What to See at Embedded World 2023
Embedded World 2023 is just around the corner, and I am thrilled to be attending this year's edition in Nuremberg, Germany. The last time I was there was three years ago, and the world was on the cusp of a major pandemic. It was a surreal experience as many booths and exhibits were empty and cordoned off by security tape due to last-minute cancellations. It was clear that something big was happening.
But with more than 900 vendors exhibiting this year, I'm glad to see that Embedded World seems to have survived the pandemic. I can't wait to feel the buzz of the show again, catching up with old friends and making new ones.
If you're attending Embedded World next week, we've compiled a list of vendors you might want to check out:
Also, if you don't have plans on the first night of the show (Tuesday 03/14) and you're looking for something to do, you might want to consider reserving a table at Hausbrauerei Altstadthof (https://goo.gl/maps/nJTPyANsz93akHxg8) for 18:30 (local time). Jacob Beningo and I will be there with a few EOC speakers. Maybe you can ask for a table close to Stephane Boucher's? That could be fun.
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In the hope to see you there and wishing you a happy Embedded World 2023!

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