New Embedded Online Conference website, need your help testing it.

Together with my friend Jacob Beningo, we have been working hard lately on putting together a platform to hold online conferences:
Before we start promoting at large the launch of the platform later this week, I would greatly appreciate your help in helping root out any problem with the website and especially with the registration system.
Your feedback on how well the platform presents the concept of an online conference would certainly be appreciated as well.
If you do register to help me test the system but don't really want to attend the event, just let me know and I'll delete your registration.
Thanks a lot
p.s. you may also contact me privately if for some reasons you don't want to reply in this thread.

When I sighed up for the conference, I filled out the form down until the checkbox where I would agree to the privacy policy. I clicked on the link to check out the privacy policy. When I hit the back arrow, the form was only filled out as far as Job Title, and I had to re-enter country, state and passwords. I can see having to re-enter the passwords, but you should keep the rest of the information.
Best wishes,

Great catch, will fix it right now. Thanks very much.

If clicked, The privacy stuff stuff should pop-up in its own window so it can be dismissed without loosing any other info.

Yes, makes sense. This is what it should do now.

Registration was quick and easy. The privacy notice problem mentioned by others has been fixed.
After I registered I clicked the "How it Works" link at the bottom of the page and got a "page not found".

Thank you Roger for your feedback and great catch. I have fixed the "How it Works" link.

Just registered--no problems at all.
Also passed the info to a hardware guy I work with--this is really good stuff!

Thanks David!

Great catch, thanks a lot. Fixed.

No problems for the site, and I thought the copywriting was solid as well. Looking forward to it!

My mother asked me to tell you that you have a tremendous line-up of presenters, and she urges everyone to attend the talk by her first born son LOL

And people would be well advised to listen to your mother.

That's something else she says LOL