Debanjan Datta (@DebD)
Strangely enough my IDE doesn't recognize "TRUE", which is why I had to write "! = FALSE"I've forgotten to call the ADC setup function inside the main(). Which...
I implemented the ADC part following the pseudo code. Could you please check if I'm on the right track!#include "STM8S.h"
uint8_t x = 0;
uint8_t H1 = 0;
Few questions...1. ADC_state = IDLE/ACTIVE. Has this got something to do with reading the status of some ADC register bit in C code? If not, what then?2. "//existing...
Thanks... a pseudo code was exactly what I was looking for. I'll try to implement this! Thanks again for suggesting the ternary operator to read the Hall States... I...
Hi! I'm back with another doubt... So right now I'm in a position to run the motor at discrete fixed speeds by changing the PWM duty cycle manually inside my code...
Hi! I'm back after a couple of months of untiring efforts. Glad to say I've been able to run the BLDC using the STMicroelectronics 8 bit microcontroller :) Here's...
Sorry about the image quality of the schematic. I'm attaching the pdf of the board's user guide. Please scroll to page 15, to view the schematicen.CD00250600DISCOVERYBOARDDATASHEET.pdfScreenshot...
Yes I'm using an Eval board. I'm attaching the image of the board schematics. I'm having issues with TIM1 CH1 and TIM1 CH3 pins, which are Port C pins 1 and 3 of...
Hello! I'm learning to code an STMicroelectronics 8 bit micro-controller. I want to control a BLDC motor with this MCU for electric vehicle application. I'm using...
So let me get this straight... There's no need for a reference speed in open loop operation right? I'll have to make arrangements in software so that a variable...
Above is a block diag. of what I'm supposed to do with my motor as the first task.I've got a few questions regarding this :-- How to obtain duty cycle from speed?...
I tried the exact same exercise that you've mentioned, yesterday. I've also identified the H1, H2 and H3 correctly by the phase shift in their waveforms.(It's come...
When this table of mine is rearranged as per the hall sequence given in ti's table get the ++z--z etc sequences...
I was able to draw up a Hall Pattern vs Switching State table by observing the l-n generated vlgs. and hall patterns on scope (approximations involved ofcourse) Quite...
Hi could you please check if I'm thinking correctly here- In one
complete rotor rotation, there'll be 4 electrical cycles (8 pole motor)
i.e. there should be 4...
Can I know the source from where you've got these plots? Actually I found a commutation table on this website
Thank You once again! This back-emf "Y" resistor method that you mentioned of (in an earlier comment as well, which I carelessly skipped) just caught my attention....
Hi! I'm back again after a day and a half of futile efforts...I tried to perform the test given in the ti discussion
Okay... after going through the following page I think I've understood what I need to do.
Hello! It's me again with another naive doubt. I have a BLDC motor and I need to power it using a 3phase bridge inverter. I plan to use 6 step commutation scheme....
Thank You all for the responses. Sorry I was busy attending to my sister who fell sick all of a sudden and needed to be hospitalized. matthewbarr and mr_bandit's...
Thank You all for the overwhelming amount of response within a day! Coming to matthewbarr's comment I'm enlisting the info. you asked for Sir(pardon me if it's...
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