2024 Embedded Online Conference's Schedule
Welcome to the 2024 Embedded Online Conference! Like with previous years, this year's event will be a mix of pre-recorded on-demand sessions and live Zoom sessions. We've carefully curated the schedule to ensure that you have access to a wealth of valuable content throughout the week.
Most talks will be released on-demand, while most workshops and keynotes will be done live on Zoom. There will also be multiple live 20-minute-long Q&A sessions happening throughout the week, providing you with the opportunity to engage with speakers and delve deeper into the topics being discussed.
Friday April 26 - Theatre Talks, Demos and Microtalks Head Start
To give you a head start on a very busy program, all Theatre Talks, Demos and Microtalks will be released on-demand on Friday morning (04/26), at 8:00 am EDT, a few days before the official start of the conference (04/29). This will give you the full weekend to watch as many sessions as you'd like and prepare to attend the Q&A sessions of interest on Monday.
- Bluetooth LE Audio Revolutionizes Wireless Audio presented by Colin Ramrattan
- Dive Deeper into NXP’s MCUXpresso Ecosystem and Discover new VS Code Extension Highlights and Application Code Hub for Seamless Development presented by Kyle Dando
- High Security RTOS presented by Ralph Moore
- Easy Embedded Security Integration with STSAFE and STM32CubeMX presented by John Tran
- MySQL as an Embedded Database presented by Nicolas De Rico
- Zephyr Tools To Debug Hardware presented by Chris Gammell
- Using Open-Source Build Tools in a Professional Environment presented by Christopher Seidl
- A Simple Embedded System in X Flavours presented by Tim Guite
- How to Leverage Dev Containers for Quick and Easy Zephyr OS Development Setup presented by Stefano Fiorentino
- Breaking Good: Why Virtual Hardware Prefers Rough Handling presented by Uri Shaked
- Beat the Supply Chain by Making your Own Chips! presented by Matt Venn
- emlearn - Machine Learning for Tiny Embedded Systems presented by Jon Nordby
- Debugging with OpenOCD presented by Aditya Om
- What's new in Bluetooth 5.4? presented by Abhijeet Srivastava
Monday, April 29th - Day 1
Monday, day one of the conference, will start at 10 am EDT with a LIVE Workshop presented by Massimo Panzica and Mena Roumbakis from ST Micro:
Followed at 1pm EDT by a combined LIVE Q&A session (both Q&A will be happening in the same Zoom session) with more ST engineers:
- Live Q&A - Easy Embedded Security Integration with STSAFE and STM32CubeMX
- Live Q&A - Bluetooth LE Audio Revolutionizes Wireless Audio
Followed at 2pm EDT by a LIVE Q&A session with Kyle Dando from NXP:
The day will end with the on-demand release at 5:00 pm EDT of the following sessions:
- Architecting for Safe Embedded Systems that Integrate Open Source Components presented by Kate Stewart
- MISRA C: A Focus on Writing Clear, Maintainable Code presented by Colin Walls
- Strategies for Developing Scalable Embedded Software for Microcontrolllers presented by Timothy Adu
- How to Win at 62304 presented by Alan Cohen
- The Ports-and-Adapters Architecture for Embedded HMIs presented by Burkhard Stubert
- Scaling Agile Development in Large-Scale Embedded Projects presented by Luca Ingianni
Tuesday, April 30th - Day 2
Tuesday will start with a few LIVE Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - Scaling Agile Development in Large-Scale Embedded Projects with Luca Ingianni
- Live Q&A - MISRA C: A Focus on Writing Clear, Maintainable Code with Colin Walls
- Live Q&A - The Ports-and-Adapters Architecture for Embedded HMIs with Burkhard Stubert
Followed at 10 am EDT by the second workshop of the conference that will be presented LIVE by Ben Saks:
Followed at 12:30 pm EDT by the first Keynote of the conference that will be presented by Jacob Beningo:
Followed by a few more Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - Strategies for Developing Scalable Embedded Software for Microcontrolllers with Timothy Adu
- Live Q&A - Architecting for Safe Embedded Systems that Integrate Open Source Components with Kate Stewart
- Live Q&A - How to Win at 62304 with Alan Cohen
The day will end with the on-demand release at 5:00 pm EDT of the following sessions
- Hands-on With CUDA-C on a Nvidia Jetson Nano GPU presented by Mohammed Billoo
