OS influence on power consumption
Power consumption of an embedded system may be influenced in software in general, but selection of an operating system can be key.
Graphical medicine
Although an appealing user interface is a good option for any device, in medical applications it can be a life saver.
What is “real time”?
The term “real time” is widely used nowadays. Although it is a technical term, it finds its way into quite normal conversation. I might be heard to say “I do not watch much real-time TV”, meaning that I use streaming services to watch what I want when I want. So, colloquially, real time means “immediate” or “occurring now”. How does this align with its precise meaning when we refer to a real time operating system, for example? …
Looking up “real-time system” in a rather...
Product quality: belief or proof?
Embedded software development is a challenging activity, so it is essential to have tools and IP that is of the best quality. However, assessing that quality can be, in itself, a challenge.
Small or fast?
Developers of software for desktop computers take code optimization for granted. Embedded developers typically need to pay much more attention to the details
Stand-by or boot-up
Many factors affect the usability of devices - a key one is how long it takes to start up.
Parlez vous Fortran?
A look at the variety of programming languages that are [or have been] used for embedded and some thoughts on the future possibilities.
Core competencies
Creating software from scratch is attractive, as the developer has total control. However, this is rarely economic or even possible with complex systems and tight deadlines.
A design non-methodology
Although writing an RTOS or kernel may be an interesting project, it is unlikely to be a wise course of action.
The volatile keyword
Although the C keyword volatile is very useful in embedded applications, care is needed to use it correctly and vigilance is required to ensure its correct implementation by compilers.
OS influence on power consumption
Power consumption of an embedded system may be influenced in software in general, but selection of an operating system can be key.
++i and i++ : what’s the difference?
Although the ++ and -- operators are well known, there are facets of their operation and implementation that are less familiar to many developers.
Assembly language is best - except when it isn’t
A look at why writing in C often produces more efficient code than hand-written assembly language.
What is “real time”?
The term “real time” is widely used nowadays. Although it is a technical term, it finds its way into quite normal conversation. I might be heard to say “I do not watch much real-time TV”, meaning that I use streaming services to watch what I want when I want. So, colloquially, real time means “immediate” or “occurring now”. How does this align with its precise meaning when we refer to a real time operating system, for example? …
Looking up “real-time system” in a rather...
Graphical medicine
Although an appealing user interface is a good option for any device, in medical applications it can be a life saver.
Stand-by or boot-up
Many factors affect the usability of devices - a key one is how long it takes to start up.
The volatile keyword
Although the C keyword volatile is very useful in embedded applications, care is needed to use it correctly and vigilance is required to ensure its correct implementation by compilers.
Small or fast?
Developers of software for desktop computers take code optimization for granted. Embedded developers typically need to pay much more attention to the details
Parlez vous Fortran?
A look at the variety of programming languages that are [or have been] used for embedded and some thoughts on the future possibilities.
++i and i++ : what’s the difference?
Although the ++ and -- operators are well known, there are facets of their operation and implementation that are less familiar to many developers.
The volatile keyword
Although the C keyword volatile is very useful in embedded applications, care is needed to use it correctly and vigilance is required to ensure its correct implementation by compilers.
Core competencies
Creating software from scratch is attractive, as the developer has total control. However, this is rarely economic or even possible with complex systems and tight deadlines.
What is “real time”?
The term “real time” is widely used nowadays. Although it is a technical term, it finds its way into quite normal conversation. I might be heard to say “I do not watch much real-time TV”, meaning that I use streaming services to watch what I want when I want. So, colloquially, real time means “immediate” or “occurring now”. How does this align with its precise meaning when we refer to a real time operating system, for example? …
Looking up “real-time system” in a rather...
More than just a pretty face - a good UI is essential
A user interface can make or break a device - determining its success in the marketplace. With careful design, the UI can make the product compelling and result in a high level of satisfaction from new and experienced users.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world
It is useful, in embedded software, to be able to specify values in binary. The C language lacks this facility. In this blog we look at how to fix that.
Assembly language is best - except when it isn’t
A look at why writing in C often produces more efficient code than hand-written assembly language.
Parlez vous Fortran?
A look at the variety of programming languages that are [or have been] used for embedded and some thoughts on the future possibilities.
Who needs source code?
Many developers feel that the supplying source code is essential for licensed software components. There are other perspectives, including the possibility of it being an actual disadvantage. Even the definition of source code has some vagueness.