

Power supply for router.

New thread started 7 years ago
Hi,        I am trying to power an AR9331 router using a power supply I have made. The AR9331 requires a 3.3V supply. My power supply takes 12V as input,...

Design methodology for circuit/pcb design.

New thread started 7 years ago
Hi all,            I have done a few embedded projects from the ideas stage, through schematic design/parts selection to pcb manufacture/debugging to the final...

A million UARTs....

New thread started 8 years ago
hello,Am currently using the RT5350F router. This has a limited number of UARTs. If any one knows of a router that has say more than 2 uarts that will be awesome.Also...

Re: Hardware encryption IC.

Reply posted 8 years ago (03/20/2017)
Thanks for the valuable suggestions. As far as I understand there are two options.A. Do the encryption in the microcontroller using either code only or code with...

Hardware encryption IC.

New thread started 8 years ago
Hi all,          Am currently doing some micro controller communication using PICs and investigating their software encryption libraries. Just wanted to know...

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