Imagine Conference

Spread the Word and Run a Chance to Win a Bundle of Goodies from Embedded World

Stephane BoucherFebruary 21, 2019

Do you have a Twitter and/or Linkedin account?

If you do, please consider paying close attention for the next few days to the EmbeddedRelated Twitter account and to my personal Linkedin account (feel free to connect).  This is where I will be posting lots of updates about how the EmbeddedRelated.tv live streaming experience is going at Embedded World.

The most successful this live broadcasting experience will be, the better the chances that I will be able to do it more often and live-stream more great content for you in the future.

For every like, share or re-tweet you will choose to do, you will earn one extra chance to win a box of donations/goodies that I will accumulate from a bunch of generous vendors at the show.  So expect a box of possibly t-shirt(s), dev kits, gadgets and lots of pens. 

'Shares' & Re-Tweets will be particularity useful in spreading the word.  

Want to get your feet wet?  Check out these posts on Twitter and on Linkedin and please consider liking or sharing them:

Post on Linkedin

Post on Twitter

Again, for every like or share, your chances increase to win the bundle.  If you are a disciplined person and end up being really good at following my posts and taking actions, your chance to win will be high.

Thanks a lot for the help and good luck!

Imagine Conference

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