datasheet Section 20.10 - Table 20-6 pg 192
Baud rate settings for fosc of 8MHZ
Choosing baud rate of 38.4K for minimum error
U2Xn = 0 - Use standard (not double) data rate
UBRRn = 12
UBRR0 = 12;
/* UCSR0A - UART 0 Control and Status Register A
ATMega328 Datasheet Section 20.11.2 pg 194
Bits 7:2 - Status bits
Bit 1 - Double UART transmission speed - No: 0
Bit 0 - Multi-Processor Communication Mode - No:0
UCSR0A = 0x00;
/* UCSR0B - UART 0 Control and Status Register B
ATMega328 Datasheet Section 20.11.3 pg
Bit 7 - Rx Complete Interrupt Enable - 0
Bit 6 - Tx Complete Interrupt Enable - 0
Bit 5 - USART Data Register Empty interrupt enable - 0
Bit 4 - Receiver Enable - Set to 1
Bit 3 - Transmitter Enable - Set to 1
Bit 2 - Character Size Bit 2 - Set to 0 for 8 bits
Bit 1 - 9th receive bit - Ignore
Bit 0 - 9th transmit bit - Ignore
UCSR0B = 0x00 | (1 << 3)
| (1 << 4);
/* UCSR0C - UART 0 Control and Status Register C
ATMega328 Datasheet Section 20.11.4 - Pg 196
Bits 7:6 - Set to asynchronous (clockless) mode: 00
Bits 5:4 - Parity setting - None : 00
Bit 3 - Stop select - 1 : 0
Bit 2:1 - Character size - 8 : 11
Bit 0 - Clock polarity: Don't care : 0
UCSR0C = 0x03 << 1;
//Send a known pattern upon startup to verify the UART works
UDR0 = 0xA5;
//Wait until transmit is complete
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
UDR0 = 0x5A;
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
UDR0 = 0xA5;
//Wait until transmit is complete
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
/* Flash the LED for a second to show that initialization has successfully
/* Start the timer/counter
ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.2 Pg 135 - TCCR1B
No Waveform generation: bits 4:3 = 0
No input capture: bits 7:6 = 0
Clock select: ClkIO/8 - bits 2:0 = 010b = 0x02
TCCR1B = 0x02; //This starts the counter/timer
/* Timer overflow - Reading the accelerometer at a 1KHz rate
and flash the heartbeat LED at a reasonable period as well
/* ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.9 pg137
Setting TIFR1 bit 1 clears the overflow flag
/* Reload the timer/counter count value to the
previous value so that the period remains the same
//Read accelerometer data via ADC
SET(ADCSRA,6); //Start ADC conversion
/* Wait until conversion finishes - this should never
be more than 25*(8000000/8)^-1 seconds, which is
about 25us. Typical measured time is ~14.5us
while(0x00 == READ(ADCSRA,4));
SET(ADCSRA,4); //Clear the interrupt flag by setting it to 1
//Clear acceleration data variable before loading new value
accel_data = 0;
/* When reading the full 10-bits from the ADC the
lower register must be read first
accel_data |= (uint16_t)ADCL;
//Then the upper 2 bits
accel_data |= (uint16_t)(ADCH << 8);
/* Transmission of data is toggled by transmitting a
'0' (0x30) byte over serial
if(0x01 == (READ(UCSR0A,7)))
if(0x30 == UDR0)
transmit_enable =
(0x00 == transmit_enable?0xFF:0x00);
if(0xFF == transmit_enable)
//Send high byte...
UDR0 = uart_data_pointer[1];
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
//...then low byte
UDR0 = uart_data_pointer[0];
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
//Send low byte...
UDR0 = uart_data_pointer[0];
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
//...then high byte
UDR0 = uart_data_pointer[1];
while(0x00 == READ(UCSR0A,6));
//Blink Heartbeat LED
The timer period is 1ms. To keep everything simple the LED will toggle
every 512 ticks - roughly every .5s.
//If true, the current ticks is a multiple of 512
//So blink the heartbeat LED
if(0x8000 == (ticks << 7))
//Main Loops
/**@file stack.h
@brief This header file contains the public types, variables and methods associated with the stack implementation in stack.c. None of the internal implementation details are exposed. This allows the implementation to vary while the public interface remains the same.
@author Stephen Friederichs
@date 4/28/13
@note This compiles in Cygwin using GCC 4.5.3
#ifndef __STACK_H__
#define __STACK_H__
/**@include stdint.h
@brief Include for standard integer definitions (ie, uint8_t, int32_t, etc)
#include <stdint.h>
/**@include stdlib.h
@brief Include stdlib for malloc and free definition
#include <stdlib.h>
/**@include stddef.h
@brief Include stddef.h for definition of size_t
#include <stddef.h>
/**@typedef stack
@brief Define the type for a stack handle
There are two fundamental aspects of data hiding in C used here.
