
LPC2468 debugging with Macraigor usb2Demon

Started by stevelenz2008 July 22, 2008
I'm trying to get a system up and running using the Embedded Artists
LPC2468 development board with a Macraigor usb2Demon using the GNU
toolchain and Eclipse.

Macraigor does not have any sample code for the board. I have gotten
it to work on an Atmel AT91M55800 board and tried modifying that
GBDINIT file to use on the LPC2468.

The initial problem is starting up the Macraigor OCDRemote which
provides the IP port (8888) for GDB to connect to. It rarely connects
and usually returns a "OCDemon InitializeTarget Error : Not in
Background", "OCDemon InitializeTarget Error : Target Bus Error"
or "OCDemon InitializeTarget Error : Cable Disconnected" error message.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 12:56 PM, stevelenz2008

> I'm trying to get a system up and running using the Embedded Artists
> LPC2468 development board with a Macraigor usb2Demon using the GNU
> toolchain and Eclipse.
> Macraigor does not have any sample code for the board. I have gotten
> it to work on an Atmel AT91M55800 board and tried modifying that
> GBDINIT file to use on the LPC2468.
> The initial problem is starting up the Macraigor OCDRemote which
> provides the IP port (8888) for GDB to connect to. It rarely connects
> and usually returns a "OCDemon InitializeTarget Error : Not in
> Background", "OCDemon InitializeTarget Error : Target Bus Error"
> or "OCDemon InitializeTarget Error : Cable Disconnected" error message.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Have you tried slower speeds? My targets usually require me to use --speed 4
or higher (Higher speeds mean slower).

Bryce Schober

Yes, I finally got it to work with -S 4.

I have downloaded code into the on-chip ram and have successfully run
GDB within Eclipse to source level debug.

Next I need to find a way to load the .elf file into the on-chip
flash and then expand to loading the .elf file into off-chip flash.
Probably a subject for another thread.
