
Steve Wheeler (@Steve_Wheeler)

Came out of the Navy and started programming traffic light controllers in 6800 assembly. Since 1986, I've been working for the same company, programming in assembly, C, Basic, and Forth for everything from PIC12 to ARM7.

Re: Peripherals use (QSPI, Ethernet, SPI)

Reply posted 1 year ago (05/31/2023)
That's pretty much how it works. You do need to have the extra I/O pins that you can use that way, though. If you really don't have any extra I/O pins, it might...

Re: Peripherals use (QSPI, Ethernet, SPI)

Reply posted 1 year ago (05/30/2023)
You can expand the number of SPI peripherals you can address by multiplexing the chip selects, rather than using one I/O pin for each chip select, but that will...
Being retired now, I'm not in need of it. As I never worked with downloadable firmware, I don't know how appropriate or effective your approach is. However, I...
I agree that LCD contrast is a good thing to look into; it's an easy thing to get wrong.Other than that, it's been several years since I've written LCD code for...
You don't have to multiply or divide at all, if you can use the conversion value directly. If you're reading a joystick to get position on a screen, is a right-justified...
Put it this way: the right-justified value is an integer in the range 0-4095. If you're measuring a voltage that has a maximum value of 4.096 volts, you have 1 bit...
You certainly can; it's just a matter of what's more understandable under your specific set of circumstances. Say, for example, you were monitoring a battery...
@Dilberto is right. This is the key thing. For example, if you define a 32-bit integer to contain a 16-bit integer value in the upper 16 bits, and a fraction in...

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