The first is that you can define a type as a pointer to a struct WITHOUT
having defined the struct. The struct is defined in the source file alone
and no implementation details are exposed in the header file.
The second aspect of this typedef is that stack_t is defined as a
pointer to a const st_stack struct. Const correctness is tricky in C but
for this usage the stack_t type points to a constant struct - changes to the
struct are NOT ALLOWED when the stack_t type is used.
Is this tough security? No. This only ensures the compiler complains if
someone tries to dereference a stack_t type and mess with the data inside
(of course, they don't know what any of the data inside the struct IS due
to the fact it's hidden in the source file). An unscrupulous person could
cast to a void pointer and do whatever they want with it. Or edit the
header file to remove the const. And of course, if they have the source they
know exactly what's inside the struct and can do whatever they want.
Definitely read the Wikipedia article on const correctness to get this all
straight in your head:
typedef const struct st_stack * stack_t;
/**@typedef stack_element_t
@brief Define the type of the stack elements - bytes in this case
typedef uint8_t stack_element_t;
/**@fn stack_init
@brief Initializes the stack and returns a pointer to the stack struct
@param[in] size The number of elements that can be stored on the stack
@return A pointer to the stack or NULL if the initialization failed.
stack_t stack_init(size_t size);
/**@fn stack_push
@brief Push an element on to the stack
@param[in] stack A pointer to the stack to which we are pushing data
@param[in] element The data to push to the stack
@return Status of the call
@retval -1 The supplied pointer doesn't point to a stack
@retval -2 The stack is full
@retval 0 The call succeeded
int stack_push(stack_t stack, stack_element_t element);
/**@fn stack_pop
@brief Remove an element from the stack
@param[in] element Pointer to an element variable to hold the received data
@note The element argument is a const pointer to an element. This means that the function will not change the address of the pointer, but the value of the element can change (this is the entire point of the function call).
@return Status of the call
@retval -1 Call failed - not a valid stack
@retval -2 Call failed - stack empty
@retval 0 Call succeeded
int stack_pop(stack_element_t const * element);
/**@fn stack_destroy
@brief This stack no longer pleases me and I wish it gone. Or the program is exiting. Either way, free the memory associated with the stack.
@param[in] stack The stack which should no longer exist.
@return Status of the call
@retval -1 Call failed - not a valid stack
@retval 0 Call succeeded
int stack_destroy(stack_t stack);
/**@file stack.c
@brief This file implements a basic stack in C but uses C's scope system and typing to hide the internal implementation of the stack and only allow to publicly-advertised functions and variables. This stack implementation uses an array to hold the data and grows up.
@note Implementation 1
@author Stephen Friederichs
@date 4/20/13
/**@include stack.h
@brief stack.h contains all of the types and includeds that allow this stack implementation uses.
/* This file doesn't actually exist - it's all of the above definitions
To avoid errors, comment it out
//#include <stack.h>
@brief Value that the canary in the stack struct must be set to for the stack to be considered a value stack object
/**@struct st_stack
@brief Struct containing the internal variables for the stack implementation
struct st_stack
uint8_t canary; /**< A value that will be initialized to a specific value to show signify that the pointer points to a stack and that the stack is a valid stack object. This can't protect against any malicious intent but should at least serve as an indication that someone might have tried to modify the internals of the stack object itself*/
stack_element_t * array;/**< Pointer to the array where the stack data is stored*/
size_t head; /**< Index of the most recently added element in the stack*/
size_t size; /**< The maximum size of the stack*/
/**@fn _stack_valid
@brief Returns 1 if the stack object is valid
@param[in] stack Pointer to the stack
@return Validity of the object
@retval 1 Valid object
@retval 0 Invalid object
@note This function can only be called from within this file.
static int _stack_valid( stack_t stack)
return (STACK_CANARY_VALUE == stack->canary)?1:0;
/**@fn stack_init
See above
stack_t stack_init(size_t size)
struct st_stack * new_stack = malloc(sizeof(st_stack));
if(NULL == new_stack)
return NULL;
new_stack->array = malloc(sizeof(st_element)*size));
if(NULL == new_stack->array)
/* Allocation of the array failed, so free the memory associated with the stack
object before returning
return NULL;
new_stack->head = 0; /* This stack grows up so it starts at element 0*/
new_stack->size = size
new_stack->canary = STACK_CANARY_VALUE; /* Initialize the stack's canary
to the appropriate value*/
/* Return a pointer to the new stack object - appropriately cast
to the const type to avoid warnings
return (stack_t)new_stack;
/**@fn stack_push
See above
int stack_push(stack_t stack, stack_element_t element)
/* The passed pointer is a pointer to a const stack,
so generate a non-const pointer
st_stack * stack_pointer = (st_stack *)stack;
return -1; /* Object is not a stack*/
if(stack->head == (stack->size-1))
return -2; /* Stack is full*/
/* All checks passed, add element*/
stack_pointer->array[++head] = element;
return 0;
/**@fn stack_pop
See above
int stack_pop(stack_t stack, stack_element const * element)
stack_element popped_element;
/* The passed pointer is a pointer to a const stack,
so generate a non-const pointer
st_stack * stack_pointer = (st_stack*)stack;
return -1; /* Pointer doesn't point to a stack*/
/* Check to see if the stack is empty*/
if(0 == stack->head)
return -2; /* Stack is empty, cannot pop*/
*popped_element = stack->array[stack_pointer->head--];
return 0;
/**@fn stack_destroy
See above
int stack_destroy(stack_t stack)
/* The passed pointer is a pointer to a const stack,
so generate a non-const pointer
st_stack stack_pointer = (st_stack*)stack;
return -1; /* Signal failure - not a stack object*/
/* Clear the canary - if the pointer to this struct is reused after the
stack is destroyed, the canary will be invalid and the call wil fail
stack_pointer->canary = 0x00;
return 0;
/* Don't allow the use of the STACK_CANARY_VALUE outside of this vile*/
/**@file stack.c
@brief This file implements a basic stack in C but uses C's scope system and typing to hide the internal implementation of the stack and only allow to publicly-advertised functions and variables. This stack implementation uses an array to hold the data and grows down.
@note Implementation 2
@author Stephen Friederichs
@date 4/20/13
/**@include stack.h
@brief stack.h contains all of the types and includes that allow this stack implementation uses.
/* This file doesn't actually exist - it would if this weren't one huge file
So comment this out to ensure no compilation errors
//#include <stack.h>
@brief Value that the canary in the stack struct must be set to for the stack to be considered a value stack object
/**@struct st_stack
@brief Struct containing the internal variables for the stack implementation
struct st_stack
uint8_t canary; /**< A value that will be initialized to a specific value to show signify that the pointer points to a stack and that the stack is a valid stack object. This won't protect against any truly malicious intent but might indicate that someone tried to modify the internals of the object themselves.*/
stack_element_t * array; /**< Pointer to the array where the stack data is stored*/
size_t head; /**< Index of the most recently added element in the stack*/
size_t size; /**< The maximum size of the stack*/
/**@fn _stack_valid
@brief Returns 1 if the stack object is valid
@param[in] stack Pointer to the stack
@return Validity of the object
@retval 1 Valid object
@retval 0 Invalid object
@note This function can only be called from within this file.
static int _stack_valid( stack_t stack)
/* Ensure we don't try to dereference a NULL pointer
Obviously if the pointer is NULL it's not a valid stack
if(NULL == stack)
return 0;
return (STACK_CANARY_VALUE == stack->canary)?1:0;
/**@fn stack_init
See above
stack_t stack_init(size_t size)
struct st_stack * new_stack = malloc(sizeof(st_stack));
if(NULL == new_stack)
return NULL;
new_stack->array = malloc(sizeof(st_element)*size));
if(NULL == new_stack->array)
/* Allocation failed, so free the memory associated with the stack
object before returning
return NULL;
new_stack->head = size; /* This stack grows down so it starts at the
highest element*/
new_stack->size = size
new_stack->canary = STACK_CANARY_VALUE;
return (stack_t)new_stack;
/**@fn stack_push
See above
int stack_push(stack_t stack, stack_element_t element)
/* The passed pointer is a pointer to a const stack,
so generate a non-const pointer
st_stack * stack_pointer = (st_stack *)stack;
return -1; /* Object is not a stack*/
if(0 == stack->head)
return -2; /* Stack is full*/
/* All checks passed, add element*/
stack_pointer->array[--head] = element;
/* Return success*/
return 0;
/**@fn stack_pop
See above
int stack_pop(stack_t stack, stack_element const * element)
stack_element popped_element;
/* The passed pointer is a pointer to a const stack,
so generate a non-const pointer so we can modify
the head variable.
st_stack * stack_pointer = (st_stack *)stack;
return -1; /* Pointer doesn't point to a stack*/
/* Check to see if the stack is empty*/
if(stack->size == stack->head)
return -2; /* Stack is empty, cannot pop*/
*popped_element = stack->array[stack_pointer->head--];
/* Signal success*/
return 0;
/**@fn stack_destroy
See above
int stack_destroy(stack_t stack)
/* The passed pointer is a pointer to a const stack,
so generate a non-const pointer so the canary can
be cleared later
st_stack * stack_pointer = (st_stack *)stack;
return -1; /* Signal failure - not a stack object*/
/* Clear the canary - if the pointer to this struct is reused after the
stack is destroyed, the canary will be invalid and the call wil fail
stack_pointer->canary = 0x00;
/* Return success*/
return 0;
/* Don't allow the use of the STACK_CANARY_VALUE outside of this vile*/