Imagine Conference

LPC213x - new RTC wake from power down?

Started by dave_albert December 15, 2004

Will the new real-time-clock in the LPC213x be able to wake the CPU
from power down mode? I hope this is the case since it has external
power and an external crystal...otherwise, the 2130 will continue to
be a poor candidate for power-down operation as it will require an
expensive external RTC making other ARM7s a better choice for
low-power applications requiring periodic wakeup.

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

Hello Dave,

yes, the RTC on LPC213x microcontroller will be able to wake up the
part from power down mode. A bit in Interrupt Wakeup Register is
added that enables this feature.


Philips_apps --- In , "dave_albert" <david_albert@h...>
> Will the new real-time-clock in the LPC213x be able to wake the CPU
> from power down mode? I hope this is the case since it has
> power and an external crystal...otherwise, the 2130 will continue
> be a poor candidate for power-down operation as it will require an
> expensive external RTC making other ARM7s a better choice for
> low-power applications requiring periodic wakeup.

I almost forgot, the AT91M55800A even has pins on the RTC to allow it
to control a power supply enable pin to turn the power on and off to
the rest of the board including this CPU! They were using their
noodle on this one.

Go Philips!!!!


--- In , "philips_apps" <philips_apps@y...> wrote:
> Hello Dave,
> yes, the RTC on LPC213x microcontroller will be able to wake up the
> part from power down mode. A bit in Interrupt Wakeup Register is
> added that enables this feature.
> Regards,
> Philips_apps > --- In , "dave_albert" <david_albert@h...>
> wrote:
> >
> > Will the new real-time-clock in the LPC213x be able to wake the CPU
> > from power down mode? I hope this is the case since it has
> external
> > power and an external crystal...otherwise, the 2130 will continue
> to
> > be a poor candidate for power-down operation as it will require an
> > expensive external RTC making other ARM7s a better choice for
> > low-power applications requiring periodic wakeup.

Yes, but it is big and BGA and $$$s

--- In , "Rick Collins" <OKI-ARM-mcus@a...> wrote:
> I almost forgot, the AT91M55800A even has pins on the RTC to allow it
> to control a power supply enable pin to turn the power on and off to
> the rest of the board including this CPU! They were using their
> noodle on this one.

--- In , "philips_apps" <philips_apps@y...>
> Hello Dave,
> yes, the RTC on LPC213x microcontroller will be able to wake up the
> part from power down mode. A bit in Interrupt Wakeup Register is
> added that enables this feature.

I took a look at the data sheet and it appears that this part also has
a separate power supply for the RTC from the rest of the chip. This
is *very* interesting. The data sheet does not have a value or even a
label for the Ibat current. Is there any sort of a number for this?
Will it be comparable to the RTC chips of <2 uA?

Also, I have seen MCUs (not Philips) that are rated for industrial
temps, but can not be stored above 85C due to the Flash losing its
data. Is this a consideration for the LPC213x? Or can it be stored
with power removed up to the spec value of 125C without speeding the
loss of data in flash?

Finally, where can I get price and delivery on these parts? They
don't seem to be available anywhere yet. Is this a viable part for a
new design going to board layout in the next month or so?

Imagine Conference