Imagine Conference

MSP430 Microcontroller Basics

John H. Davies 2008

The MSP430 microcontroller family offers ultra-low power mixed signal, 16-bit architecture that is perfect for wireless low-power industrial and portable medical applications. This book begins with an overview of embedded systems and microcontrollers followed by a comprehensive in-depth look at the MSP430. The coverage included a tour of the microcontroller's architecture and functionality along with a review of the development environment. Start using the MSP430 armed with a complete...

Beginner's Guide To Embedded C Programming: Using The Pic Microcontroller And The Hitech Picc-Lite C Compiler

Chuck Hellebuyck 2008

The C language has been covered in many books but none as dedicated to the embedded microcontroller beginner as the Beginner's Guide to Embedded C Programming. Through his down to earth style of writing Chuck Hellebuyck delivers a step by step introduction to learning how to program microcontrollers with the C language. In addition he uses a powerful C compiler that the reader can download for free in a series of hands on projects with sample code so you can learn right along with him. For...

Making PIC Microcontroller Instruments and Controllers

Harprit Sandhu 2008

Essential Design Techniques From the Workbench of a Pro

Harness the power of the PIC microcontroller unit with practical, common-sense instruction from an engineering expert. Through eight real-world projects, clear illustrations, and detailed schematics, Making PIC Microcontroller Instruments and Controllers shows you, step-by-step, how to design and build versatile PIC-based devices. Configure all necessary hardware and software, read input voltages, work with control pulses, interface with...

Embedded C Coding Standard

Michael Barr 2008

Barr Group's Embedded C Coding Standard was developed from the ground up to minimize bugs in firmware, by focusing on practical rules that keep bugs out, while also improving the maintainability and portability of embedded software. The coding standard book details a set of guiding principles as well as specific naming conventions and other rules for the use of data types, functions, preprocessor macros, variables and much more. Individual rules that have been demonstrated to reduce or...

Operating System Concepts

Abraham Silberschatz 2008

Keep pace with the fast-developing world of operating systems. Open-source operating systems, virtual machines, and clustered computing are among the leading fields of operating systems and networking that are rapidly changing. With substantial revisions and organizational changes, Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne's "Operating System Concepts, Eighth Edition" remains as current and relevant as ever, helping you master the fundamental concepts of operating systems while preparing yourself for...

Microcontrollers: From Assembly Language to C Using the PIC24 Family

Robert B. Reese 2008

"Microcontrollers: From Assembly Language to C Using the PIC24 Family" provides an introduction to microprocessors and microcontrollers for either the student or hobbyist. It begins by discussing simple microprocessor architecture concepts, moves to assembly language programming in a C language context, then covers fundamental hardware interfacing topics such as parallel IO, asynchronous serial IO, synchronous serial I/O (I2C and SPI), interrupt-driven IO, timers, analog-to-digital...

Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C: Exploring the PIC32 (Embedded Technology)

Lucio Di Jasio 2008

*Just months after the introduction of the new generation of 32-bit PIC microcontrollers, a Microchip insider and acclaimed author takes you by hand at the exploration of the PIC32*Companion website includes source code in C and the Microchip MPLAB C32 compiler*Includes handy checklists to help readers perform the most common programming and debugging tasksThe new 32-bit microcontrollers bring the promise of more speed and more performance while offering an unprecedented level of...

Building Embedded Linux Systems

Karim Yaghmour 2008

There's a great deal of excitement surrounding the use of Linux in embedded systems -- for everything from cell phones to car ABS systems and water-filtration plants -- but not a lot of practical information. Building Embedded Linux Systems offers an in-depth, hard-core guide to putting together embedded systems based on Linux. Updated for the latest version of the Linux kernel, this new edition gives you the basics of building embedded Linux systems, along with the configuration, setup, and...

Microcontroller Theory and Applications: HC12 and S12 (2nd Edition)

Daniel J Pack 2007

This book provides readers with fundamental assembly language programming skills, an understanding of the functional hardware components of a microcontroller, and skills to interface a variety of external devices with microcontrollers. Chapter topics cover an introduction to the 68HC12, 68HC12 assembly language programming, advanced assembly programming, fuzzy logic, hardware configuration, exception—resets and interrupts, the 68HC12 clock module and standard timer module (TIM), the...

PIC Microcontrollers: Know It All

Lucio Di Jasio 2007

The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written over the past few years and creates a one-stop reference for engineers involved in markets from communications to embedded systems and everywhere in between. PIC design and development a natural fit for this reference series as it is one of the most popular microcontrollers in the world and we have several superbly authored books on the subject. This material ranges from the basics to more advanced topics. There is...

Imagine Conference