
STEVEN BURCK (@SteveBurck)

Embedded RT programmer. Now Elbit employee, after 20 years as freelance developer and another 10 or so before that at various and sundry.

Re: Firmware vs Flash programming

Reply posted 4 months ago (04/10/2024)
Not entirely sure I understand the question, but as I understand things, "firmware programming" is programming the flash of a device with the contents of the firmware/software...

Re: Qualifying Crystal for MCU

Reply posted 11 months ago (08/17/2023)
ST even mention in their guide that usually not much attention is given to this.  But Espressif does give some guidelines here:https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/docu......

Re: Advice on Re-schooling?

Reply posted 2 years ago (03/03/2022)
While I was a freelancer (20 years mid-career until a few years ago), I used to order cheap demo boards of things which might be useful to customers, and practice...

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