- Hardening Linux for Embedded Systems presented by Aljoscha Lautenbach
- Rust for Embedded Developers: The Peripheral Access Crate presented by Jacob Beningo
- Power Management on Linux: From the Hardware to the Kernel and User Space Interfaces presented by Sergio Prado
- Build your Own Embedded Middleware presented by Andreas Jarosch
- Modern C++ in Embedded Development: Expressive Compile-Time Computation presented by Amar Mahmutbegovic
Wednesday, May 1st - Day 3
Wednesday will start at 9 am EDT with the following back to back Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - Hardening Linux for Embedded Systems with Aljoscha Lautenbach
- Live Q&A - Build your Own Embedded Middleware with Andreas Jarosch
Followed at 10 am EDT by a LIVE workshop with Andrew Eliasz:
Then, at 12:30 pm EDT, the Keynote of the day will be presented by the one and only Elecia White:
And followed by a few more Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - Rust for Embedded Developers: The Peripheral Access Crate with Jacob Beningo
- Live Q&A - Hands-on With CUDA-C on a Nvidia Jetson Nano GPU with Mohammed Billoo
- Live Q&A - Power Management on Linux: From the Hardware to the Kernel and User Space Interfaces with Sergio Prado
- Live Q&A - Modern C++ in Embedded Development: Expressive Compile-Time Computation with Amar Mahmutbegovic
At the end of the day at 5 pm EDT, a new group of on-demand talks will be released:
- Example of BDD Style TDD For Embedded System Software presented by Steve Branam
- The Power of a Look-up Table presented by Nathan Jones
- Beyond Coding: Toward Software Development Expertise presented by Marian Petre
- Mastering the Fine Art of the Hardware / Software / FPGA Boundaries presented by Glenn Kirilow
- SOLID Design for Embedded C presented by James Grenning
- Aggregating Data and Sensor Programming With The Arduino Nano 33BLE Sense Board presented by Dr. Don Wilcher
- Safety Critical System Design on ARM Cortex-M presented by Suraj Joseph
Thursday, May 2nd - Day 4
Thursday will start with the following Q&A Sessions:
- Live Q&A - Beyond Coding: Toward Software Development Expertise with Marian Petre
- Live Q&A - Safety Critical System Design on ARM Cortex-M with Suraj Joseph
- Live Q&A - Mastering the Fine Art of the Hardware / Software / FPGA Boundaries with Glenn Kirilow
Followed by this Workshop, at 10 am EDT, with Jacob Beningo:
Followed at 12:30 pm EDT by the highly anticipated keynote by Philip Koopman:
And a few more Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - Example of BDD Style TDD For Embedded System Software with Steve Branam
- Live Q&A - SOLID Design for Embedded C with James Grenning
- Live Q&A - The Power of a Look-up Table with Nathan Jones
- Live Q&A - Aggregating Data and Sensor Programming With The Arduino Nano 33BLE Sense Board with Dr. Don Wilcher
At the end of the day, at 5 pm EDT, the following group of talks will be made available to you:
- Zephyr RTOS in Action: Versatile Development for Embedded Software presented by Pedro Bertoleti
- Rust and C++ Inter-operability presented by Tobias Hunger
- Introduction to the Data Model Architecture for Embedded Systems presented by John Taylor
Friday, May 3rd - Day 5
The final, but not the least, day of the conference will start again with a few Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - Rust and C++ Inter-operability with Tobias Hunger
- Live Q&A - Zephyr RTOS in Action: Versatile Development for Embedded Software with Pedro Bertoleti
- Live Q&A - Introduction to the Data Model Architecture for Embedded Systems with John Taylor
Followed by a live workshop at 10 am EDT, presented by Peifang Zhou:
Followed by a keynote at 12:30 pm EDT, presented by non other than Jack Ganssle:
Although this guide is a good overview to better understand how the conference will unfold, we encourage you to consult the schedule on a daily basis and not fully rely on this guide OR your personal calendars as last-minute changes could happen.
We also strongly encourage you to add the sessions of interest to your Agenda (there are multiple ways to add a session to your agenda). This will help ensure that you don't miss out on any of the valuable content that will be available throughout the week.
Wishing you a very happy and insightful 2024 Embedded Online Conference,
Stephane & Jacob

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