
Need help to identify the reason of a sys_exit () call

Started by Unknown September 30, 2008

Can anyone here help to identify the cause of a sys_exit() function call by the RTOS?

My device uses a LPC2366 ARM. The IDE is the RV3 MDK 3.22a, RTOS is RL-ARM
Real-Time Library Version V3.22a

The call stack is:

Callee caller
000: \Retarget\_sys_exit 0x000282BE
001: 0x000282BE 0x0002861E
002: 0x0002861E 0X000284FE
003: 0x000284FE 0x000282BE

0x000282B4 B510 PUSH {R4,LR}
0x000282B6 2800 CMP R0,#tmr1(0x00)
0x000282B8 D001 BEQ 0x000282BE
0x000282BA F000 BL $Ven$TA$S$$_sys_exit(0x00029050) - Part #1
0x000282BC FEC9 BL $Ven$TA$S$$_sys_exit(0x00029050) - Part #2
0x000282BE BC10 POP {R4}
0x000282C0 BC08 POP {R3}
0x000282C2 4718 BX R3

0x00028614 B510 PUSH {R4,LR}
0x00028616 F000 BL __rt_SIGABRT_inner(0x0002866C) - Part #1
0x00028618 F829 BL __rt_SIGABRT_inner(0x0002866C) - Part #2
0x0002861A F7FF BL __sig_exit(0x000282B4) - Part #1
0x0002861C FE4B BL __sig_exit(0x000282B4) - Part #2
0x0002861E BC10 POP {R4}
0x00028620 BC08 POP {R3}
0x00028622 4718 BX R3

0x000284F8 2000 MOV R0,#tmr1(0x00)
0x000284FA F000 BL __rt_SIGABRT(0x00028614) - Part #1
0x000284FC F88B BL __rt_SIGABRT(0x00028614) - Part #2
0x000284FE F7FF BL __rt_lib_shutdown(0x000283DC) - Part #1
0x00028500 FF6D BL __rt_lib_shutdown(0x000283DC) - Part #2
0x00028502 2001 MOV R0,#0x01
0x00028504 F000 BL $Ven$TA$S$$_sys_exit(0x00029050) - Part #1
0x00028506 FDA4 BL $Ven$TA$S$$_sys_exit(0x00029050) - Part #2

0x000282B4 B510 PUSH {R4,LR}
0x000282B6 2800 CMP R0,#tmr1(0x00)
0x000282B8 D001 BEQ 0x000282BE
0x000282BA F000 BL $Ven$TA$S$$_sys_exit(0x00029050) - Part #1
0x000282BC FEC9 BL $Ven$TA$S$$_sys_exit(0x00029050) - Part #2
0x000282BE BC10 POP {R4}
0x000282C0 BC08 POP {R3}
0x000282C2 4718 BX R3

Thanks in advance,


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series