
Dave Nadler (@DNadler)

Embedded hardware and software since 1978!

Do you use any 'official' standards covering sane EE practices?Such standards should include, for example:component derating (max voltage, current, power)transient...

Re: Learning FPGA

Reply posted 6 years ago (09/16/2018)
Hi Stephane - I'll try any address your questions in order... The learning curve is hugely dependent on past experience and training. If you are used to thinking...
Yup, got it...
MirceaC wrote "Sadly many RTOS are really barely implementing FAT in the most pathetic way, much less with wear leveling and reliable operations, very few of them...
Peter wrote "a file system cannot be "power-off safe", fast and efficient at the same time, when the HW is not designed properly."Sure it can, for example a journaling...
What are folks using for reliable file system on for example SST26VF064B 64Mbit SQI flash? Naive FAT will quickly wear out device for some uses; needs a wear-leveling...

Re: Bluetooth heart rate/blood pressure monitor.

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/08/2018)
These values can be reported via a standard Bluetooth profile; seehttps://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt Hope that's what you're looking for!


Reply posted 7 years ago (12/11/2017)
What *exactly* is the board you are trying to connect to?
Could you please elaborate on the first point?Also what is QwikTest()?Sure: In test-driven development, tests are coded as part of classes, including test data and...

Re: Help with reverse polarity(strange) SMA connector

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/23/2017)
You'll find RP in USA because of bizarre FCC rules contrary to the rest of the planet.My goto source for converters of all sorts is Pasternack:https://www.pasternack.com/nsearch.aspx?Category=A...Hope...
1) When ever possible, do NOT debug on embedded target.Algorithmic code is best developed and debugged on a host,then ported to the embedded target with embedded...
1) Do not EVER start coding, or modifying code until you...Write down EXACTLY how you are going to test this, AND set up the test.2) Write comments explaining the...

Re: Indexer doesn't run in eclipse IDE ?

Reply posted 8 years ago (06/20/2017)
Can't help you unless you show the entire preferences pane for the indexer...

Re: Indexer doesn't run in eclipse IDE ?

Reply posted 8 years ago (06/18/2017)
Are you sure indexer is enabled (the link shows how to do this)??

Re: AMD 188 understanding with EEPROM

Reply posted 8 years ago (06/17/2017)
The AMD188 is an obsolete processor, and not supported by modern tools.If you really need to use this processor, Paradigm Software providesC/C++ tools for AMD186/188...

Re: Indexer doesn't run in eclipse IDE ?

Reply posted 8 years ago (06/14/2017)
Did you try these steps?https://mcuoneclipse.com/2012/03/20/fixing-the-ecl...Hope that helps,Best Regards, Dave
Shouldn't they be high-Z when the transceiver is offline?Otherwise it would kill the CAN bus, right?Hence "what is the voltage" is not a meaningful question, right?Hope...

Re: GSM-GPS Combined module.

Reply posted 8 years ago (02/04/2017)
Careful what you spec for the communications piece - AT&T has discontinued GSM support in USA; other locales may have different timelines for shifting to different...

Re: LPC177x GPIO interrupt

Reply posted 8 years ago (10/05/2016)
IIRC, you need to do this to enable GPIO:  LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<6); // power on GPIO: Enable AHB clock to the GPIO domain.Hope that helps,Best...

Re: LPC177x GPIO interrupt

Reply posted 8 years ago (10/05/2016)
IIRC, you need to do this to enable GPIO:  LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<6); // power on GPIO: Enable AHB clock to the GPIO domain.Hope that helps,Best...

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