Imagine Conference

Debugger/Emulator for LPC21XX

Started by mli00 January 16, 2004

Does anyone try out the GDB/Insight6.0 + OCDLibRemote + Wiggler JTAG
combination? Does it really work (especially with Insight 6.0)?

Can the GNU tool chain + OCDLibRemote + Wiggler JTAG be claimed as a
free tool chain for LPC21XX?

What is the next cheapest tool chain for LPC21XX? Rowley's CrossWorks?


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series


Does anyone try out the Insight6.0 + OcdLibRemote + WigglerJTAG
combination? Does it really worked?

Can anyone tell me if GNU tool chain + Insight can be claimed as a
"free and working" tool chain for LPC21XX?

What is the next cheapest tool chain for LPC21XX? Rowley's CrossWorks?

I need these answers as part of my consideration for using LPC21XX for
future projects.


At 05:35 PM 1/16/04 +0000, you wrote:
>Does anyone try out the GDB/Insight6.0 + OCDLibRemote + Wiggler JTAG
>combination? Does it really work (especially with Insight 6.0)?
>Can the GNU tool chain + OCDLibRemote + Wiggler JTAG be claimed as a
>free tool chain for LPC21XX?

I haven't tried 6.0, I'm using 5.2.1. It works after a fashion. The
biggest problem is that it wants to set the breakpoint using the brkpt
instruction rather than using the built-in breakpoint support. That means
that only single stepping in assembly works. I suspect that support needs
to be added to OCDLibRemote but I don't know the division of
responsibilities amoung the various pieces. Single stepping in assembly is
a start but it doesn't qualify as a complete solution.

BTW if anyone knows of a way to make that work, I'd much appreciate it.

" 'Freedom' has no meaning of itself. There are always restrictions,
be they legal, genetic, or physical. If you don't believe me, try to
chew a radio signal. "

Kelvin Throop, III

Imagine Conference