Solder Dot (@Solderdot)
I guess, you are right when it comes to calculating the CRC anew - this will be different. However, this is about checking the CRC, and this can be done in two ways: 1)...
Hi Vincent,please have a look into the Wikipedia (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyklische_Redundanzp...) - in the German page there is a nice example how it works.In...
Not having dug into that specific datasheet the following may still be true.The internal architecture of the chip is such that when reading always a whole page is...
I was involved few times in the interviews of students applying for an internship. In my department we're doing only embedded software/firmware, not hardware, however...
I guess, there is no need to re-invent the wheel. Use a journaling file system instead of FAT. This will do the trick.
You could set-up a timer to periodically look into the variable and check for changes inside the timer ISR. But this should be done only to narrow down when, where...
So you are using a kind of message protocol, each message consisting of up to 48 bytes.Surely, inside that message there is some length information. So you can consider...
Hi,Proposal: Setup a periodic timer with about 10ms duration. Inside the ISR check the busy flag. If not busy write the character. If busy terminate the ISR. Once...
Please note that my code snippet is correct for standarc-C libraries. Maybe your 3rd party lib works differently. However, search your lib for services allowing...
If I get it right you wont to write the data binary, not human readable ASCII text. You can do that this way:FILE *write_ptr;write_ptr = fopen("test.bin","wb"); ...
Are you using a serial port for writing the 32 bits into the shift register(s) or do you directly program a discrete I/O pin for that task?In general it is not...
You want to write every piece of code for a given hardware. I assume, most of the code will be C and C++, doing everything in Assembly language is... possibly but...
Depending on what functionality the RTOS requires to do ThreadX may be a good alternative to Nucleus - it's basically a downstripped version of NucleusPlus, done...
As always: Before starting hands-on work it's always good to do a requirements analysis. Fingure out what needs to be done and then select the tools. FPGAs are just...
Besides the timer there is some flaw in your application. You check the status of the variables SEAT and BELT in your while(1) loop, however those are updated exactly...
In general you can (ab)use a normal RS485 transceiver as CAN transceiver, however this may be considered as a hack. Since CAN does not specify the actual physical...
You may use the CAN bus protocol. It's rather complex but designed for supporting event-driven applications. The physical layer of CAN is open - so you could use...
Re: Is it reliable to use a macro to change the value of a global variable to be more readable in C?
Many answers have been posted so far. I guess the summarized answer to your question is: Yes, you can do that, and it is safe if you do it the correct way.I agree...
You can go for FileX and LevelX. FileX will provide a FAT compatible file system (supporting anything from FAT12 to EXFAT) and LevelX will provide the wear leveling...
If you're using an RTOS with "real" threads (not just state machines as described earlier) you can go for a kind of mixed approach. Threads will cooperatively suspend...
Monitoring stack usage via magic words was already mentioned. Instead of checking for overflows on the lowest prio thread this should be done on the thread with...
The most important thing with sensors is: Know your application.You can spend zillions of dollars for the most sophisticated and fanciest sensors out there but it...
In the past 15 years I worked in telecom industry, doing firmware for modem chips (yes, the other end of the AT command). Those projects are surprisingly large -...
Talking about caches it should not be forgotten that those memories are fast not only because they are operated at the tremendously high core frequency but also...
Some comments on CustomSarge's post.
When doing your custom die ROM has a big size advantage over RAM. Less area consumed for the same memory size means less...
So what features are there to distinguish compilers?
You can check for optimization capabilities: Speed or space. But is this really required? Most microcontrollers...
With complexity of projects and the number of developers being involved the need to use a configuration management system becomes more and more apparent. I'd like...
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