
RTOS....freeRTOS or Rowley's?

Started by Gus February 4, 2005


How does Rowley's tasking library compare to FreeRTOS? Spee? foot

I am about to start a project and not sure whitch one is better!

Any thoughts from Rowley's people?


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

Hi Gus,

Here are speed/footprint numbers of CTL for an LPC21xx running at
60Mhz with MAM enabled.

Premptive task schedule - i.e. time to reschedule a higher priority
task after an ISR has executed.
ARM 4,468 bytes 7.48 uSecs
THUMB 3,124 bytes 8.24 uSecs

Co-operative task schedule - i.e. time to reschedule a higher priority
task due an API call from a task e.g. a semaphore signal.
ARM 3,984 bytes 5.38 uSecs
THUMB 2,848 bytes 5.44 uSecs

So you're looking at 3K/4K of code overhead.

A task stack will require at least 34 words (136 bytes) - which is a
number I hope to reduce somehow/sometime this year.


> Hello,
> How does Rowley's tasking library compare to FreeRTOS? Spee? foot
> print?
> I am about to start a project and not sure whitch one is better!
> Any thoughts from Rowley's people?
> Gus