Imagine Conference

2022 Embedded Online Conference - Final Push!

Stephane BoucherApril 8, 2022

With the Embedded Online Conference only a couple of weeks away, we are now doing a final push to ensure that as many engineers as possible who could benefit from the conference are aware of it. 

If you'd like to help us spread the word, not only will you make our day, but you'll also earn a chance to win one of TWO Saleae Logic Pro 8.     

Prize: TWO Saleae Logic Pro 8
Raffle date: April 29
Value: $999
  • 8 Digital/Analog inputs (multi-use)
  • Decode SPI, I2C, and 20+ more
  • Digital sample rate up to 500 MS/s, Analog sample rate up to 50 MS/s
  • 10 Billion+ samples of digital, 500 Million+ samples of analog (uses PC memory, USB 3.0)
  • Cross platform - Mac, Windows, & Linux (Ubuntu)

How to help

In order to help us spread the word, all you need to do is post the following image on Linkedin or Twitter, before Friday, April the 22nd (any day from now to April the 22nd is good!).

Step 1: Right-click on the image and save it on your computer

Step 2: Create a post with this image on Linkedin and/or Twitter.  Make sure to complement the post with the #EOC2022 and the #embeddedsystems tags (on Linkedin), or with #EOC2022, #embeddedsystems AND @embeddedrelated (On Twitter).  

Here's an example on Linkedin:

And here's an example on Twitter:

From our side, it will be very easy to make a list of all posts with the tag #EOC2022, and then select 2 winners. If you end up posting on both platforms (Twitter & Linkedin), you'll double your chances to win.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post them down below.

Thank you very much and good luck!


Imagine Conference

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