
Launchpad with IAR Workbench?

Started by Mikey January 15, 2011
I have been using IAR Workbench Kickstart with the TI USB EZ430 debugger/programmer with the tiny thumbnail board.

I got a Launchpad and haven't figured out how to use the same IAR Workbench with Launchpad. The PC sees the Launchpad as a Human device on COM4. I can't run hadware debug or download a program?

Most examples use TI's IDE and Debug (CCS). It seems more complicated than the IAR? Am I just missing some settings in IAR for the Launchpad?

Thanks for any Help!


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

You may have an older version of Kickstart that predates Launchpad. I use the a version from TI web site called slac050z.zip. It works fine for me.

You are right about CCS. It is much bigger and more complex. I do not know how to use it. My computer does not have enough memory to run it. And my dial-up ISP cannot download it in my lifetime (I am 75). Why do I need such a big thing for my little Lanchpad?

I still sleep with the devil I knew.

--- In m..., "Mikey" wrote:
> I have been using IAR Workbench Kickstart with the TI USB EZ430 debugger/programmer with the tiny thumbnail board.
> I got a Launchpad and haven't figured out how to use the same IAR Workbench with Launchpad. The PC sees the Launchpad as a Human device on COM4. I can't run hadware debug or download a program?
> Most examples use TI's IDE and Debug (CCS). It seems more complicated than the IAR? Am I just missing some settings in IAR for the Launchpad?
> Thanks for any Help!
> Mike

probably just a driver problem.
"Unfortunately, TI no longer supplies the drivers as a standalone set of files on the TI USB FET"

--- On Sat, 1/15/11, Mikey wrote:

From: Mikey
Subject: [msp430] Launchpad with IAR Workbench?
To: m...
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 4:01 AM


I have been using IAR Workbench Kickstart with the TI USB EZ430 debugger/programmer with the tiny thumbnail board.

I got a Launchpad and haven't figured out how to use the same IAR Workbench with Launchpad. The PC sees the Launchpad as a Human device on COM4. I can't run hadware debug or download a program?

Most examples use TI's IDE and Debug (CCS). It seems more complicated than the IAR? Am I just missing some settings in IAR for the Launchpad?

Thanks for any Help!


I found in Options Setup Alt-F7 the "Debugger" was set to Simulator, BUT was fooled by the choice below that FET was set correctly.

So far, my computer running XP sees the Launchpad every time.
I have had lots of USB problems with recognizing the device lately.

Working on trying to get a timer interrupt working now.
In debug, it never comes out of the interrupt routine.
A simple RETURN did not work either. Need something like an reti but in C?

Thanks for the help

--- In m..., avram ionut wrote:
> probably just a driver problem.
> "Unfortunately, TI no longer supplies the drivers as a standalone set of files on the TI USB FET"
> avram
> --- On Sat, 1/15/11, Mikey wrote:
> From: Mikey
> Subject: [msp430] Launchpad with IAR Workbench?
> To: m...
> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 4:01 AM
> I have been using IAR Workbench Kickstart with the TI USB EZ430 debugger/programmer with the tiny thumbnail board.
> I got a Launchpad and haven't figured out how to use the same IAR Workbench with Launchpad. The PC sees the Launchpad as a Human device on COM4. I can't run hadware debug or download a program?
> Most examples use TI's IDE and Debug (CCS). It seems more complicated than the IAR? Am I just missing some settings in IAR for the Launchpad?
> Thanks for any Help!
> Mike

1. be sure you clear the conditions that generate the interrupt
2. in debug you step at a very slow speed but the peripherals work on xCLK so it is possible that the timer expires long before you pass to the next instruction

just my 2 cents ....

--- On Sat, 1/15/11, Mikey wrote:

From: Mikey
Subject: [msp430] Re: Launchpad with IAR Workbench?
To: m...
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 11:41 PM


I found in Options Setup Alt-F7 the "Debugger" was set to Simulator, BUT was fooled by the choice below that FET was set correctly.

So far, my computer running XP sees the Launchpad every time.

I have had lots of USB problems with recognizing the device lately.

Working on trying to get a timer interrupt working now.

In debug, it never comes out of the interrupt routine.

A simple RETURN did not work either. Need something like an reti but in C?

Thanks for the help


--- In m..., avram ionut wrote:


> probably just a driver problem.

> "Unfortunately, TI no longer supplies the drivers as a standalone set of files on the TI USB FET"


> avram



> --- On Sat, 1/15/11, Mikey wrote:


> From: Mikey

> Subject: [msp430] Launchpad with IAR Workbench?

> To: m...

> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 4:01 AM


















> I have been using IAR Workbench Kickstart with the TI USB EZ430 debugger/programmer with the tiny thumbnail board.




> I got a Launchpad and haven't figured out how to use the same IAR Workbench with Launchpad. The PC sees the Launchpad as a Human device on COM4. I can't run hadware debug or download a program?




> Most examples use TI's IDE and Debug (CCS). It seems more complicated than the IAR? Am I just missing some settings in IAR for the Launchpad?




> Thanks for any Help!




> Mike




























On 1/16/2011 1:55 AM, avram ionut wrote:
> 1. be sure you clear the conditions that generate the interrupt
> 2. in debug you step at a very slow speed but the peripherals work on
> xCLK so it is possible that the timer expires long before you pass to
> the next instruction
> just my 2 cents ....
> avram
Thanks for the help on the interrupt. If got it to work (Lucky). The
Launch pad is flashing red led in a delay loop and a green led when
interrupt hits! Wow! TIMERA was changed to TIMERA1 to get the vector
from timer A ?
TIMERA did not work. I did see in the debug window the FLAG for TImer
going off. I am supprised the debugger works this good for interrupts!

> // Timer A0 interrupt service routine
> #pragma vector=TIMERA1_VECTOR //changed this from TIMERA_VECTOR to
> __interrupt void Timer_A (void)
> {
> noop; //my nop #define I use for debugging, it is just a nop.
> P1OUT ^= BIT6; // Toggle P1.6 using exclusive-OR
> ticks++;
> // return;

I am using the timer. The data sheet is confusing, but states there are
2 vectors.
I am not much good at C, but changed the vector in the pragma statement
from an example(not knowing) and got into
the interrupt. Then as you suggested, could not get out until I cleared
the timer flag.

I am lucky! Wish I understood the other vector? I am only using
timer timeout not the captures stuff.

I am used to Pics and Asm. The TI description of the timer vectors and
flags are a little vague to me?
I have a lot to go to make anything go in C!

I will stop on this thread, I have stretched its title!
