
VIGO is Cool

Kunal SinghOctober 10, 2007
WWIGO (pronounced as VIGO) enables a camera phone to be used as a webcam with PC (Desktop or Laptop). WWIGO (Webcam Wherever I GO) is the first product from Embedded System start up Motvik .

WWIGO is a software package which contains two software components. One component needs to be installed on your "Mobile Phone" and the second component needs to be installed on your "PC". The software running on Mobile streams the video data (available from camera) out. The software running on PC receives this data and feeds it to the softwares running on your PC. WWIGO uses bluetooth as the transmission medium. So, in order for this product to work, you require bluetooth support both on your PC and your phone.

This product idea is really impressive. There is no rocket science involved - it is just a simple streaming utility. But it is so useful.

WWIGO can be used with popular meeting softwares like Skype, Yahoo Messenger, and Windows Live messenger. Currently the WWIGO support is available only for Nokia Series 60. You can get beta version of WWIGO from this DOWNLOAD Link .

Motvik was founded by young embedded system professionals in year 2006.

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