
John Eaton (@jt_eaton)

Retired Asic designer from Hewlett Packard. Now consulting in design methods

Re: Block diagram software

Reply posted 4 years ago (04/08/2020)
There really isn't a good open source cad tool designed for the work that system architects do. Anybody want to help create one?

Re: Funny or Not Funny?

Reply posted 4 years ago (02/14/2020)
If you post "The sun will set in the west today" then you will offend at least three people.This post will upset at least a dozen.Back in the days of the old American...

Re: Greatest Conferences?

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/30/2017)
Yes ,We really need this. Traditional trade shows that are sales events are dying and a new user-user style event is beginning to form. We are seeing a lot of designers...

Re: Embedded Engineers Most Important and Useful Skills

Reply posted 7 years ago (10/25/2017)
I'll second that. System administration. Maintain your own linux system and keep it patched. Know how to download apps from github.com and compile them to run on...
Why don't you post your entire homework assignment and let us know where we should send after we fill it out?